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Started by Buttonman, 14 August, 2010, 02:35:45 PM

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Funny about the McMahon Dredd. To me, it was a pretty logical stylistic evolution from his Sláine work, and it fitted really well with the chaotic nature of Howler. I wouldn't want to see Dredd done this way week-in, week-out, but for a one-off it was great. Contrast that, though, with the dire I Was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Priest Killer by Sam Keith in the latest Case Files. Now *that* is how to wreck Dredd with sub-par cartoon art.

Darren Stephens

Just got this issue today. The bagged MM collection was the sole reason for me starting to buy the Megazine again last month. ( I knew this collection was coming soon, but also wanted to know what was going on in the other stories in the actual meg..) Mike Mcmahon was and still is a genius. How anyone can call his work "shit" is beyond me. Totally ridiculous. On another note, the Dredd story this month is great and, art wise, almost as far removed from Mcmahon as its possible to be. Arsom, indeed.


Quote from: O Lucky Stevie! on 23 August, 2010, 08:27:23 AM
Quote from: mogzilla on 19 August, 2010, 12:19:04 AM
lily is really enjoyable dare i say a "halo jones " for the noughties ?

Uh uh. Not Halo Jones.

It's Carry on Emmanuelle via Alastair Reynolds.

Not that's there's anything wrong with that. Just calling it as Stevie sees it.

you not a fan then stevie? using the worst carry on film as a ref? the jones reference was all i could think of as so far not a lot happens (obviusly picking up now) it was just a girly and a pink haired short fella on a ship...maybe they did some shopping whilst off "camera" ;)


Lilly McKenzie is fantastic. Sure its a slower pace than the typical 2000AD story but with that art who cares - like a good BD.. great art, good characters, nothing happens till book III. Love it.

Confessions of a... Pink haired Shorty might be nearer the mark (although frankly not enough confessions if you get my drift).
If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd


Having been snuffly for two weeks I needed cheering up and this prog was better than any doc. An excellent Dredd, story and art summing up perfectly the insane nature of the Mega-City in just one story.

Hondo city/Inaba bonkers but great with some fanulous weirdy beasties at the end.

Anderson and Armitage were good and the art particularly so, Lily Mckenzie was also perfectly enjoyable.

The meg is Mega this month.
The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.


Lush cover. Makes me want to track down Quietly's Megazine work.

Dredd: Really liked the mutual respect between the athlete and Dredd, and the silent panels where you could see it in play. Showed you a lot of the wackiness of MC1 which was fun. Not sure how memorable it's gunna be, but I liked it.

Armitage: I'm pretty shocked that the murder mystery element ended so abruptly and they found the perp all in this one part. Intrested to see where things go from here, but not so much as I was last time round.

Lilly Mackenzie: Leaving it for when I get the earlier parts

Hondo City Justice: Really love this, awesome action and ideas. Niel Googes art is good, but did confuse me a little in parts.

Judge Anderson: Again some cool moments and nice art, mostly set up so I'm waiting for things to really get going.

Other stuff: Interview was intresting, a friend saw the Human Centipide and was telling me how bad it was, so made me laugh to see it in the reviews section.

Still got the collection to read. Normally I find stylized art fascinating, but this doesn't do much for me. Have to see how it reads.

"After 2,000 years of keeping them breeding inside the one bloodline, we're lucky the bastard doesn't have antennae."