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Started by El Spurioso, 06 September, 2007, 12:57:43 PM

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The Enigmatic Dr X

If it helps to identify the place, we were eating at the time of the breast incident (which partly explains why I didn't notice - don't interrupt when I'm eating and drinking), and then we had a boogie in the same place.
Lock up your spoons!

I, Cosh

I remember there being a nightclub in Dundee that had a kebab shop INSIDE THE CLUB. No idea what it was called though.

Getting back to Glaswegian, the topic came up in the pub on Friday and a (5' 6") mate observed that Glasgow is the only place where he's ever been called "Big Man." The use of "Big Man" & "Wee Man" having nothing to do with height and everything to do with respect or lack thereof. Although "the wee man" is also commonly used to mean a small boy.

Another good one is "team" meaning a group of people gathered together with violent intent. Can be used to mean a gang - as in Mogwai Young Team - but, to my ear, usually has more of a sense of spontaneity, as in: "That wee cunt nicked ma motor when I wis in the chippy last night so we got a team round tae panel 'im."

Then, after such thirsty work you might stop off at Viccy WInes to pick up a "cargo."

Pelters รข?? With gusto. As in "He gien me pure pelters roon the back."

This might be a usage I'm unfamiliar  with, but the giving of pelters has always meant a slagging round my manor. For example: "The boys were pure giein me pelters efter they saw the state ae that fat burd I pumped last night."
We never really die.


Having been to Cleopatra's, I can confirm there are several nights out in Dundee which are similar...

Plenty of good boozers, though. If you don't like one, Buttonman, just move on. You'll find a good pub quickly enough.

- Trout

Funt Solo

My sister met her husband in Clatty Pats - but really, it was a nice marriage.  The most infamously smelly Dundee nightclub I can think of is the Manky Bra (Mardi Gras).
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Enigmatic Dr X

That rings a bell! I was certainly there that night.
Lock up your spoons!


It's shut.

Its owners - also directors of Dundee FC - have had a bit of cash trouble.

- Trout


Spoke to some mates at the weekend about this. The best word we came up with that would have to be written as its said is Baws.

You would call someone Baw-jaws but would never write Ball-jaws.

So you can have...

Baw Heid
a boot tae the baws
and my favourite...Fanny-baws
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Oh and just as I posted that my mum phoned to see if I noticed anything strange when I dropped off my kid this morning. Some blokes been found out the back garden either after a spill down the stairs or his heids been stoved in. Nice.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Satanist - that's Govan, right?

I subbed that one tonight. There's a rumour he was pushed, rather than fell.

Take care!

- Trout


Hi Trout,
Its Govanhill which confusingly is no where near Govan.

Yeah I've heard they think he was either thrown out a window or jumped trying to escape someone. The cops are still there and you have to sign in and out. They've taken away the front door as evidence and dusted the entire close for fingerprints, most of which are my sons.

The scary thing is it probably happened within half an hour of me dropping off my kid.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Richard McTighe

Violence in Govanhill?   You surprise me!

I used to live there (Daisy Street), but luckily I escaped.


If you lived there a few years ago then it would seem like Paradise compared to now. Its like the fucking Bronx.

Oh and Daisy streets always been a bit dodgy, nowt compared to Allison street and its 30 odd fruit shops though.

I too have escaped Govanhell, hope this and last(?) years triple murder will now convince the old dear to go.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

The Monarch

I too have escaped Govanhell, hope this and last(?) years triple murder will now convince the old dear to go.

my pal used to refer to it as shitehill