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Current TV Boxset Addiction

Started by radiator, 20 November, 2012, 02:23:29 PM

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Rara Avis


I'm really not sure what the hype is about.


Requiem, nothing to do with Mrs Mill's laddie but a spooky goings on in a Welsh village, enjoyable hookum.
DDT did a job on me

Link Prime

The recently announced new series of Picard with most of the next gen crew caught my attention.

So I had two choices; ignore the panned first 2 series and jump straight through the Gates McFadden to Series 3 or take the completionist nerd option of starting from the top.
Was never really an option.

Halfway through series one and holy shit is it a chore.
On paper it reads like a fanboy wet dream - The Borg - Data - B-4 - Hugh - Icheb - Milf Seven - Han Solo style new Captain - Yer man from Mr. Mercedes as the baddie, onscreen it's just lifeless. Lifeless. As empty a husk as The Artifact itself.

I've made it this far - with assistance from a few shots of Kanar I may make it to the promised land of Worf reluctantly wielding a Bat'leth once more and a camera zoom-in on Geordi's contact lenses.
For now the pain must continue. Qapla'


I failed to muster enthusiasm for Picard.  I've been enjoying Disco and Lower Decks.  I haven't seen Prodigy or Strange New Worlds.

I am currently watching TNG... actually into the final season.  It has been my palette cleanser after watching too much One Piece.

Colin YNWA

Well I got pulled into Lockwood & Co. by all the 2000ad chat and I'm pretty pleased I did. It was a fun, frolic and sassy romp elevated above the norm by some great characters and performances. Particularly by Ruby Stokes as the magnificent Lucy Carlyle - everything a Doctor Who 'companion' should be but haven't been for so long. I mean she's clearly a lot more than a companion in this, but also serves that role as well as being one of my favourite telly characters for quite some time.

Well worth a watch.


Star Trek The Next Generation. Watched the complete boxset over the Christmas/New Year period. The episodes look and sound aces on bluray. A joy to revisit all told.

Swiftly followed by The Wire. A first time watch for me, so I'm very late to the party, but what a fantastic show and a uniformly excellent cast.
Again this looks aces on bluray, and you'd be forgiven for thinking it was shot only yesterday. The use of payphones and then the novelty of early mobile phones reminds you of its age.

On a kinda related note; Homicide: Life on the Streets has been recommended. Worth tracking down? 

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Spikes on 25 February, 2023, 06:25:37 PMSwiftly followed by The Wire. A first time watch for me, so I'm very late to the party, but what a fantastic show and a uniformly excellent cast.
Again this looks aces on bluray, and you'd be forgiven for thinking it was shot only yesterday. The use of payphones and then the novelty of early mobile phones reminds you of its age.   

Such a great show, in my triumvate (of every increasing numbers regardless of the meaning of the word) of the very best tv shows ever. Wonderful.

BUT I'm not here to talk about that, rather something that I strongly suspect won't make that list. I've started to watch Snowpiecer first two episodes are pretty good. What struck me is the addition of the murder mystery with a detective as the pov character is how this is on the surface so similar to Ian Edginton and D'Israeli's Leviathon. A super large vehicle trapping folks in to create a massively class consious, desperate society.

We'll see how the show develops and I think its going for a more political thriller vibe rather than the turns of the 2000ad thrill but it crossover really struck me.

Trooper McFad

I've enjoyed all the seasons so far and particularly like the Mr Willard character and the actor playing him who you won't meet for a wee while yet.
Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!


Quote from: Spikes on 25 February, 2023, 06:25:37 PMStar Trek The Next Generation. Watched the complete boxset over the Christmas/New Year period. The episodes look and sound aces on bluray. A joy to revisit all told.

Currently revisiting DS9 on Netflix — I think this is the first time I've watched it since the series originally aired in the UK on Sky. I know how the storyline develops, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how good the early episodes actually are.
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 17 March, 2023, 11:31:21 AMCurrently revisiting DS9 on Netflix — I think this is the first time I've watched it since the series originally aired in the UK on Sky. I know how the storyline develops, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how good the early episodes actually are.

I'm also revisiting DS9 again.  I finished TNG and it's hard not to move onto DS9 after that.  DS9 really does start pretty strong.  I think some may forget that because it gets better.


Quote from: pictsy on 17 March, 2023, 07:05:09 PMI'm also revisiting DS9 again.  I finished TNG and it's hard not to move onto DS9 after that.  DS9 really does start pretty strong.  I think some may forget that because it gets better.

I remember being pretty ambivalent towards it at the start, which is why I've been so pleasantly surprised by how good the early episodes are. Perhaps I was in full-on "Bah! It's just a Star Trek rip-off of Babylon 5" mode... I dunno.

Anyway, yes, it holds up really well. With hindsight, there's a lot of stuff in this first season that pays off handsomely in later episodes. Thoroughly recommended to anyone who hasn't watched it in a while...!
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Over lock down I watched all of DS9 in order for the first time. I tried keeping track during its original airing, but between missing the odd episode, and I think it moved from BBC to C4 midway (or vice versa)? I kept losing the threads and losing interest. Anyway, it was like a show made for on demand/DVD box-set viewing before on demand/DVD box-set was a thing.Even though it's permanently on re-runs on some channel or other, it not like the other 90s Trek, where you can just dip in and enjoy a self-contained episode. Although, some of the best episodes are the self contained ones. But when you binge the whole thing... My heart says Next Gen is the best, but in my head I know DS9 is the best Trek. My only real criticism is the space Jesus stuff. Prophets heavy episodes can be a bit of a chore. Less space Jesus, more Garak. Also Michael Dorn is one of the funniest actors ever on television.

You may quote me on that.

The Legendary Shark

Although Enterprise is my favourite 'original' Trek, DS9 gives it a damn good run for its money. If it wasn't for the Space Jesus elements I think it might have become my favourite.

(I've just had a horrible thought - I hope a deified Sisko doesn't turn up riding a glowing cloud and throwing thunderbolts about to provide a Sisko ex machina ending to the latest Picard. *shudders*)



My big criticism with DS9 is I think it fumbled in wrapping up the Dominion War stuff.  They were constantly on the back foot and when the Breen join the fun it looks like disaster and then poof, they win, yay.  Plus there is all the Dukat and Winn stuff which creeps me out.

I'm not going to say I dislike Season 7, however, as I love loads of episodes and I have a crush on Ezri Dax still to this day.

It's no way near as bad as how B5 fumbles it's ending with it's stinking garbage of a last season (I know they thought the show was going to get cancelled and rushed through season 4, but still).

Funt Solo

Quote from: Rara Avis on 25 January, 2023, 07:57:04 AMYellowstone.

I'm really not sure what the hype is about.

I *think* it's a macho, white supremacist's wet dream. Tough-talking, no-nonsense, John Wayne types rule over an idyllic land that they must protect from the evil ... wait for it ... Native Americans. It's not subtle.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.