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Prog 2006 - In thrills we trust

Started by Bad Andy, 12 December, 2005, 07:51:43 PM

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Ha! Perhaps in private. :-S

As for the origin story, John's always said it would take a year to write and a year to appear in the prog.

And it will be his last-ever Dredd work.

- Trout

Carlsborg Expert

Good cover. I have read Shaggy and Dredd of course. Tucking into Slaine.

Point of reference and possible spoiler..... I nearly started loving Dredd as much as Vienna. Awwwwww.Seriously sweet moment over breakfast.

Carlsborg Expert

Is anybody enjoying Shaggy dog story as much as me?


Just by looking at the cover, I'm just make coment on the picture of the guy standing between Dredd and Slaine. The one in glass's whom I now assume to be Finister Sinister. I thought he looked alot like John Lennon. The resembalance is almost uncanny.

Another comment on Alpha, Dredd, & Slaine in the foreground. Were they drawn to exact dimensions as apposed to each other. Is Dredd actually sitting down or is he really that much shorter than Slaine & Johnny.


Great holy badger of Bognor Regis!

Zap! Bang! Biff! What a prog!


Etc, etc. Right, then:

Good pair of Dredds, 'specially liking the art of Class of '79.

Cabs was another fine piece of work, and what with Whitby being just up the road from my childhood home, it scored double points.

For whatever reason, I've not had too many good Dante experiences lately, but this week didn't have me yawning and going 'hurry up', so it'll do.

Although I was sure I'd never say this again, but I really liked Slaine this week. I know. It's mental, isn't it? Loverly art and some fine writing by the Millster. Keep it up, for mercy's sake.

Sin/Dex: What the frog? I mean, really. What. The Frog? I mean, it's good and all, but what the frog? Is this a hallucination, or a metaphor, or what?

LowLife: Hooray for Dirty Frank. "But then Dirty Frank would be unable to see". That is all.

Ten Seconders: Intriguing, very nice stuff. More, please.

Stronty Dog: Well, what can one say? It's, y'know, Stronty.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.

Red Lichtie

And there was me hoping that Sinister & Dexter had finally gone into the sunset leaving us with Kal and the cabbie.

Dante is looking good though


Roger Godpleton

Haven't read it all yet, but what I have is stonking. It's one of those progs where you don't know where to begin. A true case of "Thrillpower Overload". I will be ___ Stuffing it all tomorrow.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


I haven't read this yet.  I'm working my way through a backlog of Megazines and progs in hopes of being able to join in review threads one day.

However, the cover is a shock. A good cover featuring Tharg!  These are rare indeed.


Not read it all yet, but that panel in Cabs which calls for a full-length panel encompassing the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the characters walking beneath it - what kind of a sadist writes that into a story?  Have Gordon and Dom had a tiff?
Great Dredd, though.  Nice balance of 'isn't Dredd a bastard' and 'he does have some depth' that only Wagner seems capable of pulling off with total conviction.  After twenty-five years, though, you'd hope he has it nailed by now.
I'll seriously miss him as Dredd scribe, even if it won't happen for two or three years yet.

Max Kon

i liked straight eye for the crooked guy.

especially the line 'they did what?'

Funt Solo

From a brand new Squaxx:

"on a completely unrelated note, I'm lovin' the comic. The only story I've read so far that I'm not majorly keen on is Nikolia Dante. But I especially like Judge Dredd and Sinister Dexter (even though I don't really know what's going on with them)."
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Mr C

It has been ages since I last bought a prog and since it was pay day yesterday, I ran to the newsagents (well sauntered casually) and grabbed a copy of Prog 2006. I then dashed (well, ambled) home to devour the thrill power that has for so long been denied to me.

