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Prog 2336 - Thrills set to stun!

Started by Colin YNWA, 11 June, 2023, 08:43:38 PM

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Quote from: Richard on 15 June, 2023, 02:55:58 PMI mostly agree with that. But sometimes the age of the characters can make the story seem too implausible, like two teenage cadets running around Mega-City One fighting crime without adult supervision. All fiction requires a certain degree of suspension of disbelief, but some stories demand too much.
Hmmm yes, that is a good point regarding this Cadet Dredd story...which I mostly enjoyed for what it was.

Given we've established within Cadet Dredd itself that cadets are usually supervised, why were they out in the streets alone here?

I'm also unsure how old the two Dredds are meant to be in these stories. They are sometimes drawn to look very young, but other times they look and act like fully grown men.


Quote from: broodblik on 15 June, 2023, 02:16:40 PMDisney destroyed Star Wars. Star Wars always catered for everyone.

Whilst I can see considerable merit to this argument I think it worth offering the following for the defence ...

Jar Jar Binks ....


QuoteStar Wars always catered for everyone
I mean, somewhat. But I recall when my wife I and watched the OT a few years back, and had forgotten just how white and male almost the entire universe was. So there's something to be said for evolution of media.

Funt Solo

Great droid representation, though.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: Funt Solo [R] on 15 June, 2023, 08:20:57 PMGreat droid representation, though.

And big hairy fecker representation, which gets more inspirational for me by the year.
You may quote me on that.


Quote from: Definitely Not Mister Pops on 15 June, 2023, 09:39:33 PMAnd big hairy fecker representation, which gets more inspirational for me by the year.
Somebody on Twitter said that they want to see a Star Wars spin-off where Han and Chewbacca visit the planet of the Wookies, and they're all eloquent and impeccably dressed, and Han looks over at his naked, growling mate and goes "oh".
AIEEEEEE! It's the...THING from the HELL PLANET!


Apologies for taking this thread back to the contents of the Prog and away from our quarterly "why, oh why" ramblings, but the ending of Finder and Keeper puzzled me. They caught all 4 of the supernatural floating head things, but there were only 3 valves in the basket. What happened to the fourth?

Barrington Boots

I also thought that about the floating heads..!
A couple of storytelling issues with the art this issue I thought - as well as the Finder & Keeper issue above, I found Lowborn High difficult to follow especially at the start where Frost is shown in the room with the two girls, then Zak busts in and knocks Ali, not previously shown in the room, down the hole. Otherwise really nice art throughout and very cool to see Neill Cameron and Zander Cannon in the prog. Really liked Cameron's Holmes-esque depictions of Dredd spotting clues in the panels.

Storywise ignoring the stuff we've spoken about at length before: Cadet Dredd was easy to follow despite stuff like Dredd being a less fun character than Rico, unsupervised Cadets etc. I thought Lowborn was a complete mess, sadly. The Future Shock was alright but the Miami Vice reference was a pointless one for a kids comic and the weird page formatting stood out, as others have said. I'm not a fan of F&K but the best thing in the Prog this week I thought. Although how had nobody noticed the teacher building a giant woodhenge in his (presumably communal) flat garden?

These Progs are a necessary evil for me, never expect to get much out of them so never disappointed. Looking forward to next week.
You're a dark horse, Boots.

Leigh S

Just to echo the general air of meh about the recent Regeneds

Good first - the cover was great, adn the FS, weird formatting aside, was decent

I'm all for all ages 2000AD - I think the regular prog would do well to be more all ages so we dont get the weird disconnect like the adverts for next weeks "not for kids" comic

But I'm not really sure what this is achieving other than a collection of Lowborn High with a rather jarring downgrade in the art (no offence intended, but the art was previously about the only good thing about LH, but this isn't really up to standard - decent fanzine level, but lacking the polish I want to see in a professional publication.

Dredd sums up my feelings of confusing and lack of seeming direction.  Liam Johnson does seem to ahve a better handle than many and this isnt the worst  - I would argue that theres nothing wrong leaning into the history we know of the characters and his stories seem to be the closest to finding a reason for these tales.  But it feels like those first 20 Dredd stories from the 70s where mud is being thrown to see what sticks - there was a reason for that then, but I dont see why we need that now.

Its an attempt to appeal to the most modern audience wrapped in the most retro logo possible - that disconnect seems to run through Regened like a stick of rock