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all you need to know about 'lost' - contains SPOILERS

Started by judge dreddd, 18 August, 2005, 03:21:43 PM

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judge dreddd

Its a bunch of plot threads that never get resolved, allowing the writers to keep the show going and make stuff up.  You, the viewer, are, in a word, LOST

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I had heard it was quite frustrating and they'd just chuck you a few bones to keep you happy now and then.  I'll wait till the frustration sets in I think before giving up.

Once I realised there was no great story behind the X-files, and it's just some x-crap they made up for the episode, I just didn't see the point.  I'd only watch the one-offs, and then just stopped bothering entirely.

The prisoner did it well, but I don't want to see it again...  too annoying!

judge dreddd

lighting a fire with precious matches when you could just get a light from the fire behind you, tut tut, thats LOST the plot eh


Beware of.........
....The Others
 I think Rac is closest to the reason on the other thread.  Just know its not resolved season 1

CU Steamboy


Have they tied the show down to a definite (albeit distant) end or are they going to drag it out for as many series as they can get commissioned?

Dark Jimbo

I'd go with the latter, especially seeing as there's already a second series, when frankly I reckon one is more than enough.

Something Fishy

yeah that is my fear.. they haven;t worked out an ending as they don't want to end it.

They'll just throw in some little bits from time to time then it will just get cancelled with no resolution.  

Something Fishy

could not see anything from rac on there.. what is his theory? (has he changed names?)

Rex Banner

I've seen all of Lost series 1. It's good.

All I know about the second series is that ALL the actors are on an episode by episode contract so to keep everybody guessing where the plot will go.


Agree with Matthewvic.

I too have seen al of series one.
None of the "regulars" are guaranteed.

I believe that season 2 will reveal why the plane crashed...

... at the end of the season IIRC.

So now you know THAT won't be resolved in series 1.

Have "the numbers" become important in the UK yet?

I like the theory that the numbers reflect the number of survivors, but then why would they be on the H***H?



not sure if it was RAC sorry, but someone mentioned Anthrax Island style thing which seems the most likely to me.  The little black Kid definatly has something to do with the whole mess.
what do people make of the rumour that there is a second lot of survivors from their crash on the Island(as indicated when they try to radio for help in the Drug plane) led by Samuel L Jackson no less!!!!!  My guess is this second lot of Lostee's will of developed a different more Lord of Flies type approach to surviving than the well organised main group and most of the second season will follow them and introduce them so we can have a meeting and Battle Royale between the 2 groups.  This second group are not the Others they've been there much longer.
I remember hearing that there was only meant to be 26 episodes for the whole series which indicates they do know(or at least did have some idea) what was happening but as it rated so well they threw the baby out with the bath water and are just gouing to do an X-Files.

CU Steamboy


I remember the same things being said about Twin Peaks, that they hadn't decided what was going to happen etc. That didn't stop it being superb, despite a lot of duff story threads in the 2nd "series".

To me, it's nice not to have every reader of the tabloids or trash magazines telling you what's going to happen in a few weeks time, ala Eastenders. Not that that upsets me anymore, I've thoroughly kicked that habit.



OK, for the attention of STEAMBOY, the following contains SPOILERS (in fact I'll white it out), so once more the below (hidden) text contains MAJOR SPOILERS

Rumour control has it that the tail section of the plane will be found early in the second season, and that there will be other survivors from the plane, found with the tail section.

For those that know about the Hatch....

... there are rumours that go along the lines of it being a portal to the otherside of the world. If you know about the hatch, you'll know that the numbers (remember the lottery numbers, and the ones on the football teams shirts etc- the ones that people mean are relative to the number of survivors each season) that appear on the hatch, match with the longitude and latitude on the otherside of the world, with Nigeria- and that's where the drug runners plane was from. I guess we'll find out next season.




was this  a plane crash or something?  does the series take place over a VERY short space of time?  or is the search and rescue squad on a day off?

please note:  i know nothing about this show (except the hype) could someone fill me in?