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Almost Everything

Started by Funt Solo, 21 March, 2006, 03:25:30 AM

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Funt Solo" target="_blank">Almost Everything

(Apologies for cross-posting.)

(Firefox fecks up big style on this one - so it's currently IE only for viewing joy.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

I, Cosh

Nice one. If that's almost everything, then what's missing?

FWIW, it looks exactly the same in Firefox and IE for me. What problems were you having?

Finally, I was wondering where all the data came from. Is it collated from your index pages? If so, I take it you've got it in a database format as it'd be absurdly time-consuming to do that from Excel.

Cheers, Pete.
We never really die.

Funt Solo

It was absurdly time consuming.

Mind you - it would have equally time consuming to create the database.

(I did attempt to design a database, but it got so complicated, I figured it would take less time just to create it in this format - the obvious downside being that it's only in that format.)


What's missing?

Crisis, Revolver, Best ofs, EEs, the 2K Summer Special and various annuals & poster progs.  Probably a few other things (including TPBs and suchlike).

Every single 2000AD, Megazine, JD Mega-Special and Winter Special is covered.  (Including some info. not available via this site - mostly annual content.  Conversely, this site has some info. I don't have because I can't cross-reference it.)


The Firefox problem.  This is kinda techy, but the pages holding the seperate prog & meg info - and the long list of almost everything are seperate pages held inside an iframe (which is bad web voodoo, but the only way I know of to wrap an interface around Excel generated web content).

Anyway, the default height for an iframe is not very high.  Rather than opt for a dual vertical scrollbar system by setting some hard-coded height on the iframe content, I calculate it when the content is loaded and then set the height to whatever just came in.

However, in tests, the code was figuring out the height before the content had fully loaded - thus figuring it out too short (resulting in the two scrollbars issue again).

To counter this, I built in a time delay (of 2 seconds) before calculating the height.

On my connection, Firefox gets confused (I think) and incorrectly calculates the height.  With tall 2000AD index pages, this is fine, but with the long list of everything, the graphics glitch up some way down the page, eventually displaying a blank white page where content should be.

It's all as hacky as fuck, but people can just right click and save the individual pages to their comp if they want.

It's hardly meant as a serious professional resource - just sharing my indexing madness.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


However Grannibal, the first episode of Young Middenface is linsted as being a Middenface tale, not a Y.M. adventure.

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.