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Why no 2000 AD calendar?

Started by norton canes, 01 January, 2024, 06:47:06 PM

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norton canes

Sorry, just struck me - I'd really like a 2000 AD wall calendar each year, but it doesn't seem to be something TMO has sanctioned. Which is kind of a surprise, as I'd have thought a 12-page (plus cover) calendar with artwork featuring classic characters (it doesn't even have to be new artwork, reprinted classic stuff would be great) should be pretty easy to run up, and would sell in decent numbers... no?

(Cue someone telling me they've been making them for years now, and I've missed the link)

Trooper McFad

If they haven't then surely a "photobox" type of link where you can pick from a range of prints/characters and possibly different sizes.

This way it's an on demand purchase and Rebellion aren't left with stock they can't sell.
Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!

norton canes

Yeah, I mean even if the artwork was preselected, It'd be fantastic. 


This made me think of the old pin-up calendars you used to get in the comics of the 70's & 80's maybe they could have done something like that which could have come as part of the Christmas prog


Barrington Boots

Not sure our Thrill-circuits could cope with that suggestion!
You're a dark horse, Boots.

The Legendary Shark

A calendar would be futile being as how 2000AD is timeless.



There's been two that I know of - one back in the 1980s, featuring Titan cover artwork, the second in the 2010s.  There was going to be a third, also in the 2010s, I think, but that didn't appear to happen.

Funt Solo

They used to do those two-part pin-up calendars where you were supposed to cut up your progs:

2000AD Calendar 1982 [Judge Dredd], 245-246
2000AD Calendar 1983 [Judge Anderson], 297-298
2000AD Calendar 1984 [Tharg the Mighty], 350-351   
2000AD Calendar 1985 [D.R. & Quinch], 401-402
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


And annoyingly none of those 4 match up to 2024

Richard S.

My look at Dredd calendars - a mix of 'part-works' and actual classic wall calendars - good luck tracking these down!
For 2,500+ other posts about all aspects of British comics then why not check out my blog at

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norton canes

Thanks for posting those, @Richard S.

That 2016 calendar is fantastic - exactly the sort of thing we need every year. What do you think, Tharg?


I think that 2017 one in the link is the one that was listed but didn't ever appear to come out.


p.s. those two / three I was talking about where only the ones which were standalone items - i.e. not free gifts with the megazine or cut-out / pull-out in progs and specials.