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Attention Pencil Monkeys!

Started by petemaskreplica, 26 October, 2004, 06:26:10 AM

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esoteric ed

Pete? did you get my quick sketch (sponsored by Blossom Hill)?

If you like it I'll draft a more finished version.




I've had quite a few pages and pictures sent me now, and it's all looking very good indeed, I'll not mention anyone in particular right now, as everything I've been sent has been great :)

But still I need more! I'm particularly looking for single images right now, partly because I'll need them for the climax of the tale, but also becasue I've got an idea for a page which involves the repetition of one image, kinda like Andy Warhol but without the talent. So all submissions still welcome. Talent is no obstacle, in fact I'd welcome a few more things that are crap (in a good way, obviously), as the standard so far is frankly rather high for such an ill-conceived venture as this.

If I could have everything by the end of the month that'd be great.

Keep scribbling, my graphite-wielding simian friends!

Max Kon

Max Kon

I've finished it and will be sending it to you shortly. But I take great offence at the word 'simian' I am a robot, not an ape. ;-)

Max Kon


Got it, Max, nice one :)

either b/w or colour's fine, by the way.


I might actually get around to doing this... been too focussed on trying to actually finish GTA:VC the last coupla weeks...
Better set your phaser to stun.


Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


I've had many beautiful images from various minions of the trout, as well as some very...special ones. Anyone who hasn't yet sent me stuff and is intending to, could you do so asap please, I'm planning to get started properly on sorting this out this week. I hope to get most of it online by Christmas, or at least by New Year, depending on how quickly I can get my arse into gear.


Are you ready for the ULTIMATE FISH TRIP??">




Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


Patience, my zombie friend...

I should have something online over the weekend.

Anyone who's intending to send me sommat and hasn't, get yer skates on!