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10 Greatest Judge Dredd Comics Of All Time?

Started by rogue69, 14 November, 2022, 08:14:28 PM

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IndigoPrime has summarized the whole IDW saga quite nicely
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Quote from: Magnetica on 15 November, 2022, 01:28:12 PMYes agreed, some of the IDW stuff was ok. As was the Rogue Trooper.
I really liked that interpretation of Rogue Trooper at the time. I thought the changes worked very nicely. It read well. That it was canned so quickly (before the first issue even landed) was very sad. Honestly, had Tharg somehow been able to chop it up into chunks, shove it into the Prog, and then continue that strip, I'd have been quite happy with that. (Obvs, I know Matt has historically been against reprint in the Prog and also crossing the streams. And who knows whether Ruckley would even want to continue the writing anyway?)


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 15 November, 2022, 02:17:12 PM
Quote from: Magnetica on 15 November, 2022, 01:28:12 PMYes agreed, some of the IDW stuff was ok. As was the Rogue Trooper.
I really liked that interpretation of Rogue Trooper at the time. I thought the changes worked very nicely. It read well. That it was canned so quickly (before the first issue even landed) was very sad. Honestly, had Tharg somehow been able to chop it up into chunks, shove it into the Prog, and then continue that strip, I'd have been quite happy with that. (Obvs, I know Matt has historically been against reprint in the Prog and also crossing the streams. And who knows whether Ruckley would even want to continue the writing anyway?)

I think Ruckley was keen at the time - though that was as the writer of a stand-alone monthly.  Probably not so much as a weekly story in an anthology (though we have high profile writers who still contribute to tooth, so maybe I'm putting Ruckley down where I shouldn't).


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 15 November, 2022, 11:16:00 AM
Also, perhaps the writer really does think all this, which means they've not read much Dredd or this is really what they enjoy. That if nothing else should be an eye-opener regarding how the strip fares in the US.

Hopefully we don't let this article's author represent US comic readers, plenty are zarjaz thrill faithful! But I apologize on behalf of US fans and comics journalists anyway.

Comics in general are pretty niche, Batman for example and any top US comic sells less than 100,000 copies a month generally, plus some digital readers. Invincible is a fav of mine that hovered around 10,000 copies a month. So the people who know and are into it are fellow art/entertainment fans who make the effort to learn about cool stuff like 2000AD. And it's easier than ever to get into stuff like this with the internet. It is all more specialized and smaller audiences for a lot of the cool stuff.

For some US fans/journalists who get it, War Rocket Ajax is a podcast that gives 2000AD and Dredd a lot of credit. And they have some cool favs on their top Every Story Ever list like the Wagner classics. They recently had the editor of Best of 2000AD stop by to talk about it on the show too.

If it helps, CBR has bad articles about US comics and anime too. But it is a baffling article for sure.


TBH CBR has descended into clickbait territory a long while back and its list 'articles' are far and away the worst.  It has long moved away from being somewhere to go to find out what is happening in the world of comics (which admittedly was struggling before the pandemic and is no doubt heading for the crapper in the UK courtesy of the success of the government in achieving borderline parity between the GBP and USD ...).

CBR is effectively the Forbidden Planet of the internet comics world now ...

Funt Solo

I think it's just a problem with labeling and is perhaps more accurately:

"The Ten Judge Dredd Stories I Have Actually Read [Randomized] "

And then an editor got involved and gave it a punchier title. Fucking editors etc.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


By Jove I think you've got it!

"Who knows the first most about Judge Dredd?"
"I've read a Judge Dredd comic"
"You'll do"


Quote from: PsychoGoatee on 15 November, 2022, 06:25:49 PM
For some US fans/journalists who get it, War Rocket Ajax is a podcast that gives 2000AD and Dredd a lot of credit. And they have some cool favs on their top Every Story Ever list like the Wagner classics. They recently had the editor of Best of 2000AD stop by to talk about it on the show too.

Thanks for the heads-up - I'll have a look for it tonight.

Meanwhile (knowing it was a Flash reference) I had to look up what the internet had to say about war rocket Ajax in general, and found this on the wiki:
Quote from: FlashWikiWar Rocket Ajax is apparently the only spaceship in Ming the Merciless's entire navy. It performs tasks as mundane as collecting dead bodies and as prestigious as transporting Ming himself. As the only ship in the navy, it is equipped with massive shielding which is the only explanation for it being able to survive the full force of Mongo's defences while being piloted by Flash Gordon. Gordon successfully crashed Ming's wedding with Ajax and skewered Ming in the process of doing so.

