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PROG 1570 - Get Whet

Started by philt, 21 January, 2008, 12:08:31 PM

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Dan Kelly

So any bets on Sticklebacks true name?


'then spent the rest of my reading time anticipating the ripping Frame and Proudfoot had coming?'

as I did betwix the end of the prog and the sighting of the Writing to Tharg 08 thread!!


DDT did a job on me



It was another Bloody Good Prog, I say! Stickle, Kingdom, Dredd and Stront are all still great, and I gained more interest in Shakara when there was a bit of interaction.

The standard of art's very high these days, too. Love that cover.

What a bunch of suck-ups on the letters page! ;-)

- Trout


Everything in the Prog before Christmas was boring me.

But since Prog 2008, everything has been just peachy. Dredd is just the bizness.  I'm even getting into Stickleback and Shakara (which I previously found yawnsome despite the art).

Kingdom dull?  Your mouth is full of strange. I think it's great even if it is riffing on Shane/Pale Rider/Soldier etc.

My order of reading: Dredd, Kingdom, Stronty, Stickleback, Shakara, Letters.  Phew - still sane.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Funt Solo

I love Kingdom.

Everything else also groovy.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Any strip that creates the perfect one-line comeback to any criticism of it as part of its idiom cannot, repeat cannot, be bad.


Amazing cover.  Can anyone post this cover image without the text and logos etc?  Thanks


I Think the new logo works here as it doesn't have that soild band behind it

DDT did a job on me


Thursday has pretty much nailed everything I had to say about this week's issue and then some.

One thing though. Beeny mentions a Judge Jeffries. Has he/she been seen before, and how did he/she get that nickname? Possible Tale from the Black Museum?

Dan Kelly

For those that care, the following link explains one of the ref's in Stickleback... :_

Link:" target="_blank">idol talk?

the shutdown man

Anyone think maybe Stickleback's true name might link him to the Red Seas as well?

Or, it could just be more of Doyle's character that we've seen before, as he was trying to learn all the "true names" of God. Names are power, after all....
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.

the shutdown man

Also, it was strange to hear Shakara say something, anything other than "Shakara". Yes, it lead to a great moment, and possibly a big turning point for the character, but I was just thinking "Damn"
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


Fantastic prog. Well, they have all been this year so far.

The art and writing is top notch in every story.

Not a weak story among the lot. Especially loving Shakara & Kingdom. Please don't let the Flint and Elson droids be snatched by the Yanks.

My only minor gripe with this prog is in the use of the phrase "...undead cowboys and native Americans", in the text box in the first panel of this prog's Stickleback. This seems really jarring, especially in a period piece like Stickleback and smacks of political correctness run amok.

I mean come on, it should be "undead cowboys and indians (or "injuns" if you prefer). I mean who the f#ck actually says "native Americans"!?



Whoops, just realised my last post should have been in the prog 1569 thread.

Still haven't received 1570 yet.


Funt Solo

::"I mean who the f#ck actually says "native Americans"!?"


Although, if it really was political correctness run amok, it wouldn't be "native american", necessarily, because the word native might be considered derogatory, the word "american" needn't only apply to the USA, and the term itself might be offensive purely on the basis that it's been imposed by what may be viewed as an outside force.

Really, then, it's quite far from political correctness run amok, and is more like a term that's used to describe, in this case, I assume, "indigenous peoples from the regions of North America now encompassed by the continental United States".  That wouldn't scan so well.

As far as I can find scanning the net, the term "native american" was introduced in the 1950s, so you could argue it's out of place in Stickleback.  (But then, there were steam-powered exo-bots in there as well, and those have never existed.)

I'm drifting now - I leave you with a FACT: "A 1996 survey[59] revealed that more American Indians in the United States still preferred American Indian to Native American. Nonetheless, most American Indians are comfortable with Indian, American Indian, and Native American, and the terms are now used interchangeably."
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.