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Started by Proudhuff, 11 June, 2012, 02:32:01 PM

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The Legendary Shark

Zippy is my boss's dog and I've been looking after him (on a purely temporary basis, just until the kennel gets fixed) for four years.

He's an odd pup, for sure. Ostensibly a Jack Russel terrier, small and lithe like a miniature greyhound, mushroom white scruffy fur with ill-defined patches of sun-thinned gold, long narrow face, black eyes (dead eyes - like a doll's eyes), a long thin tail with half its fur missing and a ridiculous little tuft at the end, more patches of bare grey skin on the back of his neck, rumoured to be inbred, constantly trembling, unable to be touched anywhere on his body without his back legs going into joyous uncontrollable spasms that knock him over, snatches his food. Quick to nip.

I should tell you a little of his background. He's had a hard time and not much love. His mother used to rip into him all the time. Literally. They've both needed stitches more than once. Five years ago, his mother died. Zippy was distraught. So I put my dog, Chip, in with Zippy during the day to calm him down. Because Chip has manners. They had two fights, neither of them needed stitches. Then the kennel fell down in a storm, so Zippy was to stay in the Sharkshed with Chip from ~8am until ~4pm every day of the week until the kennel could be... Well, you know the rest. So I know Zippy pretty well by now, almost as well as I know Chip (whose birth I missed by mere hours), and Zippy knows me and Chip knows Zippy and there's this whole weird dynamic going on and it's all pretty cool and chilled, for the most part. No more fights and lots of loving attention, for the most part. Harmony, or near as damn-it. Zippy is ~17 years old. Chip is ~12. I am 56ish.

Recently, Zippy has become incontinent during the night. He often seems to forget where he is. Bumps into things. Falls over. His every bone is visible. He can't stop eating, much to Chip's dismay. (And mine - I don't get reimbursed for dog food, either grumble grump.) But tonight, as I was walking him from the Sharkshed, which has an outside enclosure in which he can roam at will, back to his mistress's comfy kitchen cage, he walked very slowly. I think that's where the feeling started. So I let him lead anyway, ambling along behind, trying not to fall over him. His end appears to have been looming ever more quickly of late, though he feels no pain - except when he bumps into things. It felt like this might very well be the last walk. So I let Zippy lead, left Chip back at the Sharkshed. He watched us through the fence as we went, silent and diligent. Because Chip has manners.

In the kitchen, Zippy sniffed at his comfy cage and then wandered around foraging, bumping into things and getting in the way as I took my washing from the machine and hung it over the kitchen range to dry. When I was finished, a sudden urge struck me. I got to my knees and beckoned Zippy over. He stood there defying me. So I waggled my fingers and he took a totter forward. I dropped my hands and called him. He stood there. Waggle. Totter. GOTO Waggle. He eventually planted his thin face between my welcoming thighs and I stroked his ears. He loves that. He's only recently discovered the joys, as his mother chewed on him so much he'd never let anyone near them. They're also the only part of his body you can touch without setting his back legs off - which must have been torture, If you think about it. He groaned and sighed and relaxed and then, finally, began to pull away. I changed the ear massage and he stayed a little longer. That's when I spoke to him.

"Remember this feeling, Old Lad. Take it with you. Go to sleep. Go and tell your mother about it. Tell your brothers and sisters and cousins. And keep an eye out, pay us a visit when it's our time. Be nice to see a friendly soul. It's okay to go. It's okay to stay."

Then I picked up my bag of knickers and socks, because I have manners, and left the kitchen. "Goodnight, lad," I said, closing the door on his totterings.

On the way back to the Sharkshed I wandered past the Library Bus, in which Brandy (not her real name) lives. I knew she wasn't in but we chat often and easily, so I imagined telling her about the Zippy thing. And a whole imaginary conversation ensued until she asked, "Do you think you can sense the end for Zippy?" to which I quipped, "Maybe - either for him or for me." Brandy's always kind enough to laugh at my quips, but this time imagination failed.

"Shit," I said aloud. It's just as possible. I haven't been well, what with my legs and all. He's a 17 year old dog who's tough as old boots. Cast your bets, ladies and gentlemen, cast your bets...

Two possibilities, then. Or three, if this presentiment thing is all bollocks. That's the one I'm rooting for. Whatever comes with the morning, though, I know one thing for sure - Chip will take care of who's left. Because Chip has manners.



Poignantly written, Sharky.
Have you considered any possible connection between all this and your bucket of aliens last night?
Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!

The Legendary Shark

I think it means the world's still mad.



Funt Solo

Just found myself absent-mindedly humming a tune at work. It took me a while to realize I was humming the tune to Monty Python's barber shop quartet.

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Me, I've had David Brent's 'Ooh la la' stuck in my head for weeks.  If you haven't heard it, Google it - it's a slice of classic Americana that Tom Petty could have written.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


If I started referring to this forum as 'Tooth Social' from now on, would you all hate me?
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

The Legendary Shark



I only recently came to this forum, but have found it a welcoming place, a loving place, a place where – our passionate youth behind us – we can safely shed the intolerance and prejudice of a less forgiving, less inclusive era of our lives.
Here, as most of us slip ever further into easygoing middle age, I can finally say I have found a fellowship.
Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 27 April, 2023, 05:37:26 PMwould you all hate me?
But yeah – Afraid so.
Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!


Cosh, what kind of moniker is that for a grown man..?
DDT did a job on me


Quote from: Proudhuff on 28 April, 2023, 01:52:23 PMCosh, what kind of moniker is that for a grown man..?

I thought that was the phonetic scouse pronunciation of 'Gosh'...

Link Prime

Molch locked that thread before I even got the chance to type a Chucky ár lá quip.

What a world.


My baritone national anthem exegesis has degenerated into a Sardaukar throat chant.

Such a mighty exercise, I can juggle marbles with my adenoids at this point.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 04 May, 2023, 02:05:04 PM... I can juggle marbles with my adenoids at this point.

You should put that on your online dating profile
You may quote me on that.

The Legendary Shark

Or at the very least your c.v.


Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: Link Prime on 04 May, 2023, 02:00:54 PMMolch locked that thread before I even got the chance to type a Chucky ár lá quip.

What a world.

I wouldn't worry about missing that opportunity too much.

Your day will come.
You may quote me on that.