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brighton ?

Started by Queen Firey-Bou, 19 September, 2005, 02:41:18 PM

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Queen Firey-Bou

wait! stop digging that escape trench Bou before if caves in , there may be a better plan.....

when is brighton?
who is going ?
is gatwick the airport nearest?
whats the recommended accomodation?

or is resistance futile & should i accept that i may never leave the glen again..AIEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee! !



What's Brighton?

Bou, are you having another aneurism? Caaaarm down, as Noisybast says.

- Jock McTrout

Queen Firey-Bou

theres some comic thing at brighton sometime, scale-bonce.


Is there? I've always quite liked Brighton.

Don't read anything into that...

- Trout

Bad Andy

Just ripped this from Comic Book Resources - some info here.

British comics conventions have always had the flavour of sticky tape, glue, a used washing up bottle, sticky back plastic and hard liquor. While the American conventions look grand, with huge displays, wonderful performances, queues stretching across lines of latitude and beer-flavoured water.

Dez Skinn's new British comics convention in Brighton in November looks like a change in format. There's more money involved, from councils and colleges, tourist events and a location on the seafront. However, there were plans to precede it with a ?200 a head ProCon. That looks unlikely now, as Dez Skinn posted to the now-generic British-comics-festival message board Comics2000.

Dez Skinn wrote, "About ProCon...

"I've probably bitten off more than I can chew, this being the first time I've organised a show since Comicon 81 (with Frank 'Weird Fantasy') Dobson, but for ProCon I took on board a professional business development and fundraising consultant.

"So far he hasn't raised any funds, despite his card having SEEDA (South East England Development Agency) and The Arts Council on it. The representation to the DTI or Vodaphone doesn't appear to have gone anywhere either.

"Now he has done this job before, the annual Brighton Cine City being just one example, and we armed him with folders, paperwork, a website, business card, the works. He'd told us it should be packaged with 'delegate day rates' and what he believed was a reasonable amount, almost half what his colleagues at Creatives Clusters (Brighton again) charge each year.

"But we ain't got no funding and I haven't heard from him for a month. All together, say 'Oh-oh!'

"So, while the Expo's looking rosey, ProCon ain't. Guess I should have stuck with my set-in-stone principal of going my own way with it rather than somebody else's approach. I still think the theory's sound, offering overseas publishers and creatives a 4-5 day reason to fly for two days, but it's got lost somewhere in the mix.

"Having just finished a deadline, I'll next week be firming up the guests, in the knowledge that Comic Expo will be footing all the bill, not just 50%. I've already got promises from some pretty 'wow' folks, but I needed to get straight this whole ProCon situation before sending them their air ticket money."

But for Brighton's Comic Expo, I hear Diamond are adding a Trade Open Day on the Friday before the con, something that used to be a regular con event but faded away of late.

The current convention schedule is Trade Open Day 1-6pm Friday 18th November, Brighton Comic Expo 19th-20th November. And my birthday on the Monday. Probably take the wife and send her in the direction of the original art tables....

And yes, there will also be a Live Lying In the Gutters event at Brighton.


End is Nigh issue two will be launched at the Brighton convention.

We are, apparantly, sharing a table with something called 'Futurequack' or summat ... ;-P
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++



Brighton is being held on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th November (web addy -

FutureQuake will be there launching issue #5 and it is looking excellent, and in addition to this we will be launching a very special NEW PROJECT details of which will be revealed later this week....would be now, but the guys will brain me if I let it out of the bag....!!!



Thanks for the heads up on this.

I should be able to make it, i'm not too far away, will have a floor to crash on and it will be easy to keep the gf otherwise occupied : )

Byron Virgo

"the guys will brain me if I let it out of the bag"

Which guys are these, Mark? I don't mind if you want to spill your (metaphorical) guts...

Check out the website, with a mascot and design by Brendan McCarthy and Steve Cook!

I know they're trying to get along people like Russell T. Davies, Raymond Briggs and Simon Pegg, and they've already got people like Mark Millar, Dave Gibbons, Gilbert Shelton and Jim Steranko.

There's also going to be a Diamond selling day for comics publishers (DC and so on), with the possibility of a Small/Indie Press event in the late afternoon/evening.

There's a concession at the Brighton Metropole where the event is hosted, but there should be plenty of cheap accomodation nearby (try asking Bolt).

DCJ is going to be sharing a table with TEiN and FQ/MQ and Lost Property 2: Revenge of the Strip.

Blimey, it's going to be a bit crowded, innit?

Link:" target="_blank">Brighton Comic Expo">


Cosy I like to think...

Byron Virgo

Well, it's an opinion, I suppose...

...not mine of course, but there you go...

Funt Solo

Mark Millar goes out in public?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Byron Virgo

I'm afraid so.

"Mother - shield the children's eyes!"

Queen Firey-Bou

mmm, well my new-boss is obviously feeling mean for depriving me of dredd-con so says go girl! you book it !

easy jet is probably 3p if i book this early. only thing in the way at mo appart from rock bottom self-confidence & a crushing pessimism, is the fact that we maybe might supposed to be possibly moving house the week before...which with 22 years crap, 3 bikes, 2 cars various engine parts ( sob ) many many pets, comix, a kiln & art stuff could be a big deal..
but thats a tad off topic. who cares.

sounds like a plan to look forward to.


?200 a head for a 'ProCon' - feh. What exactly would the difference have been between the 'ProCon' and the standard convention drinking and networking session?
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.