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Meg 272 - It's Trying To Steal My Brain!

Started by Dark Jimbo, 23 May, 2008, 04:53:51 PM

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Dark Jimbo

With a certain amount of foreboding, given what's gone down on past review threads...

Dredd - Say what you will about Robbie on Dredd, but he's getting there. Slowly but surely, there's a definate improvment to be seen in his scripts. And I like the fact this was a self-contained tale; multi-parters drag over several months.
Thought the artist was Si Fraser at first glance - which is a pretty big compliment! Don't know who this guy is but I hope we see more of him.
A fun little story all in all, and I love the return to the days of old where you'd begin with a splash panel of some action moment that doesn't actually occur until later in the tale.

Low Life - Little to say about this as not a great deal happened, and it's still very clearly in 'slow-burn' mode. Still good stuff, and I love the return to the grit of the earlier Low Life tales before it became 'The Dirty Frank Show' (fun though that was).

Bob The Galactic Bum - Still going. Fairly inoffensive, but I find myself hoping it ends next month. Not really any of the creator's finest hour.

Anderson - Yikes. I admit I was totally thrown by the opening page of Tharg lambasting his droids. Thought I'd turned to the wrong strip.
Not sure how I feel about this one yet. It could be a little in-jokey for its own good. Nice art, but it doesn't quite feel up to Boo's usual standard.

All in all - Not a particularly overwhelming issue, unfortunately. Thank god for Dredd.*

*Disclaimer - The views expressed in the above review are those of the individual in question and in no way reflect those of Rebellion or its employees. So please don't have a go at me.

Funt Solo

Tharg features in an Anderson strip?  Well, I've not got my copy of the Meg yet, but that sounds a bit [censored], on the face of it.


Still, though - all that paper with things drawn on it at such a reasonable price.  I feel lucky, oh so lucky etc.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Dark Jimbo

Yeah, it's certainly an odd 'un. I won't say more, but I'm still not sure how I feel about it. This will need another few parts for me to see, I think.

And I forgot to say - Matt Smith throws down the baton for a letters contest, which should make a certain boarder very happy...


Ooooh  clappity clappity can't wait.

Dog Deever

Will the winners be ones with glowing reviews? Oh wait... thats negative conjecture....

Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


You guys need to get out more..

Rufus... who stills buys the prog.

Dog Deever

Just trying to lighten the atmosphere with a little dark comedy!

Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.

Rio De Fideldo

I'm excited about Meg 273. I'm just speculating but the cover for the next issue seems to suggest that something we've been guessing on is happening.


The What's Your Pizen and Pizen Ball seems to suggest a reappearance by the Fink or rather his dangerous offsping.

Link:" target="_blank">SPECULATIVE SPOILER

Pete Wells

Yup, enjoyed the Meg this month. Quick run through cos I'm at work...

Cover - Second disappointng cover in a row, especially when you look at who produced it.

Dredd - Canny enough in both art and script.

Low Life - I loved this. Rufus and Rob Williams continue to shine here.

Anderson - Mental! However, I really feel this needs to be more than 6 pages from month to month. This definately featured my favourite Boo art ever, there was so much going on in every page. Class!

The Irving Droid interview was very enjoyable too. A nice peek behind the scenes.

Son of Fink next month and it's a Wagner script to boot. I can't wait!!!


With a certain amount of bravdo, given what's gone down on past review threads...

Dredd - Art was great/ story a holey, Spoiler:

Why didn't the thinkie thing just kill Dredd right out? What kinda way is that to used a Rick O'Shea bullet? (Rufus, I think you're right)

Low Life - enjoying this but being a Union man and A Wire fan worried who the baddies are going to turn out to be. Rufus doing the Biz too.  

Bob The Galactic Bum : still loverly to look at second time around.
Anderson - Boo's art is great I'd love to see him on Savage full time

texty stuff: Book review relevent and interesting, frazer Interrogation ; more please!

Film review: should really be doing on line comics instead I say!

All in all - a visual feast!

*Disclaimer - The views expressed in the above review are those of the individual in question and in no way reflect those of Rebellion or its employees. So please don't have a go at me.
DDT did a job on me


I'm sorry the first two installments of Low Life have printed so grey and dirty...  I'm attempting to rectify this.

It's most probably my fault... My monitor's calibrated, but something's going wrong somewhere!

Again...My apologies..




Blame the printers Rufus, everyone else blames us!!

Nice work, I'm really enjoying it.


You lot wait till you see the rest of the Anderson artwork.....

Yours nursing a semi.......
[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]

Steve Green

I really loved the Dredd art.

Sleek Lawmasters and a good go at making the uniform a bit more practical.

I think he would be really suitable for a Hondo-cit based story.

- Steve