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Quailfying 2 - 1: Arthur Wyatt or Alec Worley - Ultimate Not Wagner Tourney

Started by Colin YNWA, 21 May, 2020, 06:46:38 AM

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Colin YNWA

Well here we are, quite excited to see how this one goes as we've had a break from new votes for a few days AND we have our new faster format. Each vote now just three days. So with no more introduction lets get to a vote been two modern era stalwarts. Whose writing for Tharg do you prefer?

Arthur Wyatt -


Alec Worley -

What is all this nonsense you ask well we're finding out whose 2000ad (Meg and associated items) writing do you prefer? Voting - just add a comment here with whose work you prefer (and anything else you might wish to say to discuss their work). This vote closes sometime early Sunday 24th May?

Want to know more

Next Qualifying 2 face off starts tomorrow - we're getting close to the Tourney proper - how exciting.


This is not an easy one, i like both but let us go for Alec Worley
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.




Tough one! Direct comparison really brings it home how good, and prolific, these newer-model droids are.

On the one hand,  I love Realm of the Damned,  Dandridge, the first run of the new Durham Red series and the first book of Age of the Wolf in particular, plus Worley has a pile of solid short stories in all arenas, and his movie writings would make a decent book on their own.

But then I also enjoyed Wyatt's Orlok,  some great Terror Tales and strong regular Dredds, and one of my personal favourite stories of the past few years, Intestinauts. I'm not a big fan on the Movie Dredd strips, never really saw the point,  but that's hardly Wyatt's fault.

It's a close fight for my vote, but the combo of Dandridge, Realm of the Damned and a mountain of non-fiction writing just pushes Alec Worley over the line.


Can't really compete with Tords on the thought process- it is almost like he's in my head, really.

I'm going to go for Alec Worley on this one.

If pressed for a decision as to why - Alec has done more world building that Art. That being said - I reckon that both of these writers will be around for a long time.


Alec Worley for me - almost purely based on the fact that he has produced more original series for Tharg, as others have said.

Dark Jimbo

Even when they haven't always landed in the execution, Worley's always trying to do something interesting in his strips; and I loved Dandrige without the need for qualifications. Wyatt's strips gave been... fine, but not excited me, and I actively disliked the Orlok series. So Worley for me.

Funt Solo

They're both very good writers.

In particular for Arthur Wyatt I really rate Monkey Business (M376-M377). It's a perfect slice of Dredd. And the movie continuity Dredd [2012] in the Meg is a great achievement - it manages to be its own beast without trampling on the (tightly-compressed) toes of the source material. That's an amazing trick to pull off.

Alec Worley's world-building in Age of the Wolf was really exciting (despite the tricky middle book), and I just really relished the comedy in Dandridge.

I could almost flip a coin here, but for originality outside of existing structures Alec Worley gets the vote.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Colin YNWA

Get your votes in this one closes in the morning. This 3 day window keeps things moving briskly so don't miss out.


Arg. Both writers have done things I've really liked, and stuff I'm not at all keen on. Sorry, Colin, but I'm going to fence-sit on this one.


Wyatt for me, just. The whole Orlock storyline leaves me a bit cold, but gets the vote on the recent Meg Dredd, great stuff. Worley, I have enjoyed his writing especially the first Age of Wolf, but like so many indie bands there is the difficult second album.

Colin YNWA

Well this one seemed tight for all who voted, one fine boarder not able to make the call BUT on the overall count there was a clear winner from almost the very start and this vote goes to the very lovely

Alec Worley

Next result out tomorrow morning.