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Why you should tip yer hat to Alan Barnes - SPOILERS

Started by Dudley, 27 July, 2004, 03:25:02 PM

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Right, that's enough space.

Reason 1 - The reply to the letter about homophobia.  It takes a confident person to stand up


Ignoring the mockery and my own web-fu "level minus 10" prowess, I shall proceed anyway...


Reason # 1 - It takes a strong man to stand up, as he does with the letter about homophobia, and say "I was wrong.  Sorry."  Compare and contrast witht he defence of Valkyries...

Reason # 2 - The editorial this month was spot-on.  How good is it, being constantly surprised by the comic, as opposed to being drip-fed every revelation months in advance of when the writer intended?

Reason # 3 - "Gordon Rennie is unwell".  Made me laugh like a sackful of stoats.

Reason 4, the bit about how under his leadership the Meg is the best it's ever been and still keeps getting better - well, that's too obvious to be worth mentioning, ain't it?

The Amstor Computer

I'd have to agree. I don't think, as was suggested elsewhere, that he was backing down in the face of unwarranted criticism; he was being big enough to admit that his remarks had been offensive to a section of the readership. He wasn't being accused of homophobia, just of being thoughtless, and it's refreshing to see a straight "yes I was, and I'm sorry" with no weasel words.

It's maybe a little unfair to compare it with Matt Smith's defence of Valkyries though, however much I might disagree with his public stance.

Slippery PD

I think its been said.  But more importantly Alan is the best megazine editor weve had and if you consider, the Bishop set in motion the turnaround of the prog after being at the helm of the Meg.  I can think of no better accolade.



Yep,a big cheer for Alan,he's doing a cracking job.

Hip Hip...

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.


It's maybe a little unfair to compare it with Matt Smith's defence of Valkyries

I guess Matt Smith's constrained by the character of Tharg - can't really see Greenbonce saying sorry for anything.

Mr C

My thoughts exactly Dud, Matt has to write his editorials and replys to letters in a certain way, "Tharg" has to be defensive about his mighty organ (well, who wouldn't be?). Alan, on the other hand is free to reply to letters and write editorials as himself. He handled that apology very, very well.

Mind you, have you read the title of Keane's letter in the prog? :-)


Or could it be that it might be okay to apologise for personal opinions, but apologising for a strip, just because some people didn't like it would be more than a bit editorially undiplomatic.  

Why would any editor want to publicly criticise the strips they are currently running or people who currently work for them?

These are two very different sitiuations and I don't think you can fault either editor for their response.


Mind you, have you read the title of Keane's letter in the prog? :-)

No - haven't got the prog to hand, what was it?

The Amstor Computer

Exactamundo, PVS - though I think Alan was apologising more for a thoughtless comment than for his opinion (which is why I don't think any accusation of homophobia would be fair...)


Personal opinions/commentary/jokes/idle chat, whatever.  I havn't read the letter and can't rememeber the incident referred to.


It was his editorial from the 220 meg when he is remeniscing about Dredds epic struggle towards the end of the cursed earth saga and his uniforms ever more weekly dis-intergration, he makes a comment that some people might find his fascination with this a bit dubious.

Which I think was meant tongue in cheek, ok its a glib joke but for anyone to take offence at that and construe it as homophobic is going to far, people have to take things in proper context. Does anyone really think the Meg is a vehicle for Hate? Of course it isnt, does every thought or comment have to be run by this all seeing fine tooth comb weilding PC thought police?

As for Christy Gould perhaps he should be directing his offence at the people who actually WOULD find the thought of any man being fascinated by anothers near nudity dubious.

Therein lies the problem, who would Christy Gould actually write to to protest his offence?

Alan Barnes now appears to be apologizing for those people, which of course he shouldnt have to.

I mean who apart from Christy Gould actually even noticed this from Meg 220? I was like WTF? I had to dig it out when I read Goulds letter to see what the hell he was talking about.

Some people are professional offence takers on behalf of their pet minority and are the loudest to scream about inclusion( not quoting J Keane..honest) except where humour is concerned it seems.


Yeah, Alan Barnes clearly has the right idea.

What's interesting about his editorship is he's emphasised the magazine aspects of the publication, pushing for variety.

While that's not always been successful - I note the debate on the text pieces - I have noticed I now spend far longer reading the Meg than I ever did before.

Also, lol to "Gordon Rennie is unwell".
Let's hope he isn't really unwell, and is just pissed in a ditch somewhere.

- Trout

Devons Daddy

Reason # 1 - It takes a strong man to stand up, as he does with the letter about homophobia, and say "I was wrong. Sorry."

a statement from a man whom has managed to deliver the strongest meg we have ever this way surely says a lot about his personal intergrity,

i have nothing but respect for such an action.
though i dont feel it was neccarry.i hope those that where offended accept his statement.

alan barnes great editor,and a man of ethics its appears.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!

House of Usher

I won't get the current Megazine until tomorrow, but as to the issues raised, I had completely forgotten Alan's Cursed Earth striptease editorial. At the time I read it as perhaps a bit unguarded and ill-advised, but I was able to overlook it. Somebody was bound to take offense, and Alan should have seen it coming, and it sounds to me as if he's dealt with the flack in a sensible manner.

I too found the gradual disintegration of Judge Dredd's uniform in the Cursed Earth quite fascinating when I was a lad. But from a continuity point of view, you understand; I'm not gay or owt (does that just about sum up what Alan's been taken to task over?).

I am of the opinion that derogatory terms like 'bender', 'shirtlifter' etc. don't belong in the Megazine. It's just not cricket.