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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Funt Solo

I only knew about the goats because of Neil Gaiman's "Norse Mythology" - worth a read if you get the chance.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Caps off the trilogy (and while I didn't want this to end, I also do hope they leave it here) in fine style with great performances, action, special effects, themes and feels.

This is blockbuster movie making at its finest. Plus classy nods to the originals.

Some bits aren't subtle; putting an ape slave labour force to work against the visual of a giant American Flag while the star spangles banner plays. But some stuff is brilliantly underplayed; when Caesar has (mostly) learnt his lesson he stops speaking as much and starts signing again.

Loved, loved, loved all three. And yes, they do get better.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Funt Solo

Logan and Deadpool 2

There's an in-joke that makes these perfect back-to-back, and in the order given.

I enjoyed both of these a lot - the first pulls the same trick as The Dark Knight Returns by pushing out to the future and freeing up the narrative that way. Deadpool 2 is perhaps better than Deadpool, has several laugh out loud moments, and some great play with a superhero (Domino) whose power is being lucky.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Richmond Clements

Prey. I have to admit, after the last few movies in this franchise, I had low hopes. Turns out I was wrong. This is a cracking action movie and the best since the original. Some great action sequences and alien and Native American badassery. Oh, and the most amazing screen doggo in a long time.


There's a bunch of stuff I've watched over the last few weeks.


The Elton John one.  This movie is far better than it has any right to be.  I'm not a fan of Elton John or musicals and I find biopics a very mixed bag.  Nevertheless, this was a story that was well told.  I don't think I've learnt a lot about Elton John.  I don't think the movie makers give a shit about that.  Seems like they just wanted to make an entertaining experience and they certainly got me there.  Loved it.

Midnight Run

Late 80's Robert De Niro buddy/odd couple movie about a bail bondsman.  Surprisingly entertaining film.

Everything, Everywhere, All at Once

Don't need to say much about this one.  It's very good.

Mad God

Mostly stop motion passion project.  Bizarre hellish and grotesque depictions strung together without much in the way of coherent narrative.  This film is about the style and it oozes that.  It comes in at under 90 minutes but it leaves a HUGE impression.  Not for the easily nauseous.

Only Lovers Left Alive

Did you know Jim Jarmusch made a Vampire film?  In 2013?  I didn't.  Know I do and I've seen it.  It met my expectations of a Jarmusch Vampire film.

The Resonator Miskatonic U

This is an OK film, I guess.  It has some charm, but I feel it probably needed more.


OK, this film.
I wanted to watch this film for the same reason I chose to watch the first Suicide Squad film.  I wanted to see in what particular way they fucked up.  I wanted to rubberneck at this apparent car crash of a film that is so awful it's still the butt of jokes.  Unlike Suicide Squad I was unaware of any major production troubles, so what could possibly make this film so terrible?

The answer is... it isn't terrible.  It's not an awful movie.  At worst, it's an average movie.  It's coherent.  The performances are acceptable.  The story is kind of generic and silly, so standard comic book adaptation fare.  It never really drags.  The CGI is a little hokey but is at least composited well enough.

I'm not sure I have ever been disappoint that a film wasn't bad before.  It's certainly not a good film.  It's just okay.  It's fine.  It even has some sincere entertainment value in things it does right.


Morbius is my favourite comic book movie since Venom 2.

Its incredibly memorable.

Make of that what anyone may.


I think it's the only comic book movie released after Venom 2 that I've seen, so it's my favourite since that film too.

It probably isn't the worse film in that recently-watched-list of mine.  Miskatonic U has a lot more flaws and isn't any more entertaining.  Although Miskatonic U does have tentacle head lady in it for about five minutes.  Morbius definitely lacked tentacle head ladies.

Although both those films suck compared to the rest of the list.  If I haven't sold watching Mad God to anyone then I really don't know what I'm doing.

The Legendary Shark

I watched Mad God following your recommendation and - Hell fire - that is one memorable film. I've never seen anything quite like it.



Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 11 August, 2022, 12:11:59 AM

I watched Mad God following your recommendation and - Hell fire - that is one memorable film. I've never seen anything quite like it.

I'm glad you watched it.  It certainly is visually stunning, if repulsive in places.  A strange grotesque beauty, one might say.  I was very impressed by the high frame rate for the stop motion.  It was made by Phil Tippett, the guy who did the stop motion on Robocop and many other films.  He started work on it when he was working on Robocop 2 and shelves it for years before picking it up again years later after a successful Kickstarter.

The Legendary Shark

The inclusion of Ray Harryhausen's troglodyte in a couple of backgrounds made me smile - but it's not a film for smiles apart from that little homage. If Hell exists, then this film nails it. Definitely one I'll be watching again.


Colin YNWA

IT Chapter 2

I mean its just a mass of and THEN THIS and THEN THAT and THEN THIS OTHER THING and nothing quite coalesces and the themes become jumbled and unclear in a mistep of jump scares (all horribly foreshadowed) and monster effects. The attempts to add humanity through humour are horrible in the main and to be honest I couldn't really give two hoots for most the characters... which is a tavesty to anyone who has read the book.

I'm sure someone will have done this already but in the parlance of the thread shIT Chapter 2 more like.


Quote from: Colin YNWA on 12 August, 2022, 12:46:45 PM
I'm sure someone will have done this already but in the parlance of the thread shIT Chapter 2 more like.

I know I have watched this film but I remember absolutely nothing from it.

Funt Solo

Quote from: Richmond Clements on 05 August, 2022, 12:58:55 PM
Prey. I have to admit, after the last few movies in this franchise, I had low hopes. Turns out I was wrong. This is a cracking action movie and the best since the original. Some great action sequences and alien and Native American badassery. Oh, and the most amazing screen doggo in a long time.

Loved this, and that's quite a feat to pull off - it's a sequel that's in that rare category of "as good as or better than" the original. It's just that the franchise had to go through 3-5 other sequels before it struck a seam of gold. (Arguments exist for Predator 2 being good, but meh.) Ultimately, I'm in the "Prey is the best" camp.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Went to the GFT to watch the new restored director edition of STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE.

It was great. Really, I'll go to bat for this. Starts with a sort of overture (Ilia's theme) and... Well, you know the plot by now.

It whizzed by. I know people refer to it as "the slow motion picture" but at a cinema, as spectacle with a great sound mix on a big screen then sequences that may cause you to shuffle your bum on the sofa get your full attention.

Also great to get a story and resolution that is about understanding and evolving rather than punching and explosions. Which is why I love Star Trek. (I like explosions and punching too... Just not all the time)

And it's great watching Kirk learn from mistakes (compared to most asshole hero's from the late 70s and 80s movies).

Special effects hold up remarkably well for a 43 year old movie (I know some were added/polished up twenty years ago and for this version)

And Mrs Tips - a civilian in the matters (still occasionally gets Trek and Wars mixed up, calls Han "Hans") also thought it was great.

So worth a visit to the cinema even if you have seen it countless times like me.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Funt Solo

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent - it's not perfect (there's an odd fumble in the first act regarding motivation and the third act just begins to drag a little prior to the climax) but it's a superb comedy. Pedro Pascal is a revelation (and I may have fallen in love with him a little), and Cage does a wonderful job of being different aspects of himself turned up to eleven, while also managing to portray a struggling persona. It has loads of laugh out loud moments and set-pieces (one that seems like a blend of 007 and Inspector Clouseau), and a grand meta-plot. There's even a sort of reverse homage to Austin Powers, but I don't want to say more and spoil it.

There's a theory that you'll get more out of it if you understand some of the references - so it may help if you've been along for the ride of his career and been able to witness goofy, thoughtful Cage (Raising Arizona), passionate Cage (Moonstruck or Wild at Heart), action Cage (Con Air) and manic Cage (Face/Off) prior to viewing this.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.