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Prog 1480: Fight or Flight

Started by ukdane, 20 March, 2006, 02:04:26 PM

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"Which I would respect, but for the fact that you can't seem to decide what your opinion is. Do you find it "middle of the road" and "utterly banal" or "dire" and "inherantly shite"? Aren't the two sets of terms mutually exclusive?"

No. B&K is a middle of the road banal story and is also an inherantly shite and dire story. What's wrong with that? Why can't something that is middle of the road be shite if I consider the term 'middle of the road' to be shite, or in this case inherantly shite which means I consider it to be 'consistantly not very good' every week. So to equate middle of the road + banal = inherantly shite which in turn means it's dire. 2000AD should be creating far better stories than B&K and it falls below the high standard I expect from the prog every week.

"Of course it's no surprise that you should get mixed up - as you didn't bother to actually read it."

No I didn't read it and I have already explained why in my last post. I'm not 'mixed up' I don't like the story it's not funny.

Funt Solo

Why I oughta...

[shakes fist menacingly]

I think we better agree to disagree before my knickers get in so much of a twist that they cut off circulation and my legs drop off.

I'm off now to the stormy doldrums of the wildly becalmed ocean to try and capture and free a giantly miniscule fish mammal from the teethy toothless maw of the most angrily timid creature of the shallow depths.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


"I think we better agree to disagree before my knickers get in so much of a twist that they cut off circulation and my legs drop off."

Ouch! I agree because I'm wearing boxers with a button up fly.

"I'm off now to the stormy doldrums of the wildly becalmed ocean to try and capture and free a giantly miniscule fish mammal from the teethy toothless maw of the most angrily timid creature of the shallow depths"

:-) now that's funny!

Have fun fishing in the tempestuous placidity of the pond.

Carlsborg Expert

1480 A quick overview;

Ah Yeowel's helmet and karl Rich's art has been used before for the Rock and Roll festival in the cursed Earth story, for Dredd, where religious mutants gatecrashed the show. Brother Ear involved..

The Dredd and Future-shock mean nothing to me at first glance which may mean they have a tight little storyline each.

Beck and Kawl is somewhat in favour and I accept it as part of a full and fruity brwakfast, like I accet oats in meusli.

I dig my heels in at ABC Warriors and as James Mackay says; its a strip ready to allow itself the freedom of rails.

The Deus X-factor plays an impetuous midrift to the story but from the word go, its been Pat Mills in comparitively rejuvenated form. The opening corpse that follows with a Mek-Quake feature and ends in Doc Maniacus's deparment are all memorable wiffs of Mills in form.

The quotes from Withnail and I and some soap operas are egotistically tested against Mills own procurring of quotables which Funt may have scored earlir in the thread.

The one that cooks beans for me is quite simply, "RUN FOR IT KIDS !".

It show what fun one can have after being tyed up in a proffession that leaves one wanting no more of the self conscious diatribes that stiffen the creative flow amnymore- finding a little freedom and enjoying it as playfully as one setting out from the early reasons to why we set about creative peddling in the first place.

There is a shrewd move to as I open to the last page of this weeks 2000ad.The  attention grabber is the advert for the RT game and the use of editing on ABC bears the question from the first panel of the last page, with the caption;-


Coincidence or just my imagination aside I think it works rather well.

Will resume review futurely...:)


...have you been drinking your namesake?


The sesquipedlian verobsity and sheer delightful nature of your comments fills me virtously!  

Yes, I agree, Mills and curtains both occasionally reel against reality's ceiling tracks.  

Yet without them the paper would be a poor and tattered place fit only for chips.

Many critics of stylistic exuberance I think comprehend the godless reality of today's mind escaping commuter herds, it could be argued.  

Only one's opinion, of course.  Flames simmer down.  It's only the big life game after all.


Crickey you been drinking Carlsberg export AND reading James Joyce, I can't take this...

Carlsborg Expert

Okay, okay. I had a couple of pints with my tooth.

Its nearly making sense. lol. I knew I should have previewed.:)


Nothing in the prog interested me much.

I hope it's because I've been really busy and a bit stressed, and I wasn't in the right frame of mind.

