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Mad Max - Fury Road

Started by Colin YNWA, 30 June, 2012, 06:44:54 AM

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It really is the best action movie/blockbuster of the last 15(?) years, isn't it?


Quote from: radiator on 11 June, 2018, 05:39:29 PM
It really is the best action movie/blockbuster of the last 15(?) years, isn't it? it, really?

Its good and I liked it, but i wouldnt say it is the best film ever or the best action / blockbuster of the last 15 years.

For my taste I preferred, of films from recent years:

Guardians of the Galaxy
The Force Awakens
Rogue One
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Avengers Assemble
Captain America Civil War

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 09 June, 2018, 10:24:35 PM
Watched it again tonight and defo my favourite film of all time (... until I watch Princess Bride again that is!)

In terms of favourite ever films I would put the following ahead of it:

Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Terminator
Terminator 2
Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back
Spider-man (Toby Maguire)
Total Recall (Annie)

Plus probably loads I can't remember off the top of my head.


Quote from: Magnetica on 11 June, 2018, 06:51:24 PM

Total Recall (Annie)

Is that the one where they sang "It's a hard knock life, when you've got three breasts"?


In terms of action, stunts, choreography, cinematography etc, Fury Road is easily the best action film since The Matrix as far as I'm concerned.

Each to their own, but for me, the Marvel movies are enjoyable but ultimately disposable (even the very best of them - GotG, The Avengers - I'd only rate as a high 4 out of 5), and the new Star Wars movies have been mediocre plain and simple. Fury Road is such a tightly constructed film, and made with such a vision and singular purpose it just blows everything on that list out of the water. I mean, can you even name a single memorable action scene from, say, The Force Awakens...?

I'm not sure Dredd is really a fair comparison - it's certainly one of the best genre movies of recent years, but I almost wouldn't describe it as an action movie (it doesn't actually have a huge amount if action in it when you break down), and it's certainly no blockbuster.


Quote from: Tjm86 on 11 June, 2018, 07:05:00 PM
Quote from: Magnetica on 11 June, 2018, 06:51:24 PM

Total Recall (Annie)

Is that the one where they sang "It's a hard knock life, when you've got three breasts"?

It's a trios knocker life?

Fury Road is definitely up there with the best of them. I absolutely adore it and it just gets better with each viewing. I certainly can't name a film that's so full of adrenaline from start to finish - I almost felt exhausted when I came out of the cinema the first time I saw it.

Colin YNWA

For me the reason it is soooo good is it one of the few films, certainly in recent times that realises that cinema is a visual medium and story, characters and themes can all be developed by showing not telling. This in turn allows it to pull off having an interesting story, characters and themes while being an absolute thrill a minute none stop adrenaline fest.

Its simply doesn't compromise anywhere as it doesn't feel the need to explain everything to the watcher and allows them to draw things out from what they see, making it more engaging at there same time.

Oh and cos it does all that it manages to cram more thrills, ideas and originality in under two hours that any film I've seem for a long time manage in what seems these days like the obligatory 2 1/2 - 3 hrs.

And that my learned friends is why its my favourite film of all time ... of that and its super cool fun and looks so astonishing. Just a joy.


Plus, ya know, it's freaking nuts insane and visually everything that is good about dystopian sci-fi.


Quote from: radiator on 11 June, 2018, 07:16:05 PM
I mean, can you even name a single memorable action scene from, say, The Force Awakens...?

It might not have as much action as Fury Road, but I'd rather sit through TFA again than Fury Road and to me that is probably the most important measure of a film.  A good film isn't just about the action.

Another example - there seem to be a period a few years ago when The Terminator seem to be on "all the time"and I would sit there and watch bits of it even though I must have seen them countless times.

Funt Solo

Quotecan you even name a single memorable action scene from, say, The Force Awakens...?

Three spring to mind:

1. The attack on the village where Max von Sydow gets his chips, and Finn gets a bloody helmet.
2. The chase scene in the market where Finn and Rey escape on the Millennium Falcon.
3. The saber fight in the snowy forest - amazing use of lighting.

But I think Fury Road (which I love) is the better movie.  Having said that, I'm a bit difficult to please, and so I'd only give Fury Road 4 of 5 stars because the ending is too corny.  I think Mad Max 2 (aka The Road Warrior) is a better movie.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


The Force Awakens features action but it's not an 'action-film'; it doesn't use action in the way Fury Road uses  action as the primary mechanism to tells its story. Fury Road is closer to The Raid in that regard.

Comparing superhero films and Star Wars to Mad Max in that way is kind of missing the point of what makes them different, regardless of the quality of each.


Agreed they Marvel and Star Wars films aren't action films. But they are blockbusters.


Quote from: Magnetica on 11 June, 2018, 10:42:07 PM
Agreed they Marvel and Star Wars films aren't action films. But they are blockbusters.

Fury Road does skew older though and didn't do blockbuster box-office, even though it had good marketing and great reviews. You would never have the sustained intensity of Fury Road in a family film.

James Stacey

Quote from: radiator on 11 June, 2018, 05:39:29 PM
It really is the best action movie/blockbuster of the last 15(?) years, isn't it?
Yes, yes it is.


Quote from: James Stacey on 14 June, 2018, 01:07:06 PM
Quote from: radiator on 11 June, 2018, 05:39:29 PM
It really is the best action movie/blockbuster of the last 15(?) years, isn't it?
Yes, yes it is.

Yup....think I'd have to agree.


There's no fat in it whatsoever - appropriately enough it's like a finely-tuned engine.

I also love how the action is insane, but unlike so many modern blockbusters it never crosses over into being so over the top that it shatters any sense of reality and suspension of disbelief and just becomes visual noise.

I love how the worldbuilding is almost entirely visual and packs so much information in without having characters spouting exposition, or beating the audience over the head with it. I think people that complained that it had 'no story' and was 'just one long action scene' simply don't have a solid understanding of storytelling. It's one of the best written blockbusters I've ever seen!

Damn, I need to watch it again!

Shockingly I hadn't seen The Road Warrior before Fury Road. I quickly rectified this, and while I liked it, it's hard to appreciate fully without the nostalgia you'd have for it if you'd watched it a lot growing up. It's not even really fair to compare them given the huge disparity in budget. But I'd say RW drags a bit in places, whereas FR just has this irresistible breakneck pacing from start to finish.