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Judge Dredd Chronology

Started by Callahan, 22 January, 2008, 02:42:03 PM

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Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


A much under-appreciated member of the biscuity tribe.

Funt Solo

Well, I don't know about anyone else, but my own personal opinion that I just thought up is that they're a much under-appreciated member of the biscuity tribe.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


A much under-appreciated member of the biscuity tribe.

You mean bar, of course, not biscuit.  Bar. Not biscuit.  A mere slip of the keyboard, I'm sure, and not an invitation to, say, Board Schism.  

Funt Solo

A monkey in a fez (as opposed to a hat), eating a breakaway biscuit?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


"my hastily thrown together almost everything?"

Which doesn't appear to work on Firefox on the Mac. *sob*

W. R. Logan

I've just finished an exhaustive mission of compiling a shopping list, im sure i saw a shopping list like it on the net once but mine has a few differences

1 - Milk
2 - Sugar (non bleached)
3 - Bread (extra thick)
4 - Hipster jeans
5 - Tea leaves
6 - Breakaways's
7 - Daz
8 - Toilet Roll

Funt Solo

Don't worry, IndigoPrime - it doesn't work very well on Firefox on the PC either.  It really was hastily cobbled together.  I'll replace it with something that's cross-browser compatible, erm, soon.

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


And in honour of plagiarists everywhere I've written this poem.

It's called The Twilight Zone.

A pleasant faced man steps up to greet you
He smiles and says hes pleased to meet you
Beneath his hat the strangeness lies
Take it off, hes got three eyes
Truth is false and logic lost
Now the fourth dimension is crossed

You have entered the twilight zone
Beyond this world strange things are known
Use the key, unlock the door
See what your fate might have in store
Come explore your dreams creation
Enter this world of imagination

Wake up lost in an empty town
Wondering why no one else is around
Look up to see a giant boy
Youve just become his brand new toy
No escape, no place to hide
Here where time and space collide.



I like how Callahan admits earlier in the thread that he may just possibly have copied most of his list from "Touched By The Hand Of Tharg", but then claims never to've heard of it. Get your story straight, man! That'll never hold up in court.


LOL wow!, settle down there psycho, no need to get all uppity over a stupid list I posted.
Gee, I thought my explanation to anyone with the smallest current of electricity running through their small blob of mince in their head they call a brain would've cleared things up (did you bother to read my reply, what didn't you understand?).

And now you're saying it's my fault because I didn't know what to google for to find the site?
Gee, looking for a chronological list, I stupidly thought Dredd Chronology, Dredd Progs etc would've put me on the right path (what was I thinking).

So get this through your thick skull & try putting things in perspective before you go shooting your mouth off over a stupid list your'e worried about not getting credit for:

When I very first came across this list over a year ago, yes I copied & pasted it & then completely forgot about the site(what makes you think or assume I also copied any email addresses that may have been at the bottom?

Then recently in adding to my collection, I wanted to read through a chronological list to find missing stories I needed.
Originally, I didn't know I had most of the list already so I went searching for the site that did.
Then after failing I thought, well if the site still exists, it should be posted here so I tried the Links no avail.
Then (as I bloody well explained) I came across here the guy who used to run The Links Project (which for all I knew, was the missing site I was looking for). I emailed him, no response.

In the meantime I found the list on a pc.
Then I simply re-checked & updated the list 'myself' for the missing year.
Then I noticed some stories were definitely missing so I went through the list from top to bottom with what information I could find from here & from my own collection.

So, believing the site might not even exist anymore, I simply came here & posted the list, just in case there were other people who would find it useful.

It's really that simple, I didn't make a song & dance about it & I didn't bother asking about it, I just posted it more as 'take it or leave it'.

Now, as I also explained , I don't normally use the forums here & as any intelligent person would, I knew there would be people like me who were clueless to every Dredd site & found the list as a great reference......& there would be the diehards who already knew where most of the list came from originally.
The fact is though, it's a more accurate chronological list (to what I now know is already out there)

Then you say "hogwash" is your problem?
Why would I lie about what I said, what sort of intelligent person comes to that conclusion?

Plagiarism & lying?  LOL Get over it, no need for the dramatics, it's just a list but feel free to shout your name out loud & let everyone know it's your list, whatever floats your boat.

Well yeah buddy, it was your list...& it was flawed (as you put) it so I did a little more research than you & I fixed it!

The worst kind of fan is someone inventing a worst kind of fan & trying to label someone as a worst kind of fan
As us aussies say, take your bat & go home.


Well yeah buddy, it was your list...& it was flawed (as you put) it so I did a little more research than you & I fixed it!

This sounds like the equivalent of nicking a load of paintings from someone's garage, hanging them in a gallery and then going around shouting "But I've made them better!"


Where did I say any of that?
LOL  I think my mistake is I just assumed the people in here weren't little kiddies & they understood words & their meanings.
I'll try to explain things a bit better for you.

I did say that I 'obviously knew such a site existed'.....that means I know such a site must exist (or used to exist) because I know I have been there before or I wouldn't have a chronological list to begin with.

I never said I haven't heard of "Touched By The Hand Of Tharg"
I simply said I couldn't remember the site I originally got the list from.

Now c'mon boys & girls, let's try thinking here.
Do you really think I already knew the site Touched By The Hand Of Tharg, went there, copied the list (which isn't updated & as accurate), then came here (you know, the official Dredd site for diehard fans) & posted a list believing no-one here would know of Touched By The Hand Of Tharg?

Wow, ever heard of the word logic?...because it's much more logical to believe my explanation don't you think?

I'm sorry if I didn't make it apparent & make a prologue of events before posting the updated list but I didn't think I would have to.
It was take it or leave it.
And apart from the fact that I now at least know the site still exists, the outcome of all this is that now I've compiled a more accurate list (which  probably wouldn't have happened if I remembered the site & simply went there & copied & pasted their current list trusting it was 100% accurate).
And your problem with this is????????????????

Anyway, I'm sure some people here appreciate the updated list, the rest of you can print the 'plagiarised' list & burn it.........for all I really care anyway.

And to the idiot jumping up & down about his 'plagiarised' list & talking of irony.
The only irony here is that the research I've done & added to your list will now be used to update the list & make it more accurate(but do you see me asking that I get any credit?)
Get over it dude!


Well the sense in that analogy just made every comment you make null & void.
Anyone with an intelligent view?


Hi Floyd, thanks.
My only regret is not just keeping the updated list for myself. I didn't know I needed approval :)

I'm on the Gold Coast, you?