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Goodbye Carlos

Started by JayzusB.Christ, 01 October, 2018, 03:57:12 PM

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Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Klegg Bait

Thanks for so many hours of enjoyment.


Very sad news, especially after he'd seemed to be recovering. What a great loss.

That obituary is a good one, and I'm glad he got so much coverage in a non-comics publication.

Can anyone from editorial let us know whether there is any of his art still awaiting publication? Or have we really seen his last Dredd?


Just read the previous posts and wanted to say: sorry for your loss too, Dark Jimbo.


I am utterly heartbroken at this sad news.
He was such a lovely man and a great artist.

Andy Lambert

Nice tribute there, filippo.

I'm also sorry, Dark Jimbo - such sad news. Today sucks.


 :'( Such sad news.  I remember being star-struck when he was at the bar at the 40th anniversary. I was too shy to say hi despite him being so friendly and kind
A giant amongst comic artists - with a legacy of incredible art to be remembered by.

RIP, Mr.E, we'll miss you.

Heath C Ackley

Already written my piece on the RIP thread but it is terrible news. His passing is a loss to 2000ad and to comics as a whole.
"Give a man a mask and he will give you the truth."

Eamonn Clarke

I once bought him a pint before a Dredd screening at the first Lakes festival. He and John then came over and sat and chatted with us. Carlos couldn't have been kinder, humbler, and more appreciative of his fans. I know loads of us have similar stories about the great man and his generosity with his time, his sketches, and his stories and advice. I shall treasure the wonderful pieces of his art I am lucky enough to own, and my memories of meeting the great man.


So I say
Thank you for the art, the pictures I'm watching
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a picture or a drawing what are we?
So I say thank you for the art
For giving it to me

So I say
Thank you... Carlos
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Really wish I'd met him when I had the chance.  He has been a huge part of my life for, without any exaggeration, as long as I can remember.  (The Executioner, I think, was the first time I knew how to distinguish comic artists by their styles.)
We're lucky that he kept it up, on both Dredd and SD, till the very end.  A huge loss.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Have decided to create a hub of tribute fan-art on the Art Stars page. Seems only right - let's pay tribute to him the proper way through drawing. Give us a shout if you want your art on there, it's not a comp it's more of a creative outpouring.

Everything will be here

I myself am shattered by the news. He was a lovely, warm, tremendously kind man and an inspiration to me and everyone. Well - we don't have the words, do we? Lets do pictures instead  :'(


An amazing talent lost, it's incredibly sad. Everything I've ever heard about Ezquerra paints him as an incredibly talented person that was a joy to be around. It's sad when anyone dies, but this is truly a heart breaker.
2000 AD recap podcast, from the beginning!
Check out the show here! Or on iTunes, Google Play, or your preferred podcast app!

Robin Low

I just happened to be reading the Meg floppy of Block Judge yesterday afternoon.

I can remember reading the Eagle reprints of The Apocalypse War for the first time back in my teens.

I remember my first Strontium Dog story, The Gronk Affair, in the Best of 2000AD Monthly.

"Who the hell's gonna mess with us?"

The man was one of the world's greatest comic book artists, and to hell with anyone who says different.

My condolences to his family.




Unless there is unpublished work still in the pipeline, I believe this is the last Ezquerra Dredd, from Get jerry Sing in prog 2023, 22 March 2017: