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Prog 1459 - Bite the Bullet!

Started by paulvonscott, 03 October, 2005, 05:09:31 PM

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DREDD: You have to love Dredds interrogation style :-) Still am intrigued how this one will really end. Greatness.

SAVAGE: In another thread there is much about how idiotic the brother subplot is. I tend to agree. The Volgans have no problem to round people up and shot them at a whim, on the other hand they never go after Bill?s relatives? As they are unable to find Bill? Not very realistic.

But it is well written and the art is georgeous. I liked it, even if you could drive a truck sometimes through the plotholes.

LEATHERJACK: this is kind of silly and channels Grant Morrison sometimes :-), but it has become fun.

SINDEX: skipped it.

SPACE: So he wrote the messages to himself. SURPRISE! If you think about this plot more than a minute, it is more farfetched than your average Agatha Christe. The daugther wants revenge and needs a Judge to do it. So she travels to earth to seduce a Judge and manipulates him to go to the moon so he will do the dirty deed. Not that there are enough corrupt Judges on the moon which just needed a little shove to do it also. Yeah, right, makes perfect sense :-) And afterwards she travels to earth to commit suicide because ... ? She is crazy? She loved him after all? Or is this Kings fantasy?

But the art was nice except some flat out bad and needlessly confusing action sequences. still, at least it had some nice atmosphere.

Roger Godpleton

Cover: I thought "wow" to myself when I saw it in the shop. Striking.

Dredd: Enjoyed this, I loved the starkness of the art here, seemed really appropriate. The interrogation bit is in IMHO the best "Dredd as bastard" scene since the "NEVER creep up on me" scene from the last Chopper story.

Savage: Wow, this is bleak. Bill now seems to be locked in an endless cycle of revenge, and the restaurant and playground scenes were two of the most upsetting moments I've seen in the Prog for ages. I absolutely loathed the first book, but this has turned into one of my favourite stories in a while.

Leatherjack: I've gone off this, it just seems to be padded out to a rather unnecessary degree. I don't buy this "levelling up" business, it only really works when your character is relatively weedy. Our unstoppable assassin is now even more unstoppable. And the puritan stuff has just gone OTT "St. Whitehouse"? How original.

Sin/Dex: Enjoyed this episode. Barely any crappy jokes and tedious shootouts, although I suspect Abnett will rectify this soon. Plus Simon's art is reliably lovely. Why can't Sin/Dex always be serious?

Breathing Space: Predictable. There were no plotholes here, and the art is pleasant enough, but it still all seemed a bit flat.

Overall: An highly enjoyable effort. Breathing Space and Leatherjack left a slightly sour taste in the mouth, but the cover, Dredd, and the best last episode in yonks more than justify my not-so-hard-earned ?1.75.  
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Steve Green

Her mother jumped off a tall building on the Moon, yes? How does that work with 1/6th gravity?

Terminal velocity on Earth is about 120mph, on the moon wouldn't it be 20mph, seems a bit of a crap suicide method?

- Steve


Terminal velocity is related to wind resistance, not gravity. So long as the building is high enough you could probably accelerate to a deadly speed. I'll do some calculations a bit later when I have some time.




"Terminal velocity on Earth is about 120mph, on the moon wouldn't it be 20mph, seems a bit of a crap suicide method? "

Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Dark Jimbo

But isn't Luna-1 built under a dome filled with air and an atmosphere, thus making life there possible? You don't see people jumping 100ft into the air or floating gently through the city, so I assume that within the Lunar-1 dome normal moon-rules don't apply and the atmosphere (and physics) is much like Earth's.


They seem to have an earth-like atmosphere but unless they've artificially jiggered the gravity - which they could have done, I suppose - Luna City's gravity should be about a sixth of that on Earth.  

A few back-of-an-envelope equations indicate that, on the moon, you'd just need to jump from about six times higher to get the same eventual velocity (I could be entirely wrong, though).  

Given that you can kill yourself just by tripping over and landing badly, I don't think it'd be too difficult to jump to your death on the moon.  

(Besides, they didn't specify it was the fall that killed her: she could have got bored on the way down and shot herself)

Funt Solo

Pumping in air won't result in increased gravity.  When we see film of the moon landings* we can see that although there is less gravity, it's not possible to jump 100ft in the air (but then they were wearing heavy suits).

The lessened gravity was used (by Wake?) as a good reason for King and Julias being able to leap from the dropping H-Wagon to a passing H-Copter (a seemingly impossible feat).

* No, they weren't faked.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Funt Solo

> she could have got bored on the way down and shot herself

She was only wearing a flimsy nighty - where could she have concealed a...nevermind.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


She was only wearing a flimsy nighty - She might have caught neumonia on the way down, then!
Better set your phaser to stun.


A terminal velocity of 120 mph is about 50 metres per second. On Earth this speed can be reached by something falling from a height of 250 metres. On the moon if the pull of gravity is 6 times lower then this speed will be reached by a fall from 1500 metres. However, 25 metres per second (about 60 mph) would be reached on the moon by falling 375 metres.

Jumping heights and the distances people can safely drop, etc would all be approximately multiplied by 6 and if you are trying to kill yourself you don't have to land on your head from very high up for it to be fatal.



Max Kon

erm, she jumped from her appartment on earth. Not the moon behind her and the regular MC-1 judge uniform, not lunar-1 uniform. So what are you all talking about?

Max Kon

Max Kon

oh i see, you're talking about the mother. it doesn't say she was on the moon when she died


I haven't checked but I assumed that while the daughter jumped on Earth, the mother committed suicide on the Moon.

