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Started by WebAdmin, 05 February, 2023, 09:59:58 AM

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Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 12 February, 2023, 05:19:06 PMI'm really missing the Active Topics page.

When I joined I was told that Active Topics cost extra. I'd already paid Molch-R top dollar to get what he assured me was one of the last vacancies in the forum, so I've learned to get by with just the basic functions.
Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!

The Legendary Shark

That doesn't surprise me. When I first joined, I was told a prerequisite to membership involved owning shares in the 2KAD Amalgamated Flanges, Rims, and Ponglebars Corporation (CEO, Molch-R) and that, in a stroke of good fortune, several of these shares had ejaculated onto the market that very morning due to a hostile takeover of Scojo.

I still have not received the share certificates. Or a receipt. Or, indeed, my promised free gift of a platinum plated 1/12 scale sculpture of Pat Mills on a unicycle.

And now the Active Topics page is gone, too.

Bloody Rockerfellers. (Well, ya godda' blame sumbuddy, right?)



You might want to look at an upgrade.
I just got a special offer on the Executive Package, so for only £49.95 per month I can now post after dark, and also my posts automatically go to the top of the Recent Posts list.
Not bad, eh?
Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!

The Legendary Shark

Bloody favouritism.

I've been here fifteen years, they only put my avatar the right way up last month...



It no longer shows how many times a thread has been viewed.


We've been logging these issues but are any of them actually getting fixed? I still can't log in on my phone or work computer ("your session timed out while posting")

Haven't read a prog for months because the subs people can't fucking sort it out and take 4 weeks to reply to an e-mail; and now the forum won't let me in except on one device.

After 45 years, I am honestly on the verge of saying fuck 'em and abandoning 2000ad altogether.

The Legendary Shark

[spoiler]Spoiler tags don't work.[/spoiler]

[move]Move tags don't work.[/move]


Funt Solo

Any chance we can stop people using (animated) gifs for their avatars?


An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark



Seriously though, none of the issues reported here have been addressed.

Funt Solo

I might regret this, but I feel like it's my only chance to be able to squeeze any more enjoyment out of being a member of this forum, so I'm just going to be upfront about something.

We're never going to get along with everyone in life, and (in my experience, which I realize is just mine), I found that communicating with a particular person was just making me feel low. So, I blocked them.

Then, when I'm looking at threads, I just see their avatar and the message "You are ignoring this user."

The only trouble is that if I look at "Recent posts", it doesn't do that - it shows the full post. So, sometimes, I accidentally notice that they're trying to interact with me - often in what I consider to be goading, up-for-a-rumble, ways. And then they started using an avatar gif that was a rapid, difficult to ignore animation.

I thought I might get away with neutrally placing a request up on this thread to block avatar gifs - but they've noticed and are now following my posts around on other threads and trying to interact with me.

You know who you are. Lots of people like you. I don't (because when I interact with you, it leaves me feeling low). Please leave me alone. Or perhaps I just need to stop using the board. I'll figure out which it is based on your actions.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark

PM me and we can sort this out like adults.

In the meantime, I will change my avatar* as a sign of good faith.

*Which I've used in the past and was not chosen just to annoy you.


I can no longer login using FireFox. I am forced to use MS Edge. I get a variety of blank screens and error screen session time outs when trying to authenticate with FireFox. Edge goes in no worries. So this is the only site I use Edge for. You now have a special place :-) (although one I would not personally be proud of ;-) )


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

The Legendary Shark

Firefox is working fine for me.

Would clearing out old cookies do any good?
