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More Caballistics?

Started by Tex Hex, 05 April, 2006, 09:50:03 PM

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Tex Hex

Hey folks

Does anyone know if there are plans for further collections after "going underground"? Id love to have this collected as Im missing the more recent stuff.




No plans announced as yet. Serves you right for missing recent issues.

Tex Hex


My rich, indulgant lifestyle had to be abruptly discontinued for a while and my comic reading dropped in priority a bit. Since stopping Ive been shocked by certain spoilers involving Dr. Brand and the nessy monster...

Bloody spoilers.



Jonathan O

Yup, January next year will see Caballistics Inc.: Creepshow in print collecting together all of Cabs up to the present.



Tex Hex


Im curious as to why Krystalnacht wasnt included in this collection as it would have provided a nice cliffhanger "wow" moment. I seem to remember Gordon Rennie saying he felt it was a natural place to wrap up the first book. And besides the Downtime singles lead up to it! Ah well...

Or maybe it is and Ive heard wrong.


Funt Solo

I keep hearing about this one, and I'm fence-sitting.

On the one hand, Krystalnacht is a bookend to Downtime, but on the other, it's a huge cliffhanger - only resolved in the aptly named Picking Up The Pieces (leading into Creepshow).

So, do you provide readers with a collection that ends on a cliffhanger (which can be pretty annoying when you pick up what looks like a complete book) or do you forego that in favour of something more self-contained?

I must admit, I avoid a lot of the big, glossy superhero collections on the shelf because (despite being about a mile thick) they proudly emblazon 5 of 12 on the front cover - and, of course, not only don't I want 12 mammoth shelf-busters, but numbers 1 through 4 are nowhere to be seen.

I'm veering off-topic.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Man, that's fantastic news! Well, apart from the fact that it'll be 2007 before I get my mitts on the book! Here's hoping Gordon kicks off the next Cabs tale around the same time, 'cause it's a cracking series.


The Adventurer

Yup, January next year will see Caballistics Inc.: Creepshow in print collecting together all of Cabs up to the present.



Part of me is rocking out. The other part is wondering if I'll pick it up, since I own everthing after Downtime. (you know, except the last episode of Changeling, because Diamond can't ship a comic properly)

Probibly, since I like complete runs on myshelf.



Theadv, send me a mail with the issue number your missing and I'll have a scoot through the back issues at the next comic mart if you can't find it.

The Adventurer

Issue #1474. But don't worry about it. I'm planing a good size order from the Future Shop in a few weeks (to get the Robo-Hunter and DR & Quinch TPs that also didn't show up) and I'll just get it then.

Thanks for offering though.




and when is it back in the prog? jesus, it's like waiting for bloody Halo Jones 4, this...
Dawn of the first day. 72 hours remain.


Yeah being a US reader bites. I ordered some collections from Mars Imports a month ago. Still waiting. Tell me if the shipping rates from the Future Shop make it worth while.