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Ipswich Serial Killer Arrest - Myspace Friend

Started by Buttonman, 18 December, 2006, 05:09:40 PM

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Littlejohn is just like 'Johnathan Ringpiece' in Viz who did anything possible to appear controvertial. I used to like his and Garry Bushell's columns when they were in the Sun but only in an ironic he's being contrary kind of way. Sadly many regard the likes of Littlejohn as suitable prime minister material and enjoy hitting the prison van with copies of his wisdom as they go INTO court.

As far as the first suspect's myspace stuff I'm sure this would be regarded in the public domain. Whether the guy can get a fair trial depends on finding twelve people who've been living down a hole for a month.

The media coverage has been shocking. Today we had George Angala (?) telling us it was cold, a tarpaulen had been put up and there was no further info. Why he and dozens of others have to stand out on the street to tell us this I don't know.

It was also  deplorable them interviewing a victim's father and asking gems like 'How does it feel?'.

As for the second suspect I'm sure he did it - you should hear the music they played and the newsreader's expression.
(thanks Homer Badman)


Wow. Never thought I'd despise the Daily Mail more, I really didn't.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


I switched off when I heard 'Ipswich GRIPPED with FEAR'.

Fucking nonsense sensationalism. With a bit of training, my pet dog can come up with something better.

Carlsborg Expert

Prostitute dying of hyperthermia because she's done the drugs? Darwinism.

Being killed at the hands of another because of lack of respect? Advocation of serial killing.

" Hey guys, seriously torpid and cowardly self loathing mixed in with a massive inferiority complex?

Hell, kill a few women who work on street corners not fit for fat cat brothels! On us! "

Hmm. Glad I'm not anywhere near as smart as that fella.

janus stark

"ipswich gripped with fear"
well i live here
my brother now lives in the so called red light area which get bigger with each day
the media has certainly whipped up a frenzy
friday night last week out the town not a soul around.
but the worst bit ...
bloody skycopter hovering all day,while im on night s trying to get some sleep


I would've thought the worst bit was the brutal murder of five women

but that's just me

Queen Firey-Bou

no johnny its not just you.

i'm just un-cool, hip, un-cynical & un-ironic too.

i mean theres black humour to deal with bad shit, you'll find its a coping strategy in the emergency services, health & care proffessions. But tho we might tell halarious car crash stories at xmas dinners, never ever for a minute do we switch off from the fact that the person bleeding in your arms has a wife & family, the day i stop caring is the day i might as well be dead.

and prehaps if society stopped shrugging & laughing off brutality & violence, less murdering freakoids would emerge from it ?

Queen Firey-Bou

and furthermore... ( here we go )

these poor five women are dead and their famillies are in trauma which will ripple out for decades;

what about the countless thousands of other women out there trapped in addiction, poverty, violence & abuse cycles ?  does anyone think thats what they wanted to do with their lives, or chose? scratch the surface, and you will find horrific stories of circumstances that put them, and keep them there, society treats them as dirt, less than human, it could happen to any of us, any time, or our children, wouldnt it be nice if out of all this some more support came out if this ?

 funding for addictions nurses, counsellors, sheltered accomodation, training schemes, childcare, drop in centers etc it all costs nothing compared to the latest MP wage rise or council office wallpaper.. but it ain't going to happen because theres always this undercurrent that thinks the poorest , most damaged, vunerable people are just scum who deserve no better.

i'm off to work, throwing a christmas party for children who are the product of these kind of broken people, and scrabble around for funding to keep the project going another few months, maybe save one or two kids from getting trapped in the same cycle. trying to stay calm when angel faced 5 & 6 year olds tell me about dad killing un-born sister, or stabbing mum in front of them etc, i find NOTHINg to crack jokes about in human suffering & misery.


Thre are always jokes in the aftermath of any traumatic event - probably as you say , some sort of societal coping mechanism.

But this case was unusual in that the jokes were flying thick and fast as soon as the first womans' body was found.

And I'm sorry to say It's because she was a prostitute and therefore deemed unworthy of any respect whatsoever by 'decent' people.

Richard Littlejohns' article is nauseating but I'll bet there are many who would agree with every hate-filled, ignorant condemnation in this diatribe.

So many ludicrous and hysterical assumptions in this attack on the vitims of a serial murderer.

What a cunt


Janus was just saying how the presence of the media had effected him, he wasn't using it as a platform to be callous.  

janus stark

thank you paul
sorry. yes this is a hideous crime(s).
but you are watchin this through the lens of a camera.this is a small town.that is now under the watchful eye of the global media.this means packs of journo's chasing across town helicoptors in the sky.
this media frenzy often for small snippets of irelevent info, has had an effect of the people here .
i work at ipswich hospital,yesterday we had an incident when two eurpean journo's where found in our mortuary,what where they up to?
this is not a nice place to be


Point taken, I was using his (janus's) comment to highlight the flippancy of the prevailing attitude towards these crimes.

Janus, being from the centre of the media-shitstorm is bound to be a little sick of the frenzy and only expressed how this is personally affecting him.

I dont think Janus is a cunt.

My opinion of Littlejohn remains unchanged.


"i work at ipswich hospital,yesterday we had an incident when two eurpean journo's where found in our mortuary,what where they up to? "

Jesus, that's appalling.

I too can no longer watch the TV news when something like this occurs, and while seeing the same seductive 'Dance of the Gull Catchers' vibes as others here, I just can't get past the idea that this is such a media sensation specifically because these poor women worked as prostitutes.  The endless assertion that the victims 'were' prostitutes just seems to bang home the idea that that is all they were, not people trying to deal with a shite situation by taking on work that has to be at the crappy end of any kind of scale.   Whole bloody thing makes me sick.

Funt Solo

It's all horrific - from the murders, to the media insanity.  Early on I was disturbed by the the media line that with less prostitutes on the streets due to the murders, the murderer (or murderers) might turn to attacking "normal women".  There seemed to be some assumption that a prostitute is somehow worth less.

Last night, I turned on the news to hear about the other man who'd been arrested and had to turn it off because it was just insulting, on various levels.  A reporter outside a house saying "it's cold".  Well, yes, it's winter.  And there was a snippet of footage of the police talking to one of the arrested men's fathers on his doorstep.  Why are the media even allowed to get that close in that situation?

Unfortunately, I doubt any of this will lead to a wider debate on how to improve the lot of  prostitutes in the UK.  Making it illegal and criminalising the participants does nothing to help, and yet it's too hot a topic for any of our status quo political parties to touch with a 10 foot barge pole.  

Decriminilisation schemes do work to reduce the number of attacks on prostitutes by a considerable amount, and yet they're only ever introduced as temporary measures, stopped not because they didn't help, but because they cost money to implement.  Our country has fucked up priorities.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Lovely front page of The Sun today... 'Is this the strangler?' across a snapshop of a bloke stood behind his wife with his hands on her shoulders sort of close to her neck... which could be seen, at a stretch, might be seen as a jokey impression of strangulation...

I've no idea how this can not be prejudicial