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The Political Thread

Started by The Legendary Shark, 09 April, 2010, 03:59:03 PM

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Purely as a matter of interest Jayzus, what is the cafe in question? Is it a chain or an independent? I'm not looking to start a boycott or anything (my coffee shop days are over for the time being, strictly a flask man unless I'm treating my daughter to a babyccino), just intrigued by the whole idea. I only have a debit card for my business these days, no personal credit cards at all, and trying to hire a car abroad has proved nightmarish (the much-maligned Green Motion were the only ones who would help me, and despite an agonisingly long pickup process I had no complaints). To think that might extend to cafe-level transactions...


Fegans 1924, near the Four Courts Luas stop. It's not really a boycott if you have no option but to avoid it.  Although in my case it will be a boycott.  Also far from cheap, though the interior design is nice.

In other news, a reporter is not allowed to do his job, as he asked questions that made the President cross. That pan of water is getting a bit toasty; wonder if we should hop out yet?
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Funt Solo

In the murky world of media manipulation that is today's White House, some of the press are commenting that the fandango around banning a CNN reporter is better news (for Trumpet) to have around than:

1. Losing control of the House in the mid-terms
2. Sacking Sessions in a bid to stifle corruption investigations
3. Sending in the military to stop a refugee caravan that you've labeled a crime wave
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Watching the video of the event, the intern that tried to grab the microphone from the aforementioned reporter has an incredibly aggressive look on her face.  Trying to grab hold of it was an exercise in idiocy that is surpassed only by Sanders' claim that the intern was the victim.

What is also quite disturbing about the whole affair is that the veracity of the video is now being challenged.  An 'official' rebuttal which claims to show the reporters' misdemeanour by reducing the frame rate tries to cast doubt on what is seen in the original version.

So yes, to describe this as 'media manipulation' is probably incredibly accurate.  How much do you want to bet we'll see an escalation of this now that the Democrats control Congress in the states?

I'm eyeing several books on cyberspace and liberation that were written back in the nineties and thinking 'wow, you guys are seriously babes in the wood!'


Quote from: TordelBack on 08 November, 2018, 03:08:13 PM
(my coffee shop days are over for the time being, strictly a flask man unless I'm treating my daughter to a babyccino),
What, pray tell, is a babyccino?


Just frothed milk with chocolate sprinkled on top. Free for kids in a lot of places if you're buying a coffee yourself, or maybe 50p to a quid if they're being mean about it. The youngest loves going to a cafe on a 'date' with her aged pa, and it's a damn sight cheaper than a hot chocolate. An espresso for me and we're out for €2 plus tip.


Serve a lot of them at work, always a delight. The wee ones in particular glow at the feeling they're being treated like adults.


That's the one!  I was almost sad when my eldest developed a tea habit instead, but we've now eased into a ritual of tea and toast and an episode of Rick & Morty whenever we get a spell alone together, so it's all to the good.


Quote from: Tjm86 on 08 November, 2018, 07:48:51 PM
Watching the video of the event, the intern that tried to grab the microphone from the aforementioned reporter has an incredibly aggressive look on her face.  Trying to grab hold of it was an exercise in idiocy that is surpassed only by Sanders' claim that the intern was the victim.

What is also quite disturbing about the whole affair is that the veracity of the video is now being challenged.  An 'official' rebuttal which claims to show the reporters' misdemeanour by reducing the frame rate tries to cast doubt on what is seen in the original version.

So yes, to describe this as 'media manipulation' is probably incredibly accurate.  How much do you want to bet we'll see an escalation of this now that the Democrats control Congress in the states?

I'm eyeing several books on cyberspace and liberation that were written back in the nineties and thinking 'wow, you guys are seriously babes in the wood!'

And now the White House is pushing the doctored video, and a significant amount of the American public believe it.

Throughout our lives, we've been hearing about we in the West have "strong institutions" and "checks and balances" to power. Turns out that its rubbish. A racist demagogue can be elected by a minority and abuse his power and ordinary people will cheer him on. The BBC will cheerfully broadcast fascists and racists unchallenged.

We are in a seriously dangerous place.


It's fine, what's your problem snowflake?  All opposition is funded by the Jews (but not Israel, just the greedy communist ones) or faceless Eurocrat experts who can't accept that they lost the war so you can discount all their 'evidence', and all your problems are caused by swarms of immigrants, taking our jobs and our handouts and our homes and our Christmas and raping our daughters (unless women tell you this, in which case they are lying). The most racist thing you can do is call a white man racist, you racist.

We need to be polite and meet these good people halfway, nothing to be gained by this obstructive nastiness which is just offensive, you lying dogfaced cuck. Let the men who God chose to lead us get on with the job, all this time you waste worrying could be better spent honing your gun skills so you can stop the Bad Hombres when they come to kill those who,  let's face it,  probably deserve it for being godless libtard queers. My glorious nation first, unless its undemocratic laws constrain me!

The Legendary Shark

I feel like I've finally come home. :(



Quote from: TordelBack on 09 November, 2018, 09:57:59 AM
It's fine, what's your problem snowflake?  All opposition is funded by the Jews (but not Israel, just the greedy communist ones) or faceless Eurocrat experts who can't accept that they lost the war so you can discount all their 'evidence', and all your problems are caused by swarms of immigrants, taking our jobs and our handouts and our homes and our Christmas and raping our daughters (unless women tell you this, in which case they are lying). The most racist thing you can do is call a white man racist, you racist.

We need to be polite and meet these good people halfway, nothing to be gained by this obstructive nastiness which is just offensive, you lying dogfaced cuck. Let the men who God chose to lead us get on with the job, all this time you waste worrying could be better spent honing your gun skills so you can stop the Bad Hombres when they come to kill those who,  let's face it,  probably deserve it for being godless libtard queers. My glorious nation first, unless its undemocratic laws constrain me!

Didn't realise you were running for office!


How much euro do you get for a rouble anyway, TB?
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Not half enough, mate.

Current opinion of the entire modern world: GOP Jesus


Quote from: CalHab on 09 November, 2018, 08:38:46 AM

We are in a seriously dangerous place.

... and the award for the most subtly understated description of the utter hell into which we are currently heading in a handcart goes to ....