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Big Brother (don't burn me)

Started by Bad Andy, 28 May, 2005, 04:20:17 AM

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Bad Andy

Just been sucked into the launch of the new Big Brother. And I realise I quite like it.

I don't watch any of the other (un)reality TV shows, but I think my masochistic tendences are relieved by Big Brother. It's almost a cathartic experience.

In short - I like to see egocentric nut jobs get completely head fucked by TV producers for my entertainment. Its just a shame the contestants hang around on TV afterwards, as if they have any talent.


The Amstor Computer


I watched this while tidying & doing the ironing, and I couldn't quite believe they'd managed to find such a group of cunts for this.

My particular "favourite" was the little ape from London who said (paraphrasing) that the "war didn't bother him, 'cos it was far away and didn't affect his life", although he was almost edged out by the revolting little hairdresser who'd "never read a book in his life".

The whole show has got a resolute anti-intellectual edge to it; it's not just that they're focusing on "normal" people, but they drag out people who loathe anyone who they think is smarter than them. Add to that that the only person who could be described as "intellectual" or "politically aware" is a braying Tory who is quickly made a target or derision, and you've got a lovely little picture.


Join us (in a dribbly zombie-like state for the next 11 weeks)

They seem a decent actual mix of people for a change, everyone could be interesting.

Link:" target="_blank">

Leigh S

Actually, I thought the opposite - there are 50% wannabe models in the Michelle mode, the Tory seems interesting, the witch looks certifiable, as did the hairdresser... the rest seem identikit anti-people, with no opinions on anything above their own self worth... No Jon Tickles or Alex's in that bunch from the look of it.

I think they've learnt from last years that hate works better than love - get lots of objectionable types in, rather than a mix of "goodies" and "baddies".

Still, we'll see...

Mike Carroll

I watched it too... My first impressions: Lordy, what a wunch of bankers! All except Science and Kamal, who I thought were fun. The rest of them seem to be a bunch of arrogant, self-loving morons.

Why do we watch this stuff? Because even though we all know it's dross, we know that there's going to be some great moments.

Tonight's best bit: Mary standing in front of the inner door waiting for it to open. She waited, and waited, and waited, never thinking to actually try pushing the bloody thing! And she's supposed to be psychic! Bwahahahahaaa!


Funt Solo

That witch is fucking certifiable.  Seriously.  If her head were cut open you would find a large mushroom in place of her brain, which is probably floating in a jar on one of the many spaceships that abducted her.

Mind you, there's a crowd of people outside The House that scream, cheer and boo seemingly at random, so maybe she's the sane one.

And I watched it, and wondered if there would be a "psychology special" on Sundays, so who am I to judge?  It's so crap, but I will watch it.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I watched the village instead. At least that social experiment had a story.

Bolt-01 signing out of this thread.

Slippery PD

Half watched it while drinking.  Just seems like a bunch of people put together that will cause friction.  Or a bunch of people who will get it on.  So in summary Sex and Violence sells.....



Am completely pished and missed this entirely.

Probably a blessing.



The thing to remember is that they can't keep up the happy look on their face forever. You can stay up all night drinking on the first night but when they get into it we'll see them fight. I can really see some massive catfights going on between this lot.

House of Usher

Okay, count me in! I wanted to see what they'd put in the house this year, and I see they've gone for freakshow. Much better than the year it was won by a Scots hermit - all of them looked exactly the same that year and I didn't watch more than an hour of the entire series.

I will be dipping into it now and then just to see if at any point reason prevails over shallowness, narcissism and spite.

On first impressions I liked Science and Kemal. Makosi seems nice. Anthony Doesn't offend me, nor does Roberto or Sam.

The rest are, indeed, a bunch of c**ts.


I refuse to watch shite like Big Brother. There are enough insufferable pricks in my town, without having to watch them on T.V.
Besides, un-reality T.V. is responsible for the degredation of the mind and will result in the destruction of the western world-which might be a good thing.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

House of Usher

"degradation of the mind... destruction of the western world..."

Hmm. See also Crazy Frog...