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Started by Artificial Idiot, 15 August, 2005, 04:51:30 PM

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I'm still loving my prog!

This week's highlights are Carlos on Dredd and the splendid Adlard cover.

- Trout


Brilliant proggy.

Dredd Repeating other posters here I know, but I too felt that this showed how good Blood Trails could've been had Carlos drawn it.
I was expecting Mandroid to start this prog, but this was a nice surprise instead.

All the other stories rocking on nicely.

And YAY! to Tharg for praising" TARGET="_blank">
Better set your phaser to stun.

Artificial Idiot

Don't get me wrong... The cover did look damaged. Not the old, tatty, printed on scrap paper resistance leaflet kind of damage you'd expect. Or at least I'd expect... Come on Tharg, if you're going to do things, don't do them by half!

Rio De Fideldo

I don't understand how the Luna City Badge stays attached to King's chest. In some frames its there and in others, no sign.

Funt Solo

Not sure what you mean:  in episode 2 (at least) it hangs from near or on the lower edge of his shoulder-pad structure.  It's always visible when it should be (ie not obscured from LOS or hidden in shadow).  He doesn't appear to be wearing it during his swearing in ceremony in ep. 1.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Has been registered and the domain is awaiting activation apprently.  jaybe there will be something online by Wendesday.  It would be very cool if there was.

Pat Mills usually has enough research to fill a book, so not sure if we might get more background, or it's just been registered for the sake of it.

As for ther Dredd melodrama comment, well, Wagner's stuff usually delivers emotionally, while being a lot drier and less 'gushy'.  And I'd use the Case for Treatment in that argument. But hey, as I said, each to their own.  

Bring on the mandroid!


Why would abortion be illegal in MC1? Aren't the judges always complaining about overpopulation and that the people live too long as it is?

Unfortunately we don't have the first part of the sentance where the med-droid mentions abortion is illegal - only some confusing text about a "flawed bloodline". Could it be that only aborting the precious Dredd-Fargo bloodline is considered illegal?

Oh well...I guess without ambiguity boards like this wouldn't exist.

judge dreddd


I would of thought that this wouldn't escape the notice of the judges, and he'll be forcebly enrolled as a cadet.  It makes for an interesting future storyline I guess.

judge dreddd

'Aren't the judges always complaining about overpopulation and ', with all the disasters, judgement day, apocalypse war, total war bombs etc. you would think that the population would be fairly low ?

Funt Solo

As I understand it, housing shortages and overcrowding have always been a problem in MC-1.

The Apocalypse War may have killed a lot of cits, but it also destroyed nearly half the city, so it's not as if there are suddenly lots of empty apartments - unless you wanted to live in an irradiated sub-basement in the middle of a rad-swamp.

You would have thought Necropolis would provide some spare apartments, though.  What was it:  6 million dead?  And the dark judges didn't kill buildings, just people.  Except for Mortis: his touch brings decay!

Maybe the no-abortion law was brought in after Necropolis to boost the population?

Judgement Day would have had negligable effect on MC-1.  The zombies were, for the most part, held back at the west wall.  Plus, some boarders live in a strange alternative reality where Judgement Day never happened, and it's very mention attracts scorn and ridicule.

Total War was just a few wee nukes.  Like Captain Skank * 5.  Little blips, really.  And again, each nuke takes out the people and the buildings, so would have little effect on overcrowding per capita.

It does seem strange to have a no-abortion law in an overcrowded mega-city.  It can't be on moral grounds, surely?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Dark Jimbo

You'd think that the judges would have first dibs on unwanted babies. Their ranks keep getting decimated by all the above disasters, leaving them with a pretty high turnover, so surely they would take on unwanted babies for the academy? And raising them from birth means they'll be totally dedicated to the law, having never known any other life, and would also avoid the whole 'child who sees parents mistankenly killed by a judge is enrolled at the academy and becomes a judge with a grudge to settle' syndrome.

Lord Running Clam

Perhaps due to all the radiation more and more babies are being born muties.
The doctor said abortion is allowed with babies showing signs or suspected of having mutation.
So the judges could be trying to keep the level of non-mutie cits stable by aborting muties but keeping all non-mutie babies alive.


Great Prog,

Judge Dredd- well, sadly about Guthrie, but as i did notice last letter of Input page (last page of 2000ad), Tharg did says "As for Guthrie, only time will tell..."
well, that Vienna gave up her foetus so it would be in other woman's womb, hope that Sov spy genetic not include memory? sounds good if the foetus grew up and become dredd/vin diesel! well, have to wait for 20 years on that!

Savage is still great,
Breathing Space is slower but looks good to reading more...
Robo-hunter, i have to say, the stories being repeat, like TV programmes! as dont like the art... sometimes i ignore it...

and it my first message on the!!


the cover seems brilliant, alas don't have the prog yet,

yours downunderishly