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Started by Keef Monkey, 11 June, 2011, 09:35:35 AM

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Professor Bear

That you can actually play DOAXBV with just one hand is one of its biggest selling points.

Strange but true: in Japan, an exclusive version of the game is available for the Playstation Vita handheld system, and one of the pre-order bonuses was a packet of screenwipes.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

On the subject of hard games, I've relapsed into my FTL addiction once more.

221 games and only 9 wins.
You may quote me on that.


Quote from: Mister Pops on 20 December, 2018, 02:39:38 AM
On the subject of hard games, I've relapsed into my FTL addiction once more.

221 games and only 9 wins.

9 wins?!?  You are a god amongst men!

I barely last three systems. Every. Bloody. Time.


Quote from: Dandontdare on 18 December, 2018, 03:56:25 PM
Portal 2 is a prime example of why I hate the way video games demand success - I got stuck several levels in and just could not fathom how to proceed. This means I cannot access a huge chunk of a product I've paid for. Every game should have a cheat mode or a 'skip level' function.

I was tired and stuck a couple of times and used youtube. Some really good and on point playthroughs on there. Just skipped the video till I found the place I was stuck in and took note which walls the player "portaled" and then figured it out from there. Game lends it well to that. Especially since it's very linear.

Give it a try :)


Me and the two boys are fighting over the Switch in replays of Breath Of The Wild. Strikes me that there's no need for skipping levels and cheat codes when you structure the game in a clever way.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Fire Emblem Awakening.Its gets a bit repetative after a while.The Grind...


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 23 December, 2018, 11:16:56 PM
Me and the two boys are fighting over the Switch in replays of Breath Of The Wild. Strikes me that there's no need for skipping levels and cheat codes when you structure the game in a clever way.
I'm just trying to get into this for the third time. I bought a Switch on the promise of this being game of the century, but not being the exploratory type, I found it difficult to love.

Thankfully the Switch has delivered many other gems to make up for it. :)

Keef Monkey

Over the break I was mostly playing Far Cry 5, which I was initially disappointed with, then really enjoyed once I got into the swing of it, and then didn't enjoy the last couple of hours and was glad to see it finish. It's not bad, but mechanically not as absorbing as 3 or 4 were (there's something about the layout of the outposts and the enemy awareness and the constant patrols and planes that makes the stealth way less satisfying - and trying to speak to an NPC to start or end a mission but being unable to because everyone is perpetually in a conflict state because there are always enemy planes passing over every part of the map after a certain point was a constant nuisance) and after enough time with it the cracks really started to show during the weak latter missions. Overall pretty disappointing after loving the last couple so much.

Grabbed Into The Breach on Switch to give me something to play in the corner while visiting the in-laws over new year, and couldn't put it down until I'd beaten the final mission. Absolutely tremendous, and I say that as someone who has never enjoyed 'tactics' games or found them very accessible. Simple to learn, difficult to master and hugely tense and satisfying, it's like Pacific Rim The Game and I love it dearly.

Tried Minit on that same trip but ended up giving up on it after half an hour. The basic premise is great and sucked me in right away, but after a few minute long runs where no progress was happening and I didn't seem to be sufficiently guided as to where I should be looking to find things of interest to do in it I deleted it and played Into The Breach again instead.

Oh and I'm a few hours into Spider-Man and it's magnificent and I love it. Still a way away from finishing it, but it's been great so far, and is one of those rare open world games where just getting from one point of the map to another is a joy.

Oh and also Mario Kart on Switch, which I got for my birthday yesterday and played all afternoon in my pyjamas. Thank you Mario Kart for making me feel less old.


Quote from: wedgeski on 07 January, 2019, 09:50:04 AM
Quote from: Tiplodocus on 23 December, 2018, 11:16:56 PM
Me and the two boys are fighting over the Switch in replays of Breath Of The Wild. Strikes me that there's no need for skipping levels and cheat codes when you structure the game in a clever way.
I'm just trying to get into this for the third time. I bought a Switch on the promise of this being game of the century, but not being the exploratory type, I found it difficult to love.

Thankfully the Switch has delivered many other gems to make up for it. :)

Ah, if you don't like exploring, maybe not the game for you.

This replay has made me realise how easy it actually is, once you know a few of the tricks. No fannying about with elaborate meals, just cook lots of hearty durians etc.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Oddworld: Munch's oddysee
Went in with quite low expectations, but still disapointed. I will forever love Abe's exodus, and had a fantastic time playing Abe's oddysee (as well as New n tasty) and Stranger's wrath. But Munch didn't do it for me. Not even story wise, or atmosphere. Real shame. Clunky gameplay, puzzles are overruled by blasting enemies from some funny angle, and towards the end there are a bunch of moving crates with a crane (which can take up to 20min)... Such a shame.

Regardless. I very much looking forward to Oddworld: Soulstorm (remake of Abe's Exodus, similar to New n tasty, but much grimmer).

