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New Poll: In the absence of the Trout, who is your King now?

Started by 2000AD Online, 01 November, 2004, 09:17:46 PM

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Generally Contrary


And there was no indication of where, when, or in what company, if any.

Sounds like a suitably vague promise to me.  Are you sure you're not a politician.


Yaay! The board is now ruled by a pair of gazungas!
Politician? Me? I just know what my public wants to see!
Here's something to tide you all over until i can find a suitable pic...">

Mr C

Hang on, I'm ruled by your breasts?

Nurse! More medication for Mr Course please!

Matt Timson

Ahhh... The good old days- when Tharg gave cold hard cash for crudely ripped off Bellardinelli pics...



Ferchhrissakes. I AM YOUR KING. ARE YOU ALL MAD?...

Jared Katooie


Queen Firey-Bou

ahh sod yous all . i'm not playing, i'm off to rule my own kingdom, ...

you wanna see my tits too ?

ha ! you'll have to try harder than that feebs.

mutter mutter king queen arse feck mutter sore looser bastards feck.


"They called me the ReVerend when I entered the Church unstained;
my employers have changed but the name has remained.
It all began when I went on a tour,
hoping to find some furniture.
I followed a sign - it said "Beautiful Chest".
It led to a lady who showed me her best..."

Nuff said!

From: The Battle of Epping Forest - Genesis.

Link:" target="_blank">

W. R. Logan

>you wanna see my tits too ?

If you were twenty years younger maybe.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.


BAD temporary minion, BAD!
Logan is hereby found guilty of being a cheeky mofo and is sentenced to watch the surviving members of the roly polys tap dancing naked in my dungeon until the trout gets back. Also, Bou gets to kick you repeatedly and squarely in the arse.
Actually, Bou gets to kick anyone she feels like kicking.
Therev is found guilty of the most heinous crime of posting genesis lyrics and must serve a community tuneage order of listening to something loud and crunchy for 24 hours.
Everyone the day off!
The boobs have spoken.

Never forget the boobs are jiggly.


'Yaay! The board is now ruled by a pair of gazungas!'

That's nothing. I got a whole country ruled by a pair of dicks.(can you tell Kerry's trailing?)

Queen Firey-Bou

HUrraH for Tankies Boobies their judgement is fair !


If you think that ploy will work as a means of me flashing my fantastic young tits at you , think again, BOOT!

I may not be 18 no more, BOOT ! but at least i don't have a beer THUMP! gut.

never EVER WHALLUP ! accused a queen of saggy boobies. CRUNCH !



Revelation 6:8

>I may not be 18 no more, BOOT ! but at least i don't have a beer THUMP! gut.

If I stop drinking and do a bit of excercise my beer gut will go.

It'd be easier to raise the Titanic than your 'fantastic young tits'