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Prog 1519 - Mekanised Infantry

Started by radiator, 08 January, 2007, 09:54:22 AM

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>I've thought for a while that Solomon is the traitor. He's the most machiavellian of them all and he could be the one that ratted on Fargo. He's also the one who suggested the judges become more armed for a conflict. I could be wrong I haven't got this weeks prog yet.

I am thinking more Morton Judd. All the top dogs keep putting him back. Could this be what started turning him?


Morton Judd's a bit too obvious & we know his story from OZ, why repeat?

We know nothing of Solomon however.

I, Cosh

We know nothing of Solomon however.

We know about his Judgement on Booth. Which makes it seem unlikely he's in cahoots with him. Or maybe not, if it's a way to avoid actually killing him...

My money was on Judd, but I might just have changed my mind now.
We never really die.


+++We know about his Judgement on Booth. Which makes it seem unlikely he's in cahoots with him. Or maybe not, if it's a way to avoid actually killing him...

We know about his judgement on Booth and maybe he's wanted to get rid of Booth, elections and democracy all along while Fargo never pushed to go so far. Maybe Solomon made the phonecall about Fargo's unjudicial liaison to push him to resign and get him out of the way.

He doesn't have to be in cahoots with booth but he may be manipulating him too, as well as Goodman and the judges. Dredd has said he thought Solomon was too clever for "his own good at times".

We also don't know what actually happened to Solomon after Booth's trial and before OZ, he could have been found out or we have yet to find out what happened to him?


Considering Solomon will have put both Fargo and Booth on ice by the end, it seems there's a pattern to his controlling of others?


Solomon can't be the bad guy as he's still in the Judges' good books. His clone was one of the five sent to Texas city back in "Dredd Angel". They wouldn't have sent Texas City the clone of a Judge who'd gone bad.

- huey


>Solomon can't be the bad guy as he's still in the Judges' good books. His clone was one of the five sent to Texas city back in "Dredd Angel". They wouldn't have sent Texas City the clone of a Judge who'd gone bad.

>- huey

Solomon's clone wasn't one of the 5 sent to Texas city in "Dredd Angel. The 5 clones were clones of:


So Solomon could be in the bad books.


That's a mighty fine picture you've posted there, Funt.

And I think it sums up most of all what I think is missing from the recent (say last half dozen or so) ORIGINS.

It's plain old straight forward.

There aren't any mad twists of genius in there like Blood 'N' Guts - ORIGINS is now full of dull old politicians.  There were mad muties at the start (the Dredd clan with their chins and the huge blob bodied clan elder thing) and there was rain that was on fire but since then it's been dull as dishwater.

I need my epics to have genetically recreated dinosaurs, mental mutants, crazy killer robots, totally implausible heroics in the middle of an apocolyptic war and zombies doing a song and dance number*.

I don't want Dredd in a cave saying "You know Kids, some politicians are mad and bad and will do anything to stay in power".

I'm fighting with the "ORIGINS is actually pretty underwhelming" Block, who's with me?

* OK, maybe not the last one.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Funt Solo

I'm at the polar opposite - I thought the Clan of Chins and the Town Called Malice were as ridiculous as the history lesson is sublime.

There's no pleasing all of the Squaxx all of the time.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


"Solomon's clone wasn't one of the 5 sent to Texas city in "Dredd Angel. The 5 clones were clones of:


Almost right, GM, but that first clone (Rico Jr) was actually a clone of Dredd himself... which now makes a bit of sense, as the only one of the Fargo bloodline who didn't go "off the rails".  MC-1 wants TC to think they're getting a clone of Eustace, but are happier with the Joe Dredd iteration of that DNA.  Interesting fan-ret-con.



"I don't want Dredd in a cave saying "You know Kids, some politicians are mad and bad and will do anything to stay in power". "

Normally i'd agree with Tips here, but it's all in the execution - I never thought I 'd see a couple of talking-head panels as sublimely exciting as the last few in 1519's Origins.  Joe and Rico, sitting on a roof, munching some grub and musing on their future after the end of the world.  If this was the first or even 100th Dredd story, I might complain - but it isn't, it's been 30 years, and this is a nice mature change of pace that sits just right.  Two masters of their craft, taking time to tell a detailed (admittedly fannish) story right.  I wouldn't want it to be a model for Dredd stories to come, but as a one-off, I love it.  I end each episode in a welter of anticipation for the next.  For this squaxx, it's job done


I understand the points you're making, Tips, but I don't agree.

I'm interested enough in the Dredd backstory to put up with a fair bit of text-intensive stuff.

- Trout