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2000 AD Message Board Cover of the Year Vote 2018

Started by Pete Wells, 09 December, 2018, 05:29:01 PM

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Funt Solo

1. Prog 2074 by Emily Zeinner
A powerful analogous color scheme; dreamlike with strong symmetry threatened by the slanting, sickly light.  Anderson here looks powerful but wary. 

2. Prog 2097 by Neil Googe & Gary Caldwell
Great dynamic composition: it really tells a story.

3. Prog 2096 by Neil Roberts
This reminds me of Starblazer and it's got a giant robot, a demonic horse, an astounding haircut and a collection of amazing coiture.  It makes me hugely curious about the story inside.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Eamonn Clarke

Quote from: Eamonn Clarke on 09 December, 2018, 06:20:01 PM
1. 2089. Chris Weston. Because everything is better with monkeys.
2. 2078. All hail Carlos the king.
3. 2106. Culbard. Just a beautiful image.
Sorry, to be clearer that's 3 points for Chris Weston, 2 points for King Carlos, and 1 point for The Culbard droid.


First Place/Number One/3 Points/Top Marks : Prog 2110 - A self imposed 'one pick per artist' rule for me and this is my favourite of Chris Weston's formidable entries. A real fun 'Cor, what's happening there?' effort and it reminds me of Jelly babies. Mmm Jelly babies...

Second Place/Numero Duo/ 2 Points/ Close but no cigar : Prog 2079 Sweet how this was planned ahead for Prog 2079 for the Class of 2079 tale. Mike McMahon is always welcome on my Prog cover and indeed in my house, if he so chooses.

Third Place/Bronze Medal time/1 Point : Prog 2076 - I love the depth, the dynamism and the colours of this cracker. One for the ages!


Never ever bloody anything ever

Rara Avis

3 POINTS- 2098 (David Millgate)
2 POINTS - 2092 (Clint Langley)
1 POINTS - 2084 (Michael Dowling)


3 points: 2081, Homies under the hammer
2 points: 2074, Psiren song
1 point: 2097, Pyschos a go go

Honourable mention: 2075, In the field of battle

Looking forward to the results!
The hippo has wisdom, respect the hippo.


A year of some belters and a few stinkers. Hard to choose, but here we go:

1. 2081 - Carlos did so few covers recently, but when he did, they were the real thing from the king
2. 2102 - Dredd / Shark - Cliff Robinson. Second only to Carlos in the overall 2000AD history cover artistry
3. 2082 - Durham Red by Jim Broxton. Nice to see a smile from Red & Broxton's a wonderful artist

HM's: The return of David Roach was very welcome on Anderson
         Simon Colbey's Nu Earth was fabulous
         Mike McMahon's Dredd is always revered
         David Millgate doing the real paint thing was glorious

Colin YNWA

Well I'll dilly dally no more (I keep doing that with the Spinies and other votes - so no more I'll make my mind up on this one).

3rd = Prog 2090 - such a sharp image, really enhanced by the design.

2nd = Prog 2078 - I shrink the view of the page featuring the images to see which ones pop out. So I double checked this one to make sure it wasn't driven by sentiment. Its not the image screams off the page and up close its an exceptional examination of Johnny. Thank you one last time Carlos.

1st = Prog 2066 - Not only does this one pop off the page, its such an arresting engaging image it hard to imagine seeing it and not be drawn in to see what's going on. Superb.

Very surprised about a couple which didn't make it, McMahon's 2079, 2104 and 2106 in particular.


1st. 2089  -  those Weston monkeys, ridiculous Dredd tale stunningly drawn
2nd. 2078 -  that giant Johnny Alpha close-up, uncompromising
3rd. 2099 - those Richardson demons, loved the Mechastopholes run

2092 -  Langley Death
2084 -  Dowling Death
2070 -  Taylor Dredd/Lamia
2079 -  McMahon Dredd

Pete Wells

+++ Just over 24 hours to vote Earthlets! +++

Many, many wonderful covers this year. My top 3 are:

First Place with 3 Points: King Carlos, Prog 2078.

Such a wonderful image of Johnny, it's Rage all over again, it's Prog 339 ( and it's Prog 469 ( Carlos drawing Alpha looking furious is, sorry, was always a joy, and this is just wonderful. I LOVE how it seems to be an amalgamation of his older and newer styles.

My second place is classic Dredd 2110 by Chris Weston:

I love the design work that has gone into this (particularly the way the gremlins interact with the logo), I love the colours, I love the fact that it pays homage to Prog 23 (,) I love the gratuitous nudity on the cover and the fact that Dredd is getting kicked in the nads. Marvellous!

In third place, Jake Lynch's Prog 2104...

I love the design work here and Jake is certainly one of my favourites of the newer droids.

There were sooooo many that were bubbling under; I started to list them but it just got silly!

Results tomorrow at midnight!!!


Pete Wells


norton canes

Arse, somehow managed to miss this thread. Actually it's probably just as well, because looking at the 2018 covers there are far too many excellent ones to choose a top three.

However if I had a Lawgiver held to my head I'd have gone for




With very honourable mentions to prog 2106 End Times, 2806 Bet On Red and 2108 Germ Warfare; and well, of course, to Carlos Ezquerra's phenomenal Strontium Dog covers.


I'm ready! Is this year's thread coming yet? (this thread was begun on dec 9th last year)