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Help ma boab! Where next for Caballistics after prog 1473?

Started by The Amstor Computer, 31 January, 2006, 02:06:06 AM

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The Amstor Computer

Well that was unexpected...


So, Ness neatly offs another voice Kostabi wants silenced - only this time the victim is a rather more important figure in the story than poor, sad Vesper Nox.

I'd been banking on Jonathan being around for a while yet, as his talent for unearthing interesting scraps of information and collapse into wretched alcoholism promised some potentially juicy storylines, but it looks like Gordon had other plans for the character. Of course, we're dealing with a strip where people have come back from apparent death before, but it does look like Brand has made a rather permanent exit from the series.

So, what now for Caballistics? We know that the strip will be taking a break after next week's finale, and that there is far too much to wrap up for the next episode to answer all of the questions about the storyline so far.

The break aside, though, it feels like the strip is building momentum for a major event. Kostabi's plan - whatever that may be - is apparently coming to a head; Magister has tested his power and seems ready to break free ("Water contains it, but shall not hold it" indeed); Ravne's own plans seem to be progressing apace (what happened to the remains of the "angel"? And what is he doing with tankboy in the basement?), and: the Inspector seems about to make a reappearance in prog 1474. Some kind of confrontation between Kostabi and the Cabs team (sans Nessie, of course) seems imminent - but can the strip continue after that?

I still feel the series has a great deal of untapped potential - and I would have loved a Jennifer & Jonathan ghostbusting roadtrip around Britain, taking in all the classic Brit folklore - but what do you think? Can the series go on after a showdown with Kostabi? Do you think we're getting near that point? And who wants to see Ness meet a sticky end?



I wanna see Chapter and the Queen of the fairies in dyke on dyke action...possibly involving the electro stun gun Hannah's packing?...



I'm gonna miss Brand, he was always my favourite!
The story ends next week? NOOOOOO! I was hoping for a nice long run for this story before the sabatical.
Better set your phaser to stun.


Whatever else you might want to say about it Cabalistics Inc never knowingly overstays it's welcome.

When David Bishops grandson comes to write 50 years creep! He'll note that the first appearance of Jonathon Brand and chums marked the start of the second golden age of the House of Tharg. Red Seas, Bec and Kawl, Lobster Random, Cursed Earth Koburn, Young Middenface, the further adventures of the V.C.'s...Zarjaz!


for some unknown reason I keep thinking of that film where Gabriel walks about putting his finger on peoples lips and SSSH! es them. perhaps its he heavenly battle/ fallen angel brought to earth thingy

Second golden age? I like the sound of that

Huff the silver aged.
DDT did a job on me


I think (and hope) Cabs has a few series left yet. Even if the team were to off Kostabi (if thats even possible) then theres still Magister to deal with.

And then theres the whole Ravne business...

I'm glad its taking a break for a while as it gives me the chance to dig out the progs and have a nice big re-read as I'm sure theres a few strands I've missed. Still I'll miss Doms art, get im on a Dredd.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Funt Solo

I'm just smug that I spotted the EK initials clue before the big reveal - after all the wild stabs in the dark I've made about who's who and what's what in the series, it was satisfiying to finally make contact.

I abhore the time between series - but it's not directed squarely at Cabs - I just hate the piecemeal approach to long-running strips in 2000AD these days.  You get one serving a year, two if you're lucky - that's your lot.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Dark Jimbo

If Brand is dead, Hannah and Lawrence are the only 'good' members of the team left, and would have little reason to stay with Ravne, Demon Jenny and Kostabi as things are.

So... I reckon we're about to see a big shake-up of the team, involving some sort of Kostabi/Ravne showdown, which will ultimately end with a somewhat different team under somewhat different management - possibly under Magister, or properly under Ravne, perhaps with no Brand or Jenny (who might now be working for Absolam). Whatever else, I reckon the whole Kostabi thing at least is about to be revealed and come to an explosive climax...


"Caballistics, Inc." as the name of the outfit is presumably owned by EK - therefore, unless they're working for Ethan they'll need to change their collective name.
In which case the story would have to change name also, which would be messy...
Dunno if that's relevant in guessing what happens next.
Better set your phaser to stun.


Odders - Everything you say is true, but the decision to call the series Caballistics, Inc., rather than "Caballistics, Ltd." indicates a certain lack of respect for current British business practise.  I'm going to stick my neck out and predict that copyright law won't play a big part in the gang's upcoming adventures.

Also, what makes Hannah a "good" member?  Even Lawrence is a mercenary for hire.

Dark Jimbo

Also, what makes Hannah a "good" member? Even Lawrence is a mercenary for hire

Good in the face of the others - Jenny has been posessed by a denzien of hell, Ravne is a homonculus/ex-nazi/undead thingy, Kostabi is a demon/fallen angel/immortal evil thingy, and Ness seems to be working for both Ravne and Kostabi.

In that company, you wouldn't exactly call Hannah or Lawrence 'evil', would you?


Yes, I'm afraid I'll have to plead guilty to not really caring very much about the impact of real-life UK company and copyright law on the future direction (and title) of the strip.

Anyone looking to be really pedantic could point out that 'Piccadilly' is mis-spelled on the front of the train on that last page.


I think we've long since realised that Dom may be brilliant at atmosphere, characters, and things like that but somewhat less good when it comes to things like spelling.


"I think we've long since realised that Dom may be brilliant at atmosphere, characters, and things like that but somewhat less good when it comes to things like spelling"

especially when we discover his true name is Dan Reardam


Out of the two Caballistics characters I liked, one has had her soul sucked out and the other one has been pushed under a train.