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The Political Thread

Started by The Legendary Shark, 09 April, 2010, 03:59:03 PM

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I can't think of what further concessions the EU could make at this point,  never mind what concessions would satisfy the frothing Downton Abbey extras that apparently alone know 'the will of the people', in much the same way the Pope knows the will of God. There was never going to be a deal that represented the UK's interests, because leaving the EU isn't in the UK's interests.

It's No Deal and/or a second referendum now,  surely. But at least to pass the time we'll get to listen to the people that called Corbyn a terrorist and an anti-semite in print be outraged for calling someone stupid under his breath.


Spent the last 20 minutes watching looped video showing the puckered lips of an elderly gentleman gently undulating in extreme close-up and in slow motion.

No idea what he said, but I would definitely now bang Jeremy Corbyn.


It's No-Deal lads; make sure you all have digital subs.


Shite, never even thought of that! As digital-averse I find I'm now counting on Prof Bear to smuggle the hard stuff across the border concealed in Dickhead.

Professor Bear

I get my comics from a standing order with Forbidden Planet, so I'm used to missing issues on a regular basis.

Quote from: Frank on 19 December, 2018, 05:34:48 PM

I would definitely now bang Jeremy Corbyn.

Called it.


I'm not sure how much the law has changed but listening to the Levellers' Julie EP with its section on the 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill, I think we really missed something this year.  Boris' offer to lie in front of the Bulldozers at Heathrow when they move in is apparently a criminal offence courtesy of his own party.  So basically when he made that statement he was committing to the execution of a criminal offence?

Professor Bear

Tories literally tore small animals to shreds in violation of the law on Boxing Day and the police outright refuse to investigate the matter.  The law does not apply equally to all.


Quote from: Tjm86 on 27 December, 2018, 02:46:47 PM
I'm not sure how much the law has changed but listening to the Levellers' Julie EP with its section on the 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill, I think we really missed something this year.  Boris' offer to lie in front of the Bulldozers at Heathrow when they move in is apparently a criminal offence courtesy of his own party.  So basically when he made that statement he was committing to the execution of a criminal offence?

Pretty sure he got away with worse while he was mayor (dodgy deals, selling off prime land to his mates at knock-down prices, etc).  Not to mention his pre-mayoral career.


Quote from: Professor Bear on 27 December, 2018, 03:58:52 PM
Tories literally tore small animals to shreds in violation of the law on Boxing Day and the police outright refuse to investigate the matter.  The law does not apply equally to all.

It was interesting watching the video of the protests in a bit more detail.  IIRC the Mail (hey, I also like the Daily Mash and Rochdale Herald) had a picture of the woman kicking out at a man seemingly stood minding his own business.  If you watch the video the gentleman in question turned around, walked over to her and shoved her back into the crowd a few frames before.  Now granted she did not go with the most sensible response but she's the one being painted as an extremist rather than him being painted as a thug ...


I like the tone deaf Mail headline that says protesters were terrifying the horses. Pretty sure that fox was terrified while your dogs were tearing him to pieces, mate.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Professor Bear

Prime D-Mail: "Black family occupies council house"

Strip away the trappings of the aristocracy and fox hunting is basically one of those expose stories that papers run every few years or so when one of their copy writers finds out about some whacky forrin culling practices.  I mean, it's not just killing a fox, it's chasing it down with dogs while dressed in some kind of fetish outfit from a Pornhub video, letting the dogs tear the fox to pieces, then rubbing the remains on the faces of children.  This is messed-up shit meant to reinforce the idea in toff children that morality does not apply to their social tier, and I have no fucking clue how it isn't traumatic for them to experience it.
(dough prob'ly worse for the fox, I imagine)

Funt Solo

Quote from: Professor Bear on 28 December, 2018, 02:46:27 PM
Prime D-Mail: "Black family occupies council house"

I followed that link and was bewildered (both by the main story and) by the click-bait side column "Femail Today".  If you strip out the celebrity nature of each of the stories, it's just a list of human banality:

  • A couple go to the beach.
  • A family photo is taken.
  • A couple splits up.
  • Someone walks along a rainy street.
  • Beauty products are for sale.
  • A new season of The Crown releases some publicity stills.
  • A person goes to the beach.
  • A foursome go for a meal.
  • A couple are on holiday.
  • A family are on holiday.
  • Women wear coats in cold weather.

Etc. (for ever)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark

I've heard it said that literacy is a sign of freedom but, I wonder, is that still true if there's nothing worth reading?



My main thought on the fox-hunting is that those selfsame people only do it because it's (more) illegal to hunt immigrants. For now.

Imagine their thrill "controlling vermin" of the sand-n****r variety in the traditional manner!  How much better thst Tarquin and Persephone be blooded with the remains of a vanquished enemy of the English way of life. And after all, if they come to your country, they should respect your traditions, and it's a humane way to deal with their reckless breeding in an environment where their natural enemies of drone strikes and cluster bombs are no longer a threat. For now.

The Legendary Shark


And I thought I was dark :(