Bec and Kawl was readable enough, but that's about it.

We'll see how it all continues next week.

- Trout

Carlsborg Expert

I am still considering my more gestated review.

Even though my overview may be a little dilapidated, my review shall be forthcoming.

Like it or not.



Good action cover, not genius but very good

Judge Dread: Heist
The art is boring and doesn't suit Dredd. The story looks interesting

Future Shocks: Earthsong
pretty mundane by FS standards, not much of a twist

the 86ers: Touchdown
This will run and run! Terrific stuff. I get the feeling I'll get tired of the floating robot-thingy's banter pretty quickly, but otherwise great stuff, brilliant art.

Bec & Kawl: Freakshow
Not funny, never has been for me.  

ABC Warriors: The Shadow Warriors: Book Three
I'm an incurable ABC warriors addict, so I liked this. I found it a little confusing though, is that just me? The bad guys are wonderfully batty.


Imagine some poor sucker trying to pitch that Future Shock at a Dreddcon - they'd've been right royally mocked & degraded.

Really, Tharg should give 'name' writers higher standards to reach then newbies.

Steve Yeowell on Dredd, I'm not sure about. Maybe it's just the colouring? Good story building anyway.

The 86ers - do we need more RTesque stuff? It seems pretty good so far.

ABC Warriors - enjoying this, I'll need to re-read the previous books to refresh my memory though.

B&K - s'okay. Not one of there best outings I admit, but they're not rubbish.

Like the Trout, maybe I'm just in a grumpy mood this week?
Better set your phaser to stun.

Carlsborg Expert

Cover; Like a catchy song the cover ticks all the boxes. It looks simple and easy on the eye where at closer inspection it belies a fussing intricacy.
...To Cover; Steamboy looks good, anybody getting this? (oh stop it>;p)

Heist. Yeowell's art could right for Dredd. Fantastic opening sprawl, interesting panel placement within but the colouring, my god!His charactor disciline is on top as always and its quite funny when Dredd homes in on the perps with blatant disregard fror other traffic users. I don't know who, out of the team is responsible but is sho is funny.
Edgy story from Edgy, anyhow. I think the kid in the car car is a touch of topical genius.( Read it.)
On top of that the reason I believe yeowells good for Dredd is that his style fits in nicely with the backtracking of criminal movements in the recent story arc.

Whats this? Terror Firmer? A little movie Review? Luxury!

Earthsong; Good one John Smith or Doe.It is nice to see Parkhouse giving it his more experienced touch.

Touchdown; Grennies' really honing his art. A nice full read accompanyed by some fine illustrations.

Freakshow; So the freeaks are looking for their house and Kawls got yet another excuse to sit and smoke cannibis all day withh his mates. seems pretty reasonable to me.How many times has Bugs Bunny's done that cannon move a thousand times though! :)

The Shadow Warriors-Book Three;Well like I said, Mills is on a roll here and I hope he rams this frieghttrain into the wall of Fort Detractor! I hope he takes  the end of Shadow Warriors through in his own inimitable style and Tour de force.I'll say it again; Nifty bit of editing in cahoots with the final interior page.

There. I have been a little selfconscious on this but it'll prolly all died down in a week or so.


Cover: Fine not wild but fine ...

JD Heist: Story looking good but...Yeowell is great one of my favs, but not on JD ( why are they smiling all the time is it the masks?) Dredd over the cars missed opportunity... And old Stoney face just doesnt have any gravitas, age or authority...but anyway That Judge Medic!!! Tubby, beard, earing looks more like a pirate that a Meg-medic to long on Redseas methinks

FS: not shocking, it would have been more shocking if the signs made up a Gaia's joke's punch line or 'so long and thanks for all the fish' sort of thing

69ers: thought I couldn't take anymore RT stuff, normally a let down, but that last Frame/word changed that! looking good, is that robot called Basil exposition by any chance?

B&Q  couldn't be bother to even read it...

ABC Warriors... I thought it would be the female nurse... missed the above mentioned quotes silly me is PM killing them of so no-one else can play with them?

Steamboy's looking good...
DDT did a job on me