Cover- Superb. I think the Lennon look-alike?s meant to be Demon Jenny.
Droid-life- Amusing!
Dredd- Fantastic, great to see not only another clone, but a member of the class of ?79 to boot! Nice treat for a Dredd spod.
Cabs- First time I?ve seen Kostabi and I like him already. Nice view on Chapter?s character and what hideous acts shall Ravne and Jenny perform?
Dante- Flicked through this, I am getting a little fed up with the continuing pirate adventures and really just want Dante to get back into the actual storyline! Fantastic though Burns is and a great a fan as I am of his work, I can?t help but feel that it?s time his run should end and his energies focus on a new project for 2000ad
Slaine- Now this is much more like it! I actually enjoyed the last series somewhat and this looks like its set to go back to the Celtic Sword and Sorcery so sorely missed over the past decade or so. Great to see Ukko and the art continues to become clearer!
Ten Seconders- Been looking forward to this since last years preview at Dreddcon. An interesting opening episode.
Lowlife-Superb! It?s great to see Aimee back in a festive not too heart-warming tale. And Dirty Frank is rapidly becoming one of my favourite characters of recent years.
Dredd 2- I enjoyed the buttock wax, but apart from that, I was not too impressed by either the story or the art.
Sin/Dex- lovely art but I second the ?What the Frog??
Stront- Wulf goes butch and bald shocker!
Sketch thing- Nice to see some of the processes various artists go through to create a cover.
Previews- Looking forward to all of these but pride of place in the anticipation sub-routine of my thrill circuits has to go to Origin. Ooooh! Can?t wait!

Overall, a superb way to come back to tooth after so long in the wilderness.

Roger Godpleton

El Cover: Very interesting image, I think John Lennon is actually Finny so neh to you Chris. Good Stuff.

El Dredd: Totally different to my own expectations, a classy and subdued performance from Messrs Wagner & Staples. Emotion without sentimentality, which was generally the theme of the strip. Great Stuff.

El Cabs: How does Gordon do it? Each story, there's a new layer of intrigue added and it never seems overcrowded. The dialogue was perfectly judged, and Kostabi is already on the way to becoming a classic villain. Really Great Stuff.

Slaine: This felt like a "transitional" type episode, & I never know what to make of these, except for this one, which is fun. I hope these characters go on to do interesting things, as they seem interesting, & I want to see more of Kai's squeeze. Good Stuff if we're judging it as a regular episode, Very Good Stuff if we're considering its properties as a set-up.

Ten Seconders: When I read that this was a "post-apoclyptic resistance movement" story, I was a bit skeptical, but this looks very promising indeed. The "Gods" concept seems very unique, as does our plucky heroine, I hope she develops, as she seems refreshing here, an upbeat yet inexperienced character contrasting with the wizened moody types. Plus I don't think I've ever enjoyed Mark H's art as much as I do here. Very Good Stuff.

Low Life: Another strong showing from Mr. Williams, I loved the characterization of Aimee here, and her "breakdown" was very well handled here. The ending was unexpectedly affecting, and really added to the story. I hope we get more Aimee in the future. Great Stuff.

Dredd 2 (Or should that be Dredd POO): Yuck. The art was okay, but the script read like some sort of second-rate Charlie Brooker-esque "Everything is rubbish" tripe that I'm really sick of reading these days. Predictable and dull, this felt like filler. Very Bad Stuff.

Sin/Dex: Simon puts out another stunning display here. The scene with Demi is one of the most unsettling I've seen in a while, and if the intention was to unsettle us, then Dabnett has succeeded. Very Good Stuff.

Strontium Dog: It's Strontium Dog. And Wulf gets shaved. Great Stuff.

Droid Life: The hat bit was hilarious, almost to "Nice one Warnie" levels of hilarity. The only thing bad about this strip is the realization that I will one day be P14 (Not working for Tooth though). Great Stuff.

Nikolai Dante: Exposition enlivened by scary new villains. Okay Stuff.

Overall: A stonking festive funbag with only one duff note. Great Stuff.

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Bart Oliver

++ As for the origin story, John's always said it would take a year to write and a year to appear in the prog. ++
I remember this mega epic of mega epics being talked about in not-so-hushed tones at a Dreddcon two years ago.. the advertisement was a welcome reminder I hadn't just imagined it.

++ And it will be his last-ever Dredd work. ++

I really hope not- I hope John will continue to contribute the occasional story.
Obviously you're not a golfer.