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Started by GordonR, 22 March, 2006, 03:06:12 AM

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The second Rogue Trooper trailer - the One With The Story In It - is available for watching/downloading over at Gamespot.

Helm fans will be delighted to see that it contains definite proof that he's an integral member of the team.

Link:" target="_blank">Look!  There's Stammels in it!


Looks nice.
Of course it would look nicer if I could see he high-res version. But as I don't pay for a subscription I can't.

I think personally I'm going to find it a bugger to control as theres obviously a lot of movement and options to be used but I guess that'll come with time. Hopefully there'll be actual cheats this time so I can actually play around with the levels and not be stuck like I was in DvD.

Wasn't Bagman normally used to hack into computer systems?

Looks accurate to the source though, pillboxes being a good example :)

2 months to go.



There seems to be a much greater range of movement than I've seen in similar games, what with ll the leaning round corners firing and jumping onto robots and jamming a gun into their wirey guts.

And helm does... what exactly? Sits on a desk watching tele?

Looks like I'm picking up a cheapo X-Box. The voice acting could be better, and those atmo-craft are completely off-spec, but it looks like it;s going to be pretty fun.

W. R. Logan

Helm does stuff!

Link:" target="_blank">Review Site: Rogue Trooper Thread">


>"Helm fans"

He has fans?
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.

Artificial Idiot

I always imagined Gunnar to sound harder.

Looks excellent though! Definatly be getting it!


The voice-overs sound bad IMO.

What are the differences, if any, between the x-box version, and the PS2 version?


Funt Solo

Bah - I must fill in a form to view it.  I shall have to go without.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

W. R. Logan

>What are the differences, if any, between the x-box version, and the PS2 version?

I was told there are no differences between the various platforms.


What about graphics wise?


W. R. Logan

I only played the PS2 version so didnt have anything to compare it to.

The Amstor Computer

Hm. I'd be surprised if there weren't some differences - slightly lower quality graphics & longer load times on the PS2, for example - but from what I remember of Dredd Vs Death, it seemed like all versions were pretty close. Certainly, the GameCube version was just a touch smoother than the PS2 version, and that in spite of it reportedly being a more capable, easily-tapped machine.

The new trailer is more impressive than the first, simply because it actually shows off the gameplay a little more. There's still nothing particularly remarkable in there, but it looks like being a solid action title. The Rogue trappings look alright - mental war vehicles, fitting environments, OK biochip voices - but I remember the Dredd game looking "right" ahead of release, so I'm a bit wary of getting too excited about how it looks in a trailer.

The thing that interests me is how non-2K fans are going to react to this. There's certainly nothing in that trailer that would have me clamouring for the game if I wasn't already a fan of the character - it's not particularly spectacular graphically & the gameplay doesn't look that unusual or gripping.


Cool, I have a PS2, and RT is a personal fave. Would you recommend the game after what you've seen from playing it?



The hi-res version is available here without subscription/charges if you want a look...