Keef Monkey

Quote from: Apestrife on 13 January, 2019, 07:57:43 PM
Regardless. I very much looking forward to Oddworld: Soulstorm (remake of Abe's Exodus, similar to New n tasty, but much grimmer).

Looking forward to this too, always loved the first game but somehow never played any of the sequels. New n' Tasty was brilliant but didn't realize they were continuing with the remakes, should be good!

I just finished Gris on the Switch and absolutely loved it. It's a gorgeously illustrated and animated platform puzzler, gameplay-wise not entirely dissimilar to but with a much gentler atmosphere than games like Inside and Limbo (which I do love too). It feels great, looks incredible, sounds incredible (the music is fantastic), it's a bit of a masterpiece really. Short at about 3-4hrs, which means it didn't outstay its welcome and kept me fully absorbed throughout.


There's a playable Demo for the Resident Evil 2 remake available for download. It's time locked and can only be played for a maximum of thirty minutes. The graphics are stunning and you get a sizeable area to explore. I've had the game on pre-order since it was announced being a massive fan of the series.

Red Dead Redemption 2 which is nice to look at and fun to play but it can be a bit of a grind at times. The online has it's moments but a lot needs to change if they want people to be playing this for years to come. There has also been suggestions of harsh working conditions and unrealistic schedules forced on Rockstar employees just to get the game out by a certain date. Games companies have been taking the piss for a long time which leads me nicely into...

...Black ops 4 which is one part good, one part bland and one part Dogshit. Zombies is still fun and it's been shaken up a bit with new mechanics and sizeable stages that look quite nice. Blackout is a bit dull and the graphics aren't that great. Multiplayer is absolutely awful with piss-poor hit detection, bad level design and awful primary colours which sting the eyes with their brightness. It's a far cry from COD WW2 which actually plays like a Call of Duty game and has some beautifully detailed levels. I still play Team Deathmatch on WW2* if anyone wants their arse handed to them  ;)


*on PS4, Napalm_Kev
"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"


Yeah looking forward to RE2 alot after that demo. Same old flavour with a fresh new twist.

Funt Solo

I've got my three most recent:

Zombotron 2: Time Machine - actually the third version of Zombotron - perhaps not as clean as the first two, and suffering a bit from rail-shooter moments.  But it's FREE!

Hearthstone - in case you didn't know this is WoW meets MTG, and it's entirely FTP.  Although, you may feel some desire to part with cash to get on the freemium bandwagon, there's no need for that unless you're playing super-competitively. 

Planetside 2 - the only MMO FPS in existence.  And it's FREE!  Watch out, though: this has an extremely sharp learning cliff.  Your first experience will be getting pwned by far more experienced players.  The only good news is that the weapon system is insanely well balanced and that really the only thing veteran players have over you is their experience (not their kit).  Flying things relies on you spending as much time as it takes to learn how to fly things IRL, so not for amateurs.

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Professor Bear

The Long Dark - first person post-apocalyptic survival game that fills the hole left by the now sadly deceased and gone forever Fallout.  Some mechanics I recognise as being lifted straight out of free Skyrim mods like Wet And Cold and Campfire, and though the combat mechanics are dogshit, they help sell the atmosphere of being alone in the wilderness where anything can take a left turn at any time if you aren't careful.  The storyline mode got stupid a bit too readily for my liking, what with the "find the magic spear to kill the immortal bear" storyline (apparently added in the last update in place of the original mechanic of finding the bear at random and shooting it), but the open-ended Survival mode is great, somehow both relaxing and tension-filled at once.
Can't say I'm a fan of cel-shaded graphics, but they work here because of the desolate setting and the use of white and light pastels to render snow - though I'd still have preferred to have played something with more realistic graphics, as this is going to date badly once some of this year's major post-apocalyptic open-world games hit the market.

Assassins Creed: Odyssey - latest version of the never-ending franchise that always finds a way to fuck up something that works.  In this case, the mercenary rebalancing of the combat/exploration/XP systems since the previous game to herd you towards microtransactions if you want to continue the storyline: enemies are never more than 1 level below you, which means you can't grind or farm in the usual way to level up, but you have to be certain levels to undertake certain quests, and this means doing literally dozens of side missions before you can continue the main story, but you soon run out of side missions because the ones in neighboring territories are usually ten or twenty levels above the level you can achieve in your current area - or alternatively you can - naturally - buy an XP multiplier from the in-game store with real money, so it's a full price game you can't actually enjoy until you've forked over more cash.  Oh, and when new DLC is released?  Every time you try to go to the map screen that is essential to the game, you don't get the map screen, you get a fullscreen advertisement for the paid DLC.  Every single time you try to access the map screen.
And we haven't even got to the DLC yet, in which all non-hetero choices are rendered non-canon for your character.  Been playing 80+ hours as a gay man or woman?*  Tough shit, you're a parent now.  It's a good thing people choose to be gay or someone might be a little annoyed at this.
It's still a good game, and the world is fantastic - the first time I saw a whale break the surface of the ocean I just about shit - but unless you're willing to pay extra, best settle in for a few months of grinding if you want to get the most out of it.

* And only got to level 7.