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Han Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

Started by CrazyFoxMachine, 22 October, 2016, 12:26:47 AM

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Professor Bear

I probably want to see that more than I wanted to see Last Jedi.  How can you not want to see how this turns out?


I pray Disney calls their bluff. Never know, it could end up being the dark-side equivalent of Our RoboCop Remake


Jesus wept.

QuoteSerafinowitz was fairly vocal in ripping the Phantom menace to pieces wasn't he? Probably why they went with Witwer.

Still, Ewan has put the boot in a few times in the past too.....fingers crossed he gets that obi wan outing.

One of my favourite Youtube clips:


Now hang on a minute......if we are remaking Last Jedi, can we change the ending of force awakens too please. Save Han! He flys away in the falcon with Leia and Chewie and they all live happily ever after

I pledge £1.


Quote from: I, Cosh on 21 June, 2018, 12:44:50 PM
They could do all sorts of stuff with an Obi Wan movie. Tattooine Western seems what people are after but he didn't have to spend the whole time there.

Just a pity McGregor is such a godawful actor.

I doubt the film is permanently on-hold but I can take or leave a Kenobi film; I'd watch it like any other SW film, and I'm sure it could be good, even great, but another outing with Ewan McGregor trying hard to be Alec Guinness didn't work too well in three Prequels, nevermind a fourth.

I think all spin-offs should be made for the future streaming service since that is the real arena where the big corporation game is being played with Disney seeking domnance over Netflix and why they're so set on buying 21CFOX.


Quote from: Professor Bear on 21 June, 2018, 04:37:06 PM
I probably want to see that more than I wanted to see Last Jedi.  How can you not want to see how this turns out?

Oh Grud yeah. I'd pay double to see it. Quadruple if there was a "making of" feature running with it. 

Remember Supershadow? It's Supershadow all the way down now.


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 21 June, 2018, 01:00:34 PM
Darth Maul has 2 lines of dialogue in The Phantom Menace or 31 words.

Don't forget the tone poem. As TPM was the first truly multimedia film experience, you have to take on board all the trimmings.

But good point.


Quote from: TordelBack on 22 June, 2018, 12:20:48 AM

Remember Supershadow? It's Supershadow all the way down now.

The hunkiest of insiders.



Watched this again tonight and still very enjoyable. Love the low key ending and goodness it fair motors along. But there's just something missing from the action set-pieces that means they aren't genuine heart in mouth bits. (Trainheist better than I remembered it though)
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


I seriously don't get the detractors! This film is great fun!!!

Funt Solo

It was disappointing because it was replacing our imagination of something cool with a less cool actuality.

If you follow the horror filmic logic that the scariest monster is the one you imagine, then it also follows that the idea of Han and Chewbacca meeting, or of the Kessel Run, or of Lando losing the Falcon in a card game is always going to be more powerful left in our imaginations, rather than presented to us.

Just as the idea of the Clone Wars was far more powerful as an unknown part of the mythos than when they presented it in a prequel.  Meta-commerce suggested to the creators that it would be a great idea that Boba Fett's dad would the the clone that created the first batch of Stormtroopers.  It's not a very big galaxy, that one far far away.  (Also, that C-3PO was built by a young Anakin.  There's only one word: pish.)

Why the fuck does Han have to accidentally bank role the entire Rebellion?  (Only to later, clearly, not realize that he's done so?)  More of that meta-decision policy that tries to interconnect absolutely everything in the saga so it feels like it's all happening to a small village of people.

The best prequel by far is Rogue One, because it utilizes new characters.

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


There's no denying that your central point is true,  but doesn't it also apply to everything after the original Star Wars?  Jabba,  Darth Vader's nature,  the Emperor,  Luke becoming a Jedi... Should they ALL have been left to our imaginations? There's certainly a good argument for that, but I'm very glad we got more on-screen adventures - and Solo definitely falls into that category.

For all that it was totally unnecessary,  Solo was very good fun, and did you really have a better mental version of those card games,  or the Han&Chewie meet-cute ("We make secret battle of pretend")? I don't think I did.

Colin YNWA

The thing is there are a million other possible stories to tell about a galactic smuggler and his various scraps with the law, gangsters and bandits and countless ner-do-wells.

To try to tell a single story to wrap up every line of dialogue that'd hinted at his past just feels reductive. You could have ignored all that and made it expansive.