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Send your love to Ian Gibson

Started by rogue69, 10 December, 2023, 10:23:16 AM

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As we know Ian Gibson has been ill for some time and has been regularly in and out of hospital, after the message from his family below now is the time to pop over to his Facebook page and let Ian know how much his work has meant to you and share your stories of Ian to help keep his spirits up

**Update from the Vigil of Ian's bedside**
It looks that Ian is in the last hours before he starts his new adventure.
Luke and I have been reading all your messages and memories on all of the groups, private messages to luke and I, and on Ians goodbye post. You have given us strength and made us smile. We have found it very comforting. We have taken turns reading out as many as we can to Ian.
Ian has previously expressed many times how amazing you all are and how much he loves you all. He is comfortable and has settled to have a rest. He is saving up the energy for his new adventure amongst the stars and to join Halo starting a new chapter in their story. I have a sneaking suspicion that they will find that they live forever as true legends never die.
Love to you all, we are eternally greatful.


Not on Facebook so just found out here.

Absolutely heartbreaking.

So, so sorry to hear this.


from the Imagination of Ian Gibson facebook group, posted around noon today.
QuoteSteve Bull  · 2 h  ·
Hi All
I've been asked to share by Ian's family:
'Ian is now under sedation and his wishes are to remain this way for the time that remains.
We'd like to thank everyone for their kind messages and all were read to  Ian whilst he was awake.'
I'm sure each message provided a special feeling and I'd like to share something Ian said but long ago that sums up the humour we all witnessed though his work and knowing him.
'I'm not very good at this dying thing'
What a legend😁
I'm always reminded at times like this of a favourite quote
Don't cry because it's over
Smile because it happened

The Legendary Shark

This is heartbreaking.

Would it be crass of me to ask if someone could share "Ian's goodbye post" here so us non-Facebookers can read it?



All public posts from Ian's FB.

Quote from: IanGibson2 December at 19:56  ·
free at llllllllllllast

6th December
Quote from: IanGibson3 d  ·
Not feeling so good but thanks for all your kind messages and Merry Xmas to all, cheers

8th December
Quote from: IanGibson2 d  ·
goodbye thanks for all your love.

The Legendary Shark




Thank you for all the joy your work brought into my life.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Colin YNWA

Very sad, such a talent. Will leave a legacy so much more than most.

Thank you Ian Gibson.

Trooper McFad

Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!


An artist whose work helped light up my childhood and stayed with me.

Thank you, sir.

Funt Solo

A core part of what made 2000 AD such a joy to read when I was a kid. Without his art, whither the comic we still enjoy today?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Ian, you'll rightly take your place in history as a true iconic creator, and one that helped to set the standard for greatness.  Comics artists will be inspired by you for hundreds of years. 

And personally speaking, you made an undescribably huge impact on my childhood and I'll read Halo Jones again and again for the rest of my life. 

Be safe on your travels, my friend - you'll always be with us.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Barrington Boots

Dreadfully sad news, this.
What an incredible and unique talent, unforgettable really. Thanks Ian.
You're a dark horse, Boots.

Link Prime

Not a Facebooker either, just got the sad news here.

An immense and unique talent - thank you, Ian.