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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Quote from: Funt Solo on 23 September, 2018, 04:36:22 PM
If it really is tongue in cheek, then some context is required that would indicate that.  Some small clue

Professor Bear

I know I should be concerned that my defence seems to be "everything he posts is stupid", but I've worked for it.

Professor Bear


Quote from: Professor Bear on 23 September, 2018, 05:37:57 PM
but there is probably an important conversation to be had about the spreading influence of China's corrupt and toxic brand of authoritarian corporatism to other markets, particularly given the oppressive restrictions on foreign investment that allows the Chinese state to appropriate intellectual property (including technology patents) from the West.

As long as we can sell them our wares no one cares.

Movie Star Fan Bingbing's Disappearance Raises Questions About the Chinese Justice System

The mystery highlights the opacity of Chinese justice. The use of so-called black jails has been ramped up across China since President Xi Jinping came into power in 2013. In August, a U.N. human rights panel said it had received credible reports that 1 million members of the mostly Muslim ethnic Uighur minority are being held in secret camps for "re-education."

Funt Solo

I'm not a fan of the Chinese government: it's a totalitarian state.  But I'm also not a fan of people who conflate that with the Chinese nation. 

The following statement does not attack the Chinese government, it attacks the nationality:

Quoteas soon as I saw the Chinese logos in the list of sponsors at the start of the film I knew this was going to be sunk by some Chinese actress with the charisma of a short plank

The follow up "The sooner we go to war with China the better." just comes across as intensely jingoistic.  Frank's suggestion that if I read another 6000 or so posts I'll see the funny side is (frankly) ludicrous.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Now you've explained it, I think you're right. Sorry.



Apart from the last thirty seconds (where I was expecting [spoiler]Arnie[/spoiler]), I really enjoyed it.

There's enough material for two films rammed in there, the jokes work for me, the gory kills work for me, the bigger emphasis on laughs works for me, the way it turns into a treasure hunt with four conflicting parties after the prize worked for me.

Like I say, up until the last thirty seconds, I was ready for more.

Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: Funt Solo on 23 September, 2018, 05:07:59 PM
Sorry: I'm not that smart.

If you really, genuinely think that PB was advocating a declaration of war on China, then yes, I may have to agree with you. If you can't spot that as irony, maybe the internet isn't the place for you - or maybe just take a moment to consider the possibility before calling someone racist.

There's a ton of REAL racism on the internet, it's not hard to find, why not devote your energies to tackling some of that?


That statement bereft of context is an attack on the chinese nationality. The actual post is an attack on the arbitrary creative changes driven by an attempt to reach consumers in China, as driven by the restrictions of the chinese government.


Link Prime

I watched Mandy last night.

Quite a difficult film to digest- unless you can handle copious amounts of LSD that is.
I've been mulling over different interpretations today, and so far nothing quite fits comfortably.
A basic, formulaic plot, but with stylistic and often bewildering overtones.

I will admit some bias before watching it- didn't think I'd enjoy it simply due to Nicolas Cage being the lead.
But he was great.
Solid performances all round in fact, including scene stealing turns from Richard Brake, Bill Duke and the haunting Andrea Riseborough.

It's a rare recommendation twofer; a modern horror and a Nicolas Cage movie.

Professor Bear

Jóhann Jóhannsson's score for MANDY is epic stuff.  I've seen it unfairly pigeonholed as a John Carpenter homage, but its range is wider than that.


Deadpool 2. Insanely good. Laughed until I was wheezing and had to take a puff of Salbutomol.

The Legendary Shark

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Again. Still my favourite Trek film by a long way - the emotional ending spoiled only by the loony magic-science-piffle-resurrection-nonsense in III. Though I was glad to have Ol' Pointy back again for the later films, a part of me would be content to have this as Spock's swan song. Gets me every time. Just about perfect and more enjoyable to me than any Star Wars film.



Quote from: Link Prime on 24 September, 2018, 04:16:21 PM
I watched Mandy last night.

Quite a difficult film to digest- unless you can handle copious amounts of LSD that is.
I've been mulling over different interpretations today, and so far nothing quite fits comfortably.
A basic, formulaic plot, but with stylistic and often bewildering overtones.

I will admit some bias before watching it- didn't think I'd enjoy it simply due to Nicolas Cage being the lead.
But he was great.
Solid performances all round in fact, including scene stealing turns from Richard Brake, Bill Duke and the haunting Andrea Riseborough.

It's a rare recommendation twofer; a modern horror and a Nicolas Cage movie.

Interesting piece about Cage and how his deliberately OTT style is unfairly ridiculed - made me think: