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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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I only recently saw The Hidden for the first time.  Certainly a gem.  As are the other two films.  Been a long time since I watched Alien Nation.  I might give it a watch tomorrow.


Alien Nation

It was indeed worth a rewatch.  It's a pretty standard buddy cop film, just with an interesting conceit.  It doesn't really do a whole lot with it.  I guess that's why it doesn't wow me.  It does have charm.  The juxtaposition between being generic, having an interesting sci-fi premise and being made well.  I have no real complaints.



Rereleased for its 50th anniversary with a new 4K remaster, its remains one of the great bitty revenge thrillers and a kino entry in the northern cinema canon. Delightfully grotty, grim, and miserable.


I got a big kick out of this. Its shite, not in a 'oh, this is actually competent monster fare' like the two Venom movies are (which I still maintain are the best cape movies of the last decade) but in a genuine belly busting trash way. Incompetent in almost every way (save for Matt Smith, who clearly knows its rubbish and is just having fun playing a camp vamp) and kind of endearing for it. Will never watch it again but can appreciate why its developing a cult status among trash hounds.


Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 03 June, 2022, 12:22:03 PM

I got a big kick out of this. Its shite, not in a 'oh, this is actually competent monster fare' like the two Venom movies are (which I still maintain are the best cape movies of the last decade) but in a genuine belly busting trash way. Incompetent in almost every way (save for Matt Smith, who clearly knows its rubbish and is just having fun playing a camp vamp) and kind of endearing for it. Will never watch it again but can appreciate why its developing a cult status among trash hounds.

I'm still in two minds about watching Morbius.  I'm not keen on another Suicide Squad (first one) experience where it's pretty much wall to wall incompetence.  On the other hand I'm OK with dumb fun. 

Colin YNWA


Deserves all caps. What a thing this film is. Its exhausting as its fantastic. Its chops and cuts in a whirl of energy, just allowing you to hang on, which given its themes is entirely appriopriate. There are moments of quite brilliant calm in there, as two rocks discuss their dilemma transfered to a dimension where life never started. Yes its does that and more. Its simply drives you along most the time however, never normally letting you stop.

Its also hilarious, I mean laugh out loud funny, as its is exilerating. It plays with your emotions at times of high, intense, teary drama it reminds you its all fun and nonsense... fun and nonsense that says so much. And of wow it does crazy imagination like nothing else.

My son watch Infinity War the other day and I found it a horrible blur of stuff and then stuff and then fight and then more stuff and another fight. It was exhausting, up not worth the energy. This the same, except its a beautiful blur that fills you with energy. If you've not seen it do.

Funt Solo

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Tricky third act. I think it's very good and deserves plaudits for all sorts of things - but the spectacle does get too much eventually. Like, the hot dog gag - eventually you just figure they had a lot of footage they wanted to use up. I don't think I'd ever volunteer to watch it again, but I'm glad I watched it.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Top Gun: Maverick. If you're going to do an unnecessary sequel, then this is the way. The new characters work (particularly Jennifer Connelly's) and the action sequences are stunningly filmed. Nostalgic references to the original hit their mark, but it still works for those who aren't familiar with it.

I won't go into the film's glorification of the US military because, if you're going to see a Top Gun film, you shouldn't be surprised.


But is it as beautifully homoerotic as the first film? If not i'm nay interested.


It doesn't reach that lofty standard, I'm afraid. However, they have included a lovingly shot beach football scene with some spectacularly sculpted abs.




What an odd film.  I guess I never realised how little story there is in the film before.  And it has some troubling implications.  The real highlight was the Sainsbury's Hot Salsa I was eating.  Surprisingly tasty salsa.

Richmond Clements

Had a Treat Yoself day yesterday and went to the cinema twice.

Jurassic World Dominion: This is worse than bad, it's just dull. They have managed the impossible and somehow have made dinosaurs unexciting. Every character has plot armour so there are no stakes in action scenes.

Top Gun Maverick: This, on the other hand, was one of the greatest cinema experiences I have ever had. It's extraordinary film making and genuinely exciting.


I rewatched TERMINATOR 3 last night for the first time in goodness knows how long. Obviously it's very much CARRY ON TERMINATING for a lot of its run time but still has some awesome (presumably mostly physical) stunts in the central crane/ car chase set piece and an amusing throwdown in a toilet. Plus that killer ending.

Being nearly twenty years old, some of the CG and FX are a bit ropey but you know what, I think I prefer that to, if made today, where the whole thing would be CG.

Anyway, I enjoyed it.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Little Monsters 1989

I don't know why I've never seen this film before.  It seems like something I should have seen as a kid.  If I had I would have had fond memories of it.  It's a solid kids film about monsters under the bed and friendship and it was thoroughly enjoyable.

Prisoners of the Ghostland

This is a visual feast.  Some Wild West and feudal Japan mashup that isn't being in anyway direct about what it is wanting to say (if anything).  It still works for me, as I feel there is plenty to take away from it.  I don't think it'll work for a lot of people.  It's very esoteric.  Oh, it has Nicholas Cage in it as well.  He doesn't go full on Cage, but he does embrace the humour of the film.  A performance that makes me more keen to watch that film which he plays himself.

Richmond Clements

Everything, Everywhere All at Once. Now that is a movie. Absolutely incredible. Bursting with invention and ideas. Also very very funny, but with an actual heart to it. One thing that was annoying though. I am trying to write a novel at the moment and I had planned a scene where someone gets beat up with a [spoiler]dildo[/spoiler]... they beat me to it.
In summary -watch this.