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Current TV Boxset Addiction

Started by radiator, 20 November, 2012, 02:23:29 PM

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The Legendary Shark

Quote from: Mister Pops on 18 June, 2022, 12:52:35 AM

One of the things I enjoy most about The Boys is Homelander's fake smile. Technically every on screen smile is fake, but Anthony Starr really sells the fakeness. Proper rictus grin.

Couldn't agree more. Starr's entire performance is great. I love the way he manages to get across Homelander trying to hide his ignorance or petulance behind a facade of powerful perfection. The odd little tick or stifled childish outburst in such a powerful character is chilling, creating the impression of an atom bomb on a hair-trigger.


Rara Avis

Quote from: Mister Pops on 11 June, 2022, 12:32:11 AM
It's a spinoff from the 2nd Suicide Squad movie which is also called the Suicide Squad and I don't understand the difference.

Are you a fan of the pitch meetings? This one really helps to break down the differences between the two:

Rara Avis

Next episode of The Boys is the Herogasm episode.

Excited and dreading it in equal measure.

Exited because it was such a shocking moment in the books but dreading it because God only knows what will happen in it.

[spoiler]I wonder if they will stay true to the comics and Hughie will get Black Noir's finger up the bum?[/spoiler]

The Legendary Shark

Derry Girls, Season Three. Wonderful, superb, excellent, cracker.


Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 19 June, 2022, 09:39:38 PM

Derry Girls, Season Three. Wonderful, superb, excellent, cracker.

As someone who grew up in the Derry Girls EU, the phrase you're lookin' is "Pure belter hai"
You may quote me on that.

The Legendary Shark



Still watching One Piece.  I don't know why.  I have got to the point I stopped watching last time I tried getting through it, so I'm around a quarter of the way through the whole thing.  My second viewing has been a detriment to my opinion on the series.  I really don't understand why this series is as popular as it is and I've only carried on watching in the hopes that it would become clear as time goes on.

I don't think the show is entirely without merit.  I actually enjoyed watching the East Blue stuff again.  Nevertheless, it's not funny and just keeps repeating the bad jokes it has.  It can look ugly as sin more often than it should.  It is full of battle manga tropes.  It's not all that inventive.  It drags things out too long... etc. etc.  Frankly, regardless of how things go from here on out and how far I can manage to get through the series, I'm not going to ever think it deserves its popularity.  It's pretty mediocre.


I love One Piece myself, but everybody clicks with different stuff. Has a pretty unique vibe and style. I do find in the second half (say after ep 400 or 500) the pacing of the adaptation slowed down too much, so I switched to reading the manga.

Lately I've been enjoying Doom Patrol, pretty charming and also intense. Just a well done comic serial show.

The Legendary Shark

Night Sky. J. K. Simmons and Sissy Spacek star as a retired couple with a 20 year old secret - hidden under their garden shed is a portal to another planet. That's the set up, I'll leave it for you to discover the rest. Excellent little show. Recommended.


The Legendary Shark

The Night Manager. Tom Hiddleston (with the help of Olivia Colman) gets his Bond on as a hotel night manager who falls into the world of international espionage to go up against arms dealer Hugh Laurie in full Bond villain mode in this adaptation of a novel by John Le Carré. Nice, tight little thriller - well worth a watch if you like this kind of thing, which I do.


Funt Solo

Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 15 July, 2022, 07:16:51 PM

The Night Manager. Tom Hiddleston (with the help of Olivia Colman) gets his Bond on as a hotel night manager who falls into the world of international espionage to go up against arms dealer Hugh Laurie in full Bond villain mode in this adaptation of a novel by John Le Carré. Nice, tight little thriller - well worth a watch if you like this kind of thing, which I do.

Saw that closer to when it first came out, and remember liking it a lot.


Just finished watching the final episode of Ms Marvel - pretty good (although I was also dismantling a Lego pirate ship, so it was backdrop thrills).
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark

Undone. One of those traced-over live action animation (rotoscoped) series. Alma has a car accident and finds herself jumping randomly through time. Her dead father (Bob Odenkirk) shows up to help her control her powers, which she uses to try and make her own and her family's life perfect by fixing the mistakes of the past. But, how can any life be perfect? No matter how much she puts right, there's always something else that can be fixed... Funny and thought provoking and well worth your time.



THE BOYS season 3 was pretty damned good. Never spotted any filler. Finale had a less than impressive smack down (Homelander strangely underpowered) but that aside, satisfied and set things up for what could be a good fourth (and final?) season.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Oh and finished Seinfeld which was also great with a fabulous conclusion (even if the last couple of episodes weren't as funny as usual).
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Currently working our way through Slow Horses on AppleTV+. It's pretty great, TBH. Fantastic cast, particularly Gary Oldman's spectacularly sleazy Jackson Lamb, but the performances are all good and it seems unfair to start picking actors out. (OK, maybe Kirsten Scott Thomas' icy deputy head of MI5...)

There's a nasty, twisty plot that stays just the right side of cynically believable, whilst the whole thing is stylishly shot, but resolutely unglamorous.

The basic conceit (focussing on MI5's worst of the worst, a collection of fuck-ups shuffled off to the dilapidated environs of Slough House, a few miles across London from the shiny HQ of MI5) makes a pleasing change from the usual slick, competent types that populate these kinds of thrillers... and you quickly realise that even the smug bastards of MI5 proper are really only there because they're better at covering their arses than the losers.

Oh, and an original theme tune performed by Mick Jagger, no less.

We haven't finished this series yet, but I believe a second is in the works, which I'll be very happy to watch.
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