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Started by ARRISARRIS, 26 February, 2007, 09:36:33 AM

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...i get my issue by subscription and it has arrived in plenty of time, before i opened the envelope, i thought theres something extra in here, are we getting a free gift that we werent told about?  Afraid not, no new space spinner, just another of those Abaddon booklet promo things, what a swizz, i was atleast hoping for Thargs very own little black book or something...

...never mind, congratulations to the galaxys greatest comic, you deserve it...


just another of those Abaddon booklet promo things

i'm glad i wasn't the only one gently disappointed by the identity of the free gift... never mind, it's still a good prog and congrats to LMS for getting his article in there - how much did you pay them mike ;)

you think this isn't me? that's so sweet...

Matt Timson


Bad Andy

Did you open your bags too quickly? I got a wee badge in mine too.


I don't want to upset anyone, including people who get there's at the newsagent's, but mine has a badge in it.  

Tharg and 30 years of thrillpower!  

I am going to try and wear it all day, even at work.

Anywya, prog looks lovely, I'm off to read it, and will reread it again tonight with a drink.  Sadly Ican't wait till tonight to have a bit of a read.

Funt Solo

Now, do I go home at lunch-time to see if it's sitting on the doormat?

If it isn't, I'll be Captain Disappointed - if it is, I need to find somewhere that sells Coke Floats.

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Actually it looks so good I think I am going to try and keep for after work.

Rufus has a nice pic in there!  And it all looks great.

Bad Andy

I'm sorry but Flesh looks, and reads, like a bad month for the Meg's small press section. And I resent the fact that 10 pages of it are polluting this issue.

It might be an attempt to show where Tooth came from but I don't think it works. The artwork is awful and really detracts from a story which is already average at best.


...we dont need no stinking badges... only saying that mind because i didnt get one with my subscription, sob sob...

Rob Spalding

I thought the Flesh artwork was a nice throwback to the classic artwork of the early issues.
Don't really understand the story though, were they characters from an earlier story, is there more?


Accoding to The nerve centre note, the bag was supposed to be printed, and the stuff inside, but it sounds like they didn't have high hopes of it actually coming off!


The Flesh story is about how Carver Hale (the villain in the original series) gets his claw.

A prelude to the first series... hence Carver City at the end..

The story does require rather geektastic knowledge of Flesh Book One.

I haven't seen it printed yet...

Must get a sub...



Yeah hey! hippy birdday Thargy!

the abbandon book was a disappointment on feeling the envelope my wee heartsie had such hopes.. I know we're the target audience etc but its not for me...

only checked the bag after reading Damage Report and found the fashionably tiny badge... nice

Half a page of Driod life

JD: hurling to a conclusion now... Origins will need a 'Previously on Origins...' intro as its been so long either that or a flashback within flashback and a Scooby-doo fade.
'Great moments in Thrill power' pin ups nice birdday touch

Flesh: i imagine this will cause some discussion...  lettratone and charcoal(?) not really my thing but hey not much is, it's another nice touch in a flashback sort of way and a bit of silly whimsy,  only probs: where did she hid that huge knife? and why does the Robo-conductor have human hands, that confused this old addled brain.  

Nickel Ante: The saga continues artwork the usual high standard from SM, but the continued family feud stuff leaves me cold, sorry guys.

Ask tharg: yip there's a few boarders in there

History of 2k: never a fan of rhyming couples and there were never Mohican types in '77 that can so much later, nice to see Alvin Stardust given his rightful place in 2k history. and a Stub gun!!

Thargs big breaks /slush paupers. I enjoyed this!

Savage: art and story more of the same good stuff of the previous two book, but what a savage first page ( see what I did there? eh, eh?)

over all a bit of a dip but only 'cause the recent progs have been of such high standards

here's to the next 30 years...

Huff the elder
DDT did a job on me


Bit of irony here. I've been loving 2000AD for months, and lauding every prog as near-perfect.
But this week's, despite being the 30th anniversary prog, is a bit of a mixed bag, in my opinion.

Dredd continues as strongly as before, and I loved Dante and Savage, not least for their top-quality art. It was particularly nice to see some old characters back in Dante.
Droidlife was LOL funny again and I quite liked the prog's cover. I'm a Philip Bond fan.

As for Flesh, I'm sorry to say I thought the art was poor. It reminded me of some of the self-published stuff we've been subjected to. It was hard to work out what was going on, and who individual characters were. I feel bad for saying it, as it's always nice to see a droid reappear from 2000AD's past.
The story was okay.

Much of the rest of the comic seems to be filler. I mean no disrespect to those who write them or the content of text features, but I don't feel they have any place in the prog.
I know the comic must be brought in on-budget, and text is cheaper than art, but I just don't enjoy it. Well done to Mike, but I'd've tolerated it more in the Meg.

The Ask Tharg thing is obviously cheap filler, too, but at least it was funny in parts, and got some people I know into the special issue.

The "30 years" strip is good fun. It's nice to see the old droid caricatures return. But it still feels like filler.

Finally, switching to bold, just to shout a little...


- Trout over and out

I, Cosh

It's here!! Time to make a nice cup of the old chai and settle down with the packet of space dust I've ben hoarding and soak it all up.

See you on the flipside evil buddies.
We never really die.