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2000 AD Extreme Edition #10

Started by The Adventurer, 24 July, 2005, 08:10:23 AM

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The Adventurer

Because of the lag time on this side of the Atlantic I only just got this prog this week.

General impresions...

Judge Dredd: Darkside: This is pretty entertaining, it felt like a John Smith script had a kind of "Devlin Waugh" vib going through the whole thing.  Luna-1 is an interesting place, with the "international" collition of Judges that control it.  I can't wait to see that place again in the upcoming BREATHING SPACE
.  Isn't that story supposed to involve Lunar Zombies as well?  Speaking of which the one thing I was confused about in this yarn was the whole "Zombie Dredd" thing, what exactly was 'he' trying to do going back to the future?

Colony Earth: Good clean late 70s sci-fi nonsense.  I love this crazy cheese to death, one of the reasons I love 2000 AD so much is that there's all this backlog of matterial from almost 3 decades I'm catching up on.  There's always something new.
Current 2000 AD needs more of these "B movie plot" strips IMO.  Maybe with a little tighter writing that the modern age brings us.

As it stands the Extreme Editions are my second favorite 2000 AD mag after the Weekly.  For some reason I have a harder time getting into the Megazine, I THINK it might because it's all about Dredd and Mega City 1's Earth and time, which while interesting, isn't my favorite part of 2000 AD.


Rex Banner

I found it odd that the Chief Judge had to have zombie Dredd explained to him despite being an exhibit in a public place!

Artificial Idiot

Well, to be fair, I doubt Mr. Blair knows all the contents of every single museum in the country and what they do, why they are there, etc. off by heart either...


Is 'Darkside' set post-'Judgement Day'?
Im just tryin to figure why the zombie Dredd re-animates again, and thats the only explanation i can think of..

Funt Solo

:: "what exactly was 'he' trying to do going back to the future?"

That's a question with an involved answer, which I'll attempt from memory:

Ages ago (see The Judge Child quest) Judge Feyy, the city's best precog, predicted disaster for MC-1 in the year 2120, a disaster that only the Judge Child could prevent.

However, Judge Dredd found the Judge Child to be evil, eventually sending a warhead to blast him out of existence.

Predictions of disaster continued, however, so Dredd and Anderson were sent into the future (to 2120) in the Proteus (never used before or since) time machine to find out what was going on.

The Judge Child, or some of his cells, had survived the missile blast and grown into a super powerful mutant which had turned the 2120 version of Dredd into a zombie.

Dredd and Anderson managed to escape back to their own time in the Proteus, but the zombie Dredd came along for the ride (with it's hands around 'our' Dredd's throat).  As soon as they left 2120 the zombie 'switched off' and was interred in the Black Museum.

So, it's just trying to get home.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.