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New Poll: In the absence of the Trout, who is your King now?

Started by 2000AD Online, 01 November, 2004, 09:17:46 PM

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Max Kon

Max Kon

And by that I mean that if I was 24 years older...


Need any help digging that grave, Max?

Mr C

Dig upwards, Max, dig upwards, you'll get out sometime.

Max Kon

'you'll get out sometime.'

Doesn't seem like being any time soon

Queen Firey-Bou

mmm i love it when total newbies randomly start insulting my tits.

troll for breakfast anyone? i suppose if i didnt have a life o could check out the book reference. but i can't be fucked.

Tankieeeeee ! we have another one for the giant napalm catherine wheel.

Matt Timson

Sadly, I believe that may be Logan with yet another confusing alias.

Being a man of God*, I can tell you that it's a passage about Death riding up, with Hell right behind him.  Or something.

Never fear, Bou- I'll have a go with your tits and consider myself a lucky man.  Mainly because they won't squirt warm milk in my face.


*ok, so I'm less 'a man of God' and more 'reasonably well read'.

Max Kon

Revelation 6:8
I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a forth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

I posted this on the thread below

Link:" target="_blank">the thread


Dammit! you turn your back for five minutes...

Bou - dispense the napalm!
JEB - confusing aliases are fair game in my book- fire at will!

It looks like my reign shall be up sometime soon, so today i have a mission for you all, should you choose to accept it. The best practical joke/ jackass style stunt performed today shall win a prize.* Evidence may be required and anything involving Max's bum is disqualified.
I'm also taking requests. Anyone wanting a temporary position of authority, wishing to consign someone/ thing to my dungeon of doom, or wanting a bit of help with life in general, apply here.

*prize may not actually be tangible. The boobs accept no responsibility for any horrendous injury sustained in the pursuit of comedy.

Happy friday everyone!
Never forget the boobs are jiggly

Mr C

I'm applying for a position.

What can I have? :-)


you can look after the flying monkeys. I believe their helicopter gunships need maintanence

Mr C

But they keep throwing their faeces at me and call me names behind my back and knick me fags.

Grumble, moan, whinge, etc.

Max Kon

Queen Firey-Bou

jackass style japes ?

well i am channelling a rage & angst the size of the planet, my little black book of nasty people is rather overcrowded, and i'm in charge of lighting ( okay okay me & the viking bloke are in charge ) of lighting ?1200 of fireoworks tonight..

who shall i save the big one for?  the guy who bought round a dog shit in a bag to the house the afternoon i got the beravment news ?  Anyone who works at Juve-2's school ? my collegue who has done NO work all week whilst i skivvied ? the woman who moaned about the squidgy grapefruit ? anyone whos talked about my tits this week in a derogatory manner ? mmm choices choices..

Queen Explosive-KILL'Em'ALL-Bou.

House of Usher

I'm wracking my brains for a Jackass Style Stunt to perform this very day, so you may have to wait a while on that one.

Although I did get out of the bath and tread right on a paint-scraping shave hook nearly a fortnight ago. With hilarious results (no stitches necessary). That's a bit bit lame, though.