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Started by maryanddavid, 25 June, 2005, 06:46:31 AM

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do you do guy fawkes in the north?
 anyone remember the guy falks mask that came every year with whizzer and chip and buster etc?i remember using it as a halloween mask.


Umpty - Cookstown, on the Orritor Road.

House of Usher

Don't know why, as he was Hung, Drawn and Quartered

If I remember correctly, ultimately all the little bits of Guy Fawkes were thrown on a fire. I think they boiled them in water first. Like a cannibal stew.

Dark Jimbo

As far as burning bits goes, after the hanging (this was never meant to kill them, they were cut down just before the point of death so as to still be alive during the REALLY nasty bits) before the entrails and such like were taken out during the 'drawing' process, the genitals of all the conspirators were all cut off and deliberately burnt in front of their eyes.

You know, just to really rub it in.


generally our bbq's are quieter than that, few burgers and the odd sausage. the kids would go mad if i started roasting bollocks.

Why the 23rd in the west of Ireland ?

It's the 5th of November in the UK to celebrate the 'gunpowder plot' right ? The plot to blow up the houses of parliament by Guy Fawkes ...


It's a pagan/ soltice type thing on the 23rd

though where im from its called O?che Fheil' Eoin- St. Johns' Eve- another example of Christianity usurping old pagan festivals

St. John must have been the patron saint of booze, smoke filled eyes and disposing of household rubbish


The nearest wiccan/pagan festie i know of round then is the New Year, Samhain, more commonly known as Hallowe'en. There's 8 sabbats a year and they come round about every 6 weeks or so. The Autumn Equinox (Madron) is the one before and that's 21st September.

Not sure if that's any help whatsoever!

Tanky x

Funt Solo" target="_new">The Wickerman Festival

(Probably a good idea not to be an uptight christian policeman if you're going to this one.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.



There is such a thing, but these guys have got the wrong end of the stick - Bonfires and wickermen(sans people and chickens these days!) are burnt on Beltane (1st May) As it's the festie of the fire God, Bel.