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Google SketchUp

Started by Kev Levell, 23 September, 2010, 09:16:03 AM

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Colin YNWA

Man he gives good mo-pad. That's really quite astonishing. The amount of interior detail is incredible, want to move it!


That mopad makes me weep. I'm never posting a Sketchup model again.  :o

Darren Stephens

That mopad is superb. Looks like its straight from the manufacturers presentation!  :lol:


That Mo Pad is just amazing. I keep thinking Industry has lost a fine creator but we in the illustration world have gained a great illustrator. Power to your PC KevLev. :D

Only just downloaded Google's free Sketch Up so must try to get to grips with it.
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla


Hello all, I'm new here. This is an older piece. This background is my favorite part of an animated film I did as a student project. The wallpaper was inspired by the artist Glenn Barr. Nothing says psychosis like 70s wallpaper!

This was the first time I used Sketchup to get a background. I will never get as insanely good as a lot of what I'm seeing above. I'm about to embark on learning 3D Studio Max. If all goes according to plan, I should be insane inside of a year!
"People! All going somewhere. All with their own thoughts, their own ideas. All with their own PERSONALITIES! One is wrong because he does right. One is right because he does wrong. PULL THE STRING! Dance to that which one was created for!

-Bela Lugosi, Glen Or Glenda?

Steven Denton

I've been following your work in sketch up on your blog Kev. It looks fantastic, your designs are outstanding and I'm sure the strips you are working on will benefit from the shear amount of work that will have gone into the backgrounds. It's enough to make mw want to fire up my pc and switch on the nearest 3d app! Blender looks ideal for doing background perspective underlay's, maybe I will give it a go sometime.

I used to build 3d backgrounds in Cinema 4D (a really old version I bought in 2001) but I found I was getting more and more obsessed with the detail, eventually going from background layouts to rendered textured background images. After it took me 8 months to finish a 6 page story for Futurequake I Decided to put my 3D programs away and dray it all by hand. then I got creative block and pretty much all I can do now is colour!


You'll be able to see the fruits of Kev's graveyard scene in the pages of Murky Depths #14, launching in a couple of weeks. It was the basis for his illustration of Stone by Neil Beynon. You can pre-order from the MD website.


Great stuff, the mopad model is just... WOW. I hadn't realised how useful the warehouse area had become, perfect for gun refs etc.

John Caliber

Quote from: staticgirl on 28 September, 2010, 03:20:58 PM
I downloaded that ages ago but I'm having such difficulty using it. I just don't easily think in 3D.

I'm good at physical sculpture, but Sketchup is the only 3D package I can manage (another program too me three hours to model a cylinder with very simple attachments - then it crashed!). Sketchup is superb; I can't believe why the most expensive alternatives didn't make this kind of effort years ago. It takes mere minutes to lay out a whole neighbourhood of Mega-City One buildings and roadways.