Barrington Boots

Quote from: sheridan on 16 November, 2022, 12:19:47 PM
Meanwhile (knowing it was a Flash reference) I had to look up what the internet had to say about war rocket Ajax in general, and found this on the wiki:
Quote from: FlashWikiWar Rocket Ajax is apparently the only spaceship in Ming the Merciless's entire navy. It performs tasks as mundane as collecting dead bodies and as prestigious as transporting Ming himself. As the only ship in the navy, it is equipped with massive shielding which is the only explanation for it being able to survive the full force of Mongo's defences while being piloted by Flash Gordon. Gordon successfully crashed Ming's wedding with Ajax and skewered Ming in the process of doing so.

Love this.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


I see that and I'll raise you this incredibly niche microtargeted Grant Morrison interview at The Gutter Review:

You want to see an interview go deep on Big Dave, New Adventures of Hitler and other 80s/90s oddities? Here's your chance.


That's a deeply weird interview, when it comes to the Big Dave stuff. I get the intent, but am still baffled he thinks they pulled it off.

QuoteWe really thought we were satirists and we were poking fun at the racism and the sexism of 2000 AD as we actually genuinely saw it.
Fundamentally, it was just its own slightly more modern brand of racism and sexism. Satire cannot be the thing it's satirising. It was no more satire than the crap Little Britain shat out.

I'm also shuddering at the notion of really wanting 2000 AD to be "gayer". Is Morrison gay? Is Millar? Maybe they are. But the strips they wrote – and especially Millar – very much weren't positive in that area to smartly erode the overly masculine and macho nature of 2000 AD. They were by and large horrible stereotypes.

Barrington Boots

Interesting, but very arrogant interview imo.
You're a dark horse, Boots.

Lawman of the Present

I too felt the IDW miniseries were consistently better than the ongoing (though I did enjoy Nelson Daniel's art style).

I re-read MC-2 recently in trade form and thought it definitely read better collected. There's a lot of diversions from the core plot and with a month between issues I recall losing track of what exactly was going on. Whether or not it succeeded aside, I like what it tried to achieve in giving MC-2 it's own unique identity with hyper-exaggerated west-coast culture. Though I guess the same corporate entertainment themes were explored more subtly and successfully in Song of the Surfer.

How do you all feel about the more recent books? Under Siege/Toxic/False Witness, or JD v Predator v Aliens?


Quote from: Lawman of the Present on 16 November, 2022, 07:28:32 PM
How do you all feel about the more recent books? Under Siege/Toxic/False Witness, or JD v Predator v Aliens?

I have Under Siege in TPB. Perfectly decent production all round. No complaints at all.
I glanced at some of the rest of them though, and wasn't in the slightest bit tempted.
Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!

Leigh S

Morrison coming across as arrogant??  Well I never!

I love the way he thinks Big Dave was going over peoples heads and the irony was hidden by the complexity of his incredible conceit

To quote a bald twat I once overheard, "At least Batman has two dimensions".  Big Dave was just saying the most obvious thing in the most obvious way - Viz was doing it better, or at least first, so what was the benefit of Big Dave repeating the very same joke over and over and over.

The idea that Millar & Morrison (and also Ennis) werent writing stuff that just came across as homophobic seems laughable to me let alone they were trying to make the comic "gayer" - Ducky from Robohunter is a positive portrayal?  If they were truly wanting to make a point about "macho" men in 2000AD, rather than parodying them (in the case of Dredd, utterly misunderstanding the character), perhaps creating alternatives would have been a better approach? Devlin Waugh went down pretty well, so maybe having a low opinion of your publication and their audience is not going to endear you to said audience?

In the late 80s and early 90s, punk/metal and very shortly grunge were all doing very well with working class people - just because Morrison was off his trolley on E and Acid House doesnt make him more working class - His poster boy Morrissey was as far as I can tell totally a Middle Class pursuit - never got the sense Morrison was Working Class or fighting for the working class at any point when he was writing for and being interviewed about 2000AD at the time. 

2000AD was heavily racist and sexist? While it wasnt lily white, it certainly was more progressive than most of culture that existed alongside it and the idea that Big Dave was a direct commentary on 2000AD seems totally off base... If my hate of Big Dave makes Grant laugh a bit harder at Big Dave, so be it. 
