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Anti-Dredd rant in Metro!

Started by Tex Hex, 05 July, 2004, 06:54:28 PM

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The him Von Ripentrop was the saviour of his country?
Sort I thought you said 'up set'

Helpful Huff
DDT did a job on me


Have there been any readers' letters attacking the madwoman?

Oh... and here's a gothgirl">


Goth-fanciers (aka the Doom Patrol):-

Get thee to here (warning, NOT work safe)


Link:" target="_blank">Oh, the paiiiiin


There are a great deal of crap children's magazines cashing in at the moment - believe it or not it is a huge market and it has basically replaced the comics market of 15 years ago. I personally work on some of this "tat", and do my best to make them as good as I can. I agree that covemounted gifts have became inseparable from the magazine, something I wish weren't so, but suits like the sales it generates! like it or lump it -they're here to stay. Apart from the gifts, have you actually picked one up and had a good read? maybe you may change you're mind. Maybe not as they are aimed at primarily 5-8 years olds who buy them in their millions (no joke!)


Wow, millions?  

Until recently I assumed there was only 2 or 3 of these mags, but a look at a big local newsagnet and the bottom shelf must have had about ten or twelve very similar looking titles with hordes of free gifts.

I read Toxic out of curiosity (and contributors like PJ Holden and Lew Stringer) and that was largely product placement dressed as features with a few strips.  It was the strips that I was interested in looking at, because I wondered if they took script submissions.  

But it seemed there was so little comic material in there, it wouldn't be likely.  I've been told by someone else who works in the area that the comic strips are the most expensive part of the product, hence their minimal presence.

As an afterthought, ban any comic from having free gits, except for Solar Wind.


Solar Wind does indeed come with its own free git.  

He sits in the corner of my stidy and mocks me constantly.  The git.


I wonder, do kids buy these things themselves, or are they bought FOR kids by adults who just see the free gifts and the pretty colours?  I don't know about anyone else, but the violence and action were what drew me into tooth at that age, the stories and satire kept me there once I was old enough to understand what I was looking at.
And as I recall, I only got the comic in the first place because my dad bought it - for me or him, I can't say, but he still reads it to this day.

The Amstor Computer

The violence & action was what hooked me, as well. The free gifts were, largely, shite, so it was the mental pictures on the cover, and the mental strips inside that got me buying the comic.