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Rebellion TPB images for November...

Started by The Amstor Computer, 17 August, 2004, 05:48:00 PM

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Compared to the back of Prog 1068 (or thereabouts) it looks like Dante's turning Japanese.

The Amstor Computer

Dunno. If they're reprinted from films of the original artwork, it depends on whether elements like that were included. If they were, it may be difficult - or too costly - to remove them.

I've had time to get used to this "new" Dredd logo, and I'm not *too* fussed by it, but neither am I likely to warm to it anytime soon. It looks like the kind of logo you'd be likely to find on a Warhammer 40K publication, and I still reckon the classic Dredd eagle badge logo has a lot more going for it.


>Dunno. If they're reprinted from films of the original artwork, it depends on whether elements like that were included. If they were, it may be difficult - or too costly - to remove them.

The original artwork has long since been returned to the artists, the pages for the DC books are scanned in from the original film from the Progs.



So that's including the "chapter breaks" then? Goody!
Better set your phaser to stun.


The Dante logo is pink, flowery and the cover looks like a cheap romance. Obviously trying to appeal to the 12% female demographic.


What was wrong with the legible, androgenous, first logo?

This really, really spoils an otherwise frasertastic cover.

The Amstor Computer

"the pages for the DC books are scanned in from the original film from the Progs"

So, do those films just consist of artwork & lettering, or are elements like strip/story title & next prog lines included?


>or are elements like strip/story title & next prog lines included?




The Amstor Computer

Put it to the vote. New Dante, or old Dante:">


Neither. However, I would have gone for something closer to the old logo, echoing the ideas of Russia, rather than something that is more akin to Mills and Boon.

The new Dredd logo works nicely, though.


I don't like the Dante cover full-stop. If I had no idea what Dante was about, and saw that cover in a shop, there's no way I'd pick it up.

Other than the faded alien and the Raven Corps flying things in the background, there's jack all to really suggest this has a techno-future vibe to it at all. Far too Mills&Boon as it is!

Grant Goggans

You know, I'm a little alarmed that the solicits for both these books indicate that they're in black & white.

That's probably a misprint, but I'm curious about the inclusion of Anthony Williams on the Judgement Day volume.  What's that?  The "Kinda Dead Man" story?  What about "The Taking of Sector 123"?  Is that in it, too?



Mills & Boon sell 3,000,000 books per year. The average ICV2 top GN sells 5,000ish.



Old Dante logo was too much of a pain to get on the front of a book. It's on the strips inside, though.

