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Top 5 sexiest lady judges ever?

Started by Krustabi, 11 November, 2004, 09:52:25 PM

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Byron Virgo

Hmmm...who would I go for if I was a drawn character? The only drawn character I can think of immediately that I would associate with myself would be The Black Currant, from Warrior/Thrud The Barbarian. In which case, I think I'd go for Chira, from Nemesis the Warlock, due to her aquestrian abillities.

I fear I was always a Wilma man, however.

How come no-ones yet to add Judge Edgar to the list?


"Well, I'd go with Betty.

But I'd be thinking of Wilma."">
Better set your phaser to stun.


"If it helps, pretend you're a drawn character, and wonder which drawn characters you'd go for if you knew nothing of the 3D world which exists beyond the pages..."

Not that i... er... oddboy has ever done this. at all. ever . even when i... erm... HE was 12...

... or something

Queen Firey-Bou

tsk, you boys are ridiculous.

theres probably only been like 6 laydee judges.

and theres nothing wrong with fancying drawings. of course not, Holt rocks, but Buchanan mmmmm he had that whole " Thats 40 quid diesel & a hot pie please love " thing going on, yummie.
and joe pineapples ?  Phooooaaarrr ! i fancied him long before the spurrious one had Lobster bisque for dinner one day.
and lenny zero ?
and Slaine ?  oooo ive come over all perculiar.
theres some nice portraits of Tharg about too, but of course he's real. and i love him.


When it comes to 2D laydees, there can be only one:">
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Max Kon

I'm with byron here. Drawings don't turn me on
I ocasionally think 'she'd be hot if she was real'
this is why i don't buy manga porn, real nude women and photos of turn me on


Queen Firey-Bou

MAX ! behave yourself !   prOn has nothing to do with reality young padiwan, now go rinse your mouth out with soap & sit in the corner.

Max Kon

I'm saying real women turn me on, drawings don't


Cartoon pr0n is more honest than real porn, as real porn is still just two actors pretending.


and wilst you are in the courner STOP LOOKING AT PORN!!


Jared Katooie

Hmm. Thats a really good excuse to buy it...

Max Kon

i'm in the courner. Nobody else can see what i'm looking at

Jared Katooie

The coroner always sees everything I'm doing.
