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"A disaster of the very first order"-Halliwell's Film Guide

Started by petemaskreplica, 20 January, 2006, 04:26:06 PM

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Fans of ill-conceived and overblown sci-fi movie adaptations may be pleased to know that there's a free DVD of David Lynch's Dune being given away with the Observer this weekend. Underrated  epic or just the load of old donkey's cock that everyone says it is? Here's your chance to decide for yourself!


Given away free? Bloody cheek. I paid good money for two seperate copies (the TV cut and the cinematic cut, if you're interested).

And I still stand by my decision. Donkey's cock indeed....
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.

Funt Solo

Ah, it's a shite movie.  It's also completely unmissable.

Better than Star Wars I.  (Now there's a back-handed compliment.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

I, Cosh

It's rubbish, but there are two scenes in it that are absolutely amazing and almost worth the psychological cost of sitting through the whole thing!

"He comes.

The voice from the outer wooooorld."
We never really die.

Mr C

"Bring me the floating fat man!"

I'm still waiting for a good adaptation of Dune in my lifetime.


I'm tempted... last saw it years ago... but I can I be bothered a) walking to the shop on a Sunday morning b) forking out for the Observer?



It's a killing name don't you know?


you'll be able to find it on video in a charity shop for less than a sunday paper. or even the dvd it's self in a few weeks.

i have a massive soft spot for it being one of those films i saw far too young, and then returned to remembering it as great.  

sting and baron harkonen makes it worth a giggle.  and i make a effort to watch anything with patrick stewart in ( apart from nemisis)


It's everything you know and love about David Lynch in a totally inappropriate setting. What more could you want?
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.

Slippery PD

I kinda like it.  It sucks, but I think the book may be difficult to film correctly.  Still it sucks!


Rob Spalding

The recent TV mini series was a bit more faithful, but I can't help really being into this movie.
It's like the fact that Flash Gordon has a permanent place in my all time top 10 movies.


I fucking love that movie and I'll fight anyone that disses it.


I've got some of the Panini tie-in stickers somewhere round here. In there original packaging too.


> I fucking love that movie and I'll fight anyone that disses it.

I'm fighting with Demolition Man block - who are you with? *



* See Thread 15949!
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


There can be only one!

The News of the Screws is giving away Highlander (and the Sun has Conan The Destroyer tomorrow)