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New Poll: Should Johnny Eyebrows use his gorrilla icon again ?

Started by 2000AD Online, 06 November, 2004, 07:12:53 PM

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Oh and Iain is a pefectly legitimate Scottish spelling of a Scottish name. by dissing the spelling, you are dissing Scotland, you are being racist.


i'd say yes, because when i'm reading posts i don't look at the name, i look at the icon.  in this case it's easy to figure it out.  but when people change icons, my world turns upside down.  that 'hive mind' icon a while back just sent everything into chaos.

plus, i'm use to thinking of him as a hairly ape.

Queen Firey-Bou

RarRRRRrrr because JEb has been a Rascist & dissed this mighty nation of which i yearn to escape, he must be consigned to an icon of great stupidity & poopness. rather like the current one, cos its poop.

and he's gone soft, i shall now channel his rage.


scary huh.

Matt Timson

Bah!  You're just a big floating eye!  What do you know about anything?!?


See what I mean?  It's like he's not even trying anymore.


Isn't it obvious that what Daddy 'brows should have as an icon is Gerald, the evil monobrow baby off the Simpsons?">


JEB, you know I have fond memories of you and TPS arguing over pot, with the ferocious gorilla scowling over every enry. Bring the gorilla back, if you know what's good for you.

Matt Timson

Pfff- we weren't arguing over pot.  I was arguing that he was a twat and that being a twat, he was totally unable to grasp the concept of just what it was he was saying that made him look like one.


The gorilla is gone for good, I'm afraid- I don't even have a copy of it myself any more.  Maybe I'll make something new next week...


funny how everyone sees him as a gorilla..

Queen Firey-Bou

Look JeB is only a poop when i say so, youre a poopy poop with a big nose... and wait is that a burberry cap ? and your icon is all brown, everyone knows the new brown is black. so shuttup poop.


Matt Timson

Oh dear.

Has he been sitting in here 24/7, waiting to pounce the very moment I question his intelligence, or what?  Responding to that particular post within half an hour (on a Saturday night, no less) is somewhat disturbing.

Should I be awaiting the imminent delivery of dead cats in shoeboxes?  Boiled rabbits?  Flowers?  Soiled pants??  What's in vogue for internet stalkers these days?

Don't get your hopes up, dipshit- still killfiled.



Max Kon

Well I looked through the fttp list and can't find the gorrila Icon, I jave no idea what it could be called.

Devons Daddy

i have considered changing my icon.
but at the same time i realise people associate who you are by the picture as much as by the way you write and respond to others.

did you draw the former icon yourself Johnny?
it was a good one i always felt.
though the best for me is still JUDGE ZIPPY

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!

Max Kon

He did do his last icon himself. I got him to draw me a gorilla at bristol and it looked just like the icon (but in pencil)


Still killfiled? you replied on the weed thread to a direct post of mine a day after you 'killfiled me' your just proving yourself a liar..pathetic man..

Bou..what the hell are you talking about?..time of the month luv